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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 软件工程 > 正文


 2021-04-29 21:40:45  

摘 要





Because ofr the development of pc technology and the Internet , the network has been brought to the present life activities, thus resulting in electronic commerce, and gradually popularized in people's lives. Electronic commerce can effectively reduce the cost of business operations, improve operating income, has become a new model of commodity trading. And because of the gradual maturity of mobile technology, the procession of electronic consumption become more fast.

E-commerce is not only in the web side, with the popularity of smart phones and on the same time the development of Android technology, businesses have to expand the competition to mobile applications. Also in these years, because of the update of the level of the national economy and people’s good lives, consumption patterns gradually from the original commodity trading extended to leisure and entertainment service industry and state of leisure agriculture began to vigorously promote, consumers are more willing to in the holiday looking for some leisure agriculture projects to relax rather than staying at home for nothing. To meet this require, a based on the Android platform of leisure agricultural e-commerce platform is need to design and implement, in this platform, leisure agriculture project information is displayed to the user, and users can do booking and inquiry mode of operation. Development in the use of Android and Java development technology, as well as MySQL database, there is support for the background of leisure agriculture project management, this paper describes the design from the development and testing of all the process.

Keywords: Leisure agriculture,Android,MySQL

目 录

摘 要 III

目 录 1

1.1 课题背景及意义 3

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1 国内现状 3

1.2.1 国外现状 4

1.3 本课题主要工作 4

第2章 开发环境介绍 5

2.1 JAVA技术 5

2.2 Eclipse介绍 5

2.3 Android开发环境配置 6

2.3.1 jdk的配置 6

2.3.2 sdk的配置 7

2.4 Android架构分析 7

2.4.1 应用程序框架 8

2.4.2 Android运行时的组件 8

第3章 需求分析 9

3.1 需求分析重要性 9

3.2 功能需求 9

3.3 性能需求 10

3.4 可行性分析 11

第4章 总体设计 12

4.1 总体设计重要性 12

4.2 开发运行环境 12

4.3 系统架构图 12

4.4 功能模块设计 13

4.5 数据模型图 14

4.6 程序流程图 15

第5章 详细设计 19

5.1 系统数据库设计 19

5.2 界面设计 20

第6章 系统实现 24

6.1 安卓客户端编码实现 24

6.1.1 用户注册模块实现 24

6.1.2 用户登录模块实现 24

6.1.3 商品查询实现 24

6.1.4 提交订单实现 24

6.1.5 购物车管理实现 25

6.2 安卓客户端实现效果图 25

第七章 测试与运行 40

7.1测试流程 40

7.2 功能测试 40

7.3安卓真机测试运行 42

结 论 43

参考文献 44

致 谢 45

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题背景及意义





1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 国内现状


1.2.1 国外现状


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