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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2020-04-10 16:45:03  

摘 要










The three-tower suspension bridge is different from the usual suspension bridge. The three-tower suspension bridge has one more main tower. The characteristics of the force distribution of the bridge structure also reflect the different characteristics of this difference. The development of the basic theory for the calculation and analysis of suspension bridges is briefly explained. From the initial elasticity theory to the later deflection theory, and then to the rapid development of computer computing, the finite displacement theory has become widely used in the analysis of suspension bridges. The dissertation is based on the construction of the Panggong Bridge in Xiangyang City as the engineering background, and carries out relevant research on the construction monitoring during construction of the three-tower and two-span suspension bridge.

Using the modelling assistant in MIDAS/Civil to initially establish the basic bridge type, and then modify it to become the simulated bridge state of the Panggong Bridge. According to the different types of stiffening beams, two different stages of construction are defined. Including the construction plan for the Panggong Bridge in Xiangyang - the erection of stiffening beams from the middle of the bridge and the erection of stiffening beams near the bridge tower.

The selected main cable type, main cable internal force, main tower saddle pre-biased amount, and main beam line type were used as construction monitoring indexes in the down analysis. And pointed out that the selection of these four parameters as the cause of construction monitoring indicators.

Takedown analysis method is used to simulate the two defined stages of construction, and nonlinear analysis is performed on the entire construction process of the suspension bridge. Data analysis through a single partitioning scheme and data comparison between the two partitioning schemes. Obtain the changes of the above-mentioned construction monitoring indicators in the defined construction phase division, and the similarities and differences between the construction monitoring indicators in the two construction phase division schemes.

In the data analysis of the main cable internal force, it is proposed that when the stiffening girder is erected near the middle of the span, the internal force of the main cable during the construction process is changed slowly and quickly. Another type of stiffening beam erection method changes the internal force of the main cable to fast and slow.

In the data analysis of the saddle pre-alignment of the main tower saddle, it is concluded that when the stiffening beam is erected near the tower, the offset of the main tower saddle is distributed evenly over the entire construction process during the entire construction process. The number of pushovers and the pushing amount of the main tower saddle are also proposed. The saddle pushing scheme can be determined based on the distribution of the main tower saddle offset in the construction process during the construction process.

In the analysis of the main beam type, the transition trend of the main beam during the construction process is obtained. The main cable type of the former erection method is an arc that transitions from an opening upwards to an opening downwards, that is, it is a bridge state line type. In the latter mode of erection, the linear change of the main girder is a process in which the overhanging end of the girder descends, raises, and then descends, and finally transitions to the state of completion of the bridge design.

Key words: suspension bridge; multi-tower suspension bridge; construction monitoring; nonlinear analysis; finite element; inversion analysis;

目 录

第 1 章 绪论 1

1.1 概述 1

1.1.1 悬索桥发展 1

1.1.2 多塔悬索桥 1

1.2 研究目的与意义 3

1.3 国内外研究现状 3

1.4 本文主要研究内容 4

第 2 章 悬索桥计算分析基本理论 6

2.1 弹性理论 6

2.2 挠度理论 7

2.3 有限位移理论 9

2.4 本章小结 10

第 3 章 结构有限元模型 11

3.1 桥梁概况 11

3.2 模型建立 12

3.2.1 初始平衡状态建立 13

3.2.2 精准平衡状态分析 14

3.2.3 倒拆法空缆线形分析 18

3.3模型验证 20

3.3.1 成桥状态节点竖向位移 20

3.3.2 空缆状态主塔索鞍预偏量 20

3.3.3 主缆无应力索长 21

3.4 施工阶段划分 21

3.4.1 施工简介 21

3.4.2 施工阶段划分方案一 22

3.4.3 施工阶段划分方案二 22

3.5 本章小结 23

第 4 章 施工监控分析 24

4. 1 施工监控指标 24

4.1.1 主缆线型 24

4.1.2 主缆内力 24

4.1.3 主塔索鞍预偏量 24

4.1.4 主梁线型 25

4.2 施工方案一数据分析 25

4.2.1 主缆线型 25

4.2.2 主缆内力 27

4.2.3 主塔索鞍预偏量 29

4.2.4 主梁线型 31

4.3 施工方案二数据分析 32

4.3.1 主缆线型 32

4.3.2 主缆内力 34

4.3.3 主塔索鞍预偏量 36

4.3.4 主梁线型 38

4.4 本章小结 38

第 5 章 结论 39

参考文献 40

附录A 42

致谢 44

第 1 章 绪论

1.1 概述

1.1.1 悬索桥发展




1.1.2 多塔悬索桥

近些年来,多塔悬索桥的桥型布置形式,在一些特别情况下会被用来作为比选方案来选择。多塔悬索桥,即在桥型布置的桥塔数量多于两个,并且在中间主塔处不设置公用锚碇的悬索桥。在多塔悬索桥的各种方案中,又以三塔两跨的桥型布置方案更为瞩目。多塔悬索桥具有减少主跨跨度,大幅度降低主缆张力和锚固尺寸,降低施工成本,降低桥梁施工难度等一系列优点,使多塔悬索桥的桥型在大跨径悬索桥桥型方案选择以及施工中脱颖而出并具有一定的竞争力[6, 7]





在1999年至2001年间,丹麦COWI--ICUATRO联合公司设计出三塔两跨悬索桥桥型布置方案,如图1.3所示。该方案为智利Santiago南部1000 km外的Chacao海峡大桥提供方案比选。这种桥型布置方案的两个主要跨度分别为1055米和1100米,采用了A形中间塔[11]

图 1.1 旧 金 山 — 奥 克 兰 海 湾 大 桥 5 跨 悬 索 桥 方 案

图 1 . 2 大 利 墨 西 拿 海 峡 桥 三 塔 两 跨 悬 索 桥 方 案

图 1 . 3 C h a c a o 海 峡 大 桥 的 三 塔 两 跨 悬 索 桥 方 案

1.2 研究目的与意义



1.3 国内外研究现状



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