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 2021-10-17 18:35:59  

摘 要



所以,我们的基于HYBIRD引擎DCLOUD的学校评价系统就是基于移动互联网,采用最新的hybrid app和流式应用技术,用html5和mui框架以及JavaScript来完成前端,用最近在中小型企业很流行的野狗服务器做为实时后端云,利用移动互联网的优势,可以比较全面的采集学生的行为数据,主要可以采集学生思想道德数据,科学文化数据和身体素质数据以及心理素质数据,再对每位学生进行最终评定,从各个方面来评价一个学生的综合素质,鼓励学生学业进步,帮助学习、老师、和学生实践生本教育,给教育管理者和家长学生全新的视角。



With the deepening of education reform, more and more schools not only to the scores as the only standard to evaluate students, education department not only on test scores as the only indicator of school teaching quality stand or fall. And emphasizes student-based education, emphasizing the comprehensive quality education, become more and more schools and education experts and the consensus of all people.

But the diversification of evaluation practice, students will inevitably have to a lot of performance data collection, analysis and processing. Without the information of the tools and systems, without the Internet, could not be achieved. When moving in recent years the rise of the Internet, provides a new feasible practice scenario, the characteristics of convenient use of mobile Internet can be anywhere at any time and place of behavioural data collection, analysis and processing. This is not only puts forward new challenges to the education field, but also to the inevitable trend of the current education informatization, diversified development.

So, our school evaluation system based on HYBIRD DCLOUD engine is based on mobile Internet, using the latest hybrid app and streaming application technology, using HTML 5 and mui JavaScript frameworks, and to complete the front end, using recently is very popular in small and medium enterprises for the dragons of the server as a real-time back-end cloud, using the advantages of the mobile Internet, in-class student behavior data, from all aspects to evaluate a student's comprehensive quality, to encourage students' academic progress, help learning, teachers, and students practice student-based education, education administrators and parents students fresh perspective.

Keywords: HYBIRD engines, The school evaluation system, MUI framework, WildDog, JavaScript


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.4设计内容与组织结构层次 2

第2章 相关技术介绍 4



2.3.HTML5 4

2.4.JavaScript 5

2.5.MUI框架 5

2.6.WildDog 5

2.7.本章小结 6

第3章 系统需求分析 7

3.1.系统角色分析 7

3.2.系统用例分析 7

3.3.系统功能需求分析 10

3.4.业务分析 11

3.5.性能需求 11

3.6.运行环境需求 12

3.7.本章小结 12

第4章 系统分析与设计 13

4.1.系统目标 13

4.2.原型设计 13

4.3.系统功能模块设计 16

4.4.数据库设计 19

4.5.本章小结 20

第5章 系统实现 21

5.1.系统开发环境 21

5.2.关键技术 21

5.3.系统测试 22

5.4.本章小结 28

第6章 总结与展望 29

6.1.总结 29

6.2.展望 29

参考文献 31

致谢 32

第1章 绪论





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