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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-10-25 21:29:05  

摘 要





The construction drawing design for the 14th bid of the G40 Shanxi section of the national trunk road is designed to combine the terrain, hydrology and other natural conditions in the area, and the relevant specifications, using the knowledge learned and the corresponding design software to complete the design. After calculating the relevant parameters such as traffic volume, it is determined that the design highway is a two-way two-lane secondary highway with a design speed of 60km / h.

According to the topographic map trend and route selection principle, after avoiding complex terrain and comparing with other routes on the same road section, the optimal route is determined. The total length of the 14 national highway G40 Shanxi section 14 standard road is 5163.043m, and the route is set in total 5 At the intersection point, two vertical slope points are set in the vertical curve to form a reasonable horizontal and vertical curve. Then, the roadbed width of 10m is determined according to road land and terrain conditions, and the retaining wall is designed using known conditions. The retaining wall at the deepest point of the excavation is 6m high and the top width is 1.4m. Next, asphalt concrete pavement design and drainage design were carried out, and the side ditch and drainage ditch were designed as trapezoidal structures with a height and width of 0.6m. Finally, the required culverts of the highway are designed. To facilitate the drainage of the excavation road section, cover culverts are set to guide the water flow. The detailed design of the above-mentioned designs was completed, and the construction drawing design of the 14th bid of the G40 Shanxi section of the national trunk road was successfully completed.

Key words: secondary highway; route design; roadbed design; pavement design; retaining wall design.


1绪论 1

1.1 可行性研究 1

1.2 沿线自然地理特征 1

1.2.1地形地貌 1

1.2.2 气候概况 1

1.2.3水文条件 1

1.2.4地质条件 2

1.2.5地震情况 2

1.2.6沿线筑路材料情况 3

2路线平面设计 4

2.1 公路等级确定 4

2.2 设计行车速度的确定 4

2.3 选线 4

2.3.1公路选线的一般原则 4

2.3.2选线的步骤和方法 5

2.4平面线形设计 5

2.4.1平面线形设计原则 5

2.4.2平曲线要素值的确定 6

3 纵断面设计 9

3.1纵断面设计原则 9

3.2 纵断面设计的要求 9

3.3纵断面设计的方法步骤 10

3.4 竖曲线设计 10

3.4.1竖曲线要素值的规定 10

3.4.2竖曲线要素值的确定 11

3.4.3 几何元素计算 12

3.5 方案比选 12

4 路基与横断面设计 14

4.1 路基各部分尺寸 14

4.2 路基干湿类型 14

4.3 路基最小填土高度 14

4.4 路拱的确定 14

4.5 平曲线加宽及其过渡 15

4.6 超高值的计算及超高过渡方式的确定 15

4.6.1 最大超高率的确定 15

4.6.2 超高过渡方式 16

4.6.3超高值的计算 17

4.7 土石方调配及计算 18

4.7.1 土石方调配原则 18

4.7.2 土石方调配方法 18

5 路基防护工程设计 20

5.1 坡面防护 20

5.2挡土墙设计 20

5.2.1 墙身 20

5.2.2 基础 21

5.2.3 排水设施 21

5.2.4 沉降缝和伸缩缝 21

5.2.5 挡土墙设计计算 21

6 排水设计 26

6.1 排水设计的一般原则 26

6.2 排水构造物的选择和设计 26

7 路面设计 28

7.1沥青路面结构设计 31

7.1.1 交通量计算 31

7.1.2 沥青路面结构设计与验算 31

7.2 水泥路面结构设计 33

7.3 路面设计方案比选 36

8 涵洞 37

8.1涵洞位置的确定 37

8.2 涵洞类型的确定 37

8.3 确定涵洞的主要尺寸 37

9 结论 38

参考文献 40

致谢 41







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