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 2021-11-07 20:52:59  

摘 要


随着经济的快速发展,电影已然进入人们的生活, 被群众喜爱和欢迎。但是从如此繁多的电影中搜寻到自己感兴趣的电影却是一大问题。虽然现在存在各种视频网站,但大多是热门信息的堆砌,缺少个性化推荐,用户很难从其中搜寻到符合个人兴趣品味的电影。本文便是以此为契机,通过将多种推荐算法融合,使其在合适的情况下进行推荐,帮助用户在不同情景下寻找到自己喜欢的电影。



2.准备数据,使用Movielens 1m数据集作为推荐算法的训练数据。然后使用爬虫技术,爬取需要的电影详细信息,用来补充推荐算法所需的数据以及前端电影展示所需的数据。





With the rapid expansion of the Internet, network information data has grown rapidly, and new information is constantly being updated. When users search for the content they are interested in from a large amount of information, they will spend a large amount of effort to find out the unwanted content. In this case, the information cannot be effectively used. This is the problem of information overload. In order to solve this problem, a personalized recommendation system was born, and various recommendation algorithms played their roles in different scenarios.

With the rapid economic development, movies have already entered people's lives and are loved and welcomed by the masses. But it is a big problem to search for movies of interest from so many movies. Although there are various video websites, most of them are piled up with popular information. The lack of personalized recommendations makes it difficult for users to find movies that meet their personal interests and tastes. This article is based on this opportunity, through the fusion of multiple recommendation algorithms, so that it can be recommended under the right circumstances, to help users find their favorite movies in different scenarios.

The work of this article is to complete a personalized movie recommendation system under the condition of fusion of multiple recommendation algorithms, and display the applet as the front end. main tasks as follows:

1. Investigate the various recommendation methods in the recommendation system in combination with the use scenarios and the difficulty of implementation, and select the appropriate recommendation algorithm and its combination strategy. The final recommendation methods include: model-based collaborative filtering algorithm, content-based recommendation algorithm, and user portrait-based recommendation.

2. Prepare the data and use the Movielens 1m data set as the training data for the recommendation algorithm. Then use the crawler technology to crawl the movie details needed to supplement the data required by the recommendation algorithm and the data required by the front-end movie display.

3. Establish the user's movie demand scene, match the recommendation algorithm with the appropriate scene, and write the recommendation algorithm to complete the training of the recommendation system model. For example, user preferences may change. In this case, the content-based recommendation algorithm is used in combination with the user portrait-based recommendation to complete the real-time recommendation algorithm to recommend movies that the user is interested in recently.

4. Build back-end services and front-end applets to complete basic user operation functions and content display, as well as scheduling of offline recommendation algorithms.

Key Words:Movie recommendation; personalized recommendation; collaborative filtering; back end service

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状及现存的问题 1

1.2.1国内外研究现状 1

1.2.2现存问题 2

1.3本文主要的研究内容 3

1.4 论文结构 3

第2章 推荐系统相关技术简介 5

2.1推荐系统的算法 5

2.1.1基于内容的推荐算法: 5

2.1.2协同过滤算法 5

2.2推荐系统评测方法和评测指标 8

2.2.1评测方法 8

2.2.2评测指标 8

2.3 相似度计算方法 9

2.4混合推荐技术 10

2.5回归和排序 11

2.6本章小结 11

第3章 用户画像与基于内容的推荐算法实现 13

3.1用户画像 13

3.1.1什么是用户画像 13

3.1.2用户画像的实现 13

3.1.3用户画像的其他用途 14

3.2基于内容的推荐算法实现 14

3.2.1抽取电影的特征 14

3.2.2用户画像与物品属性相匹配 15

3.3基于内容的物品相似度计算 15

3.4本章小节 16

第4章 基于模型的协同过滤算法的应用 17

4.1矩阵分解的原理 17

4.2ALS算法的使用 17

4.3电影相似度计算 18

4.4用户相似度计算 18

4.5本章小节 19

第5章 实时推荐算法实现 20

5.1算法简介 20

5.2算法实现 20

5.3日志架构图 21

5.4本章小节 21

第6章 电影推荐系统的搭建 22

6.1推荐算法的总结 22

6.1.1 本系统选用的推荐算法 22

6.1.2冷启动问题的解决 23

6.1.3推荐算法运行方式 23

6.2全部工作 23

6.3后端搭建 24

6.3.1环境介绍 24

6.3.2架构设计 24

6.3.3概要设计 25

6.3.4部分设计细节 26

6.4前端搭建 28

6.4.1页面规划 28

6.4.2部分页面展示 28

6.5本章小结 29

第7章 总结与展望 30

7.1 总结 30

7.2 展望 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 33

第1章 绪论





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