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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 软件工程 > 正文


 2021-11-07 20:46:29  

摘 要




  1. 需求分析:基于Android的课表需求分析以及配套服务端的需求分析
  2. 架构设计:层次分模块的MVC管理架构
  3. 模块设计:基础组件,业务组件,业务模块的设计
  4. 系统实现:基于Java与C/C 的客户端编写和基于JS的服务端编写
  5. 系统测试:完整的软件测试,研发全阶段均有测试




Educational administration is an indispensable part of colleges and universities, and it is also the core and foundation of the school ’s education and teaching activities. The curriculum is also the daily data that students must check. The good software created with the help of push technology can give teachers and students For a better experience, while reducing the pressure on school affairs, it also allows teachers and students to query course information in a more convenient way and obtain important push messages.

Then the purpose of this system is to allow students to easily obtain educational information anytime, anywhere, and schools and teachers can also publish information in time, so that the query operation of educational information is no longer the pain point of students' daily learning and life, and important notices are also Can reach teachers and students in time. Considering that Android devices occupy a large amount in schools, and there is also a lack of minimalist, ad-free, and non-carton-like products on the market, the development of this App is more meaningful.


1. Demand analysis: Demand analysis based on Android's timetable and supporting server

2. Architecture design: MVC management architecture with hierarchical sub-modules

3. Module design: basic components, business components, business module design

4. System implementation: client writing based on Java and C / C and server writing based on JS

5. System testing: complete software testing, testing at all stages of development

This graduation design implements the application of Android-based timetable management for college students and meets the requirements of the design task book. Comply with Google's development specifications, meet the market's latest technical requirements, and hone your own development capabilities.

Key Words:Android;Class Table;Push

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 背景研究 1

1.2 需求分析 2

1.3 进度安排 6

1.4 本文的结构安排 6

第2章 相关技术 7

2.1 Android系统介绍 7

2.2 IDE Android Studio介绍 7

2.3 TCP和HTTP协议介绍 8

2.4 NAT技术 8

2.5 NodeJS JavaScript运行时以及redis数据库介绍 8

2.6 I/O模型及libevent库介绍 9

第3章 系统设计 10

3.1 总体架构设计 10

3.2 module划分设计 11

3.3 课表结构设计 12

3.4 客户端数据持久层设计 13

3.5 数据库设计 14

3.6 推送通道及推送消息结构设计 15

3.7 服务器配置及开发环境设计 15

第4章 系统实现 17

4.1 架构实现 17

4.2 模块实现 19

4.2.1 登录 19

4.2.2 注册 22

4.2.3 个人信息 25

4.2.4 课表 26

4.2.5 推送通道的实现 29

第5章 系统测试 37

5.1 功能测试 37

5.1.1 登录 37

5.1.2 注册 37

5.1.3 个人信息 37

5.1.4 课表 37

5.2 边界测试 39

5.2.1 系统兼容版本 39

5.2.2 机型支持版本 39

5.3 服务端性能测试 39

第6章 总结和展望 41

5.1 总结 41

5.2 展望 41

参考文献 43

致谢 44

第1章 绪论

1.1 背景研究


Android 系统的多样,开放的特性也决定了用户群体在使用智能设备的时候会有更自由的体验。近年来随着技术的不断进步以及华为海思,高通等芯片制造公司的不断发力,为智能设备提供了良好的硬件性能,但与此同时,便捷优质的软件对于良好的用户体验同样不可或缺,软件性能[1]也影响着使用智能设备时的体验,人们更希望将大部分的生活需求用一部手机来实现。

除此以外,Android 开发技术在软件工程界的有了近十年的积淀,包括谷歌官方在内的各方面的文档,技术支持,技术培养等内容与服务十分丰富,另一方面移动推送技术也在一系列IM软件(比如国内的微信,海外的WhatsApp)上有着重要的地位,实现方式多种多样;在这些方向的技术发展会有巨大的潜力。

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