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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-10-24 15:53:34  

摘 要

现在世界各地还存有大量建于 20 世纪初的钢桁架桥,疲劳已成为控制其使用寿命的主要因素,因而它们的疲劳使用寿命问题得到了工程界的极大关注。但我国这方面的研究开展的较晚,只有少数学者做过为数不多的几座此类的实桥评估。针对我国目前的研究现状,本文系统地探讨了钢桁架桥的疲劳问题、加固方案和疲劳寿命评估问题,主要工作内容有:







There are still a lot of steel truss bridges built in the early 20th century around the world. Fatigue has become the main factor to control its service life, so its fatigue life problem has got the attention of the whole engineering. However, the research in this field was carried out relatively late in China, only a few scholars have done a few kinds of real bridge assessment. n view of the current research situation in China, this paper systematically discusses the fatigue of steel truss bridge, strengthening plan and fatigue life evaluation problems, The main contents are as follows:

The second chapter mainly introduces the basic theory of fatigue residual life evaluation of steel bridge, including the brief introduction of fatigue resistance design method of steel bridge, fatigue cumulative damage theory, common fatigue life estimation method, etc. The fatigue life of steel bridge is evaluated by s-n curve in detail, including the basic principle of evaluation, the change of fatigue life before and after reinforcement, etc.

The third chapter introduces how to make the steel truss bridge fracture mechanics model. The beam used in the experiment was modeled according to the real material characteristics.

According to the actual situation, the fourth chapter puts forward the plan of reinforcing the beam with steel plate. Based on the static analysis of steel truss before and after reinforcement, the reinforcement scheme is evaluated according to the stress change of the most disadvantageous position in each direction. It is believed that the steel plate reinforcement can reduce the stress in the Y direction by more than 50%, and the stress in the X and Z directions can be reduced to tens or even 1% of that in the unreinforced direction, which perfectly solves the problem of excessive local stress. The reliability of the test data is further verified by comparing the static test data with the calculated data simulated by ANSYS. According to the position of the measuring points and the test data, the dangerous position of the stress distribution is found to be the lower part and the surrounding area connected by the stiffener and the web.

In chapter 5, the fatigue life of the model before and after reinforcement is estimated by s-n curve method, and the fatigue life of the beam after reinforcement is much higher than that of the unreinforced beam. The basic process of fatigue test is introduced. The data of fatigue test were screened and analyzed, and the damage degree of beam was calculated according to the theory of linear fatigue cumulative damage. By fitting the relationship between the cyclic load and the number of cycles, the relation between the two is obtained as a cubic function.

Key Words: Steel truss bridge; Fatigue life assessment; S-N curve; Crack propagation; Fracture mechanics model; Steel bridge reinforcement

目 录

第1章绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.1.1疲劳的概念 1

1.1.2剩余寿命概念 2

1.2疲劳问题的提出和意义 2

1.3疲劳问题的研究历史和国内外现状 3

1.4本文依托工程 4

1.5本文研究内容 5

1.6本文技术方案 5

第2章疲劳分析理论基础 7

2.1结构疲劳破坏的基本概念 7

2.2疲劳累积损伤理论 7

2.2.1线性疲劳累积损伤理论 7

2.2.2非线性疲劳累积损伤理论 8

2.2.3概率疲劳累积损伤理论 10

2.3常用的疲劳寿命估算方法 11

2.3.1 S-N疲劳曲线法 11

2.3.2局部应力-应变法 17

2.3.3断裂力学法 18

2.4本章小结 20

第3章 钢桁架桥横梁节点建模 21

3.1各联钢桁梁桥模型 21

3.1.1设计资料 21

3.1.2建模分析 22

3.2横梁节点模型的建模 23

3.2.1加固前节点模型的建立 23

3.2.2加固后节点模型的建立 24

3.2.3建模过程简述 25

3.3本章小结 27

第4章 横梁节点静力分析及防裂措施 28

4.1防裂措施的方案 28

4.2节点加固后模型图 28

4.3节点模型静力分析 29

4.3.1加固前节点模型静力分析 29

4.3.2加固后节点模型静力分析 34

4.4T1梁静力静载分析与试验对照 38

4.4.1 T1梁静力荷载和约束施加位置 38

4.4.2试验过程简述 39

4.4.3试验数据与模拟数据的对照分析 39

4.5本章小结 49

第5章 横梁疲劳寿命评估 50

5.1 疲劳荷载 50

5.2 S-N曲线法估算疲劳寿命 50

5.2.1加固前模型疲劳寿命估算 50

5.2.2加固后模型疲劳寿命估算 51

5.3断裂力学法估算剩余寿命 53

5.4试验试样设计 57

5.4.1 原设计横梁(未加固,共三个试件) 57

5.4.2加固后含预制裂纹试件二个 60

5.4.3构造详图 61

5.4.4试件与反力架的连接 64

5.5疲劳试验方案 65

5.5.1试验目的 65

5.5.2试验要求 65

5.5.3试验仪器技术指标 65

5.5.4疲劳试验布置 67

5.6疲劳试验测点布置图 68

5.7试验过程简述 69

5.8线性累积损伤理论计算试验横梁损伤度 70

5.9试验数据对照 70

5.10本章小结 73

第6章结论与展望 74

6.1结论 74

6.2展望 75

参考文献 76

附录A 77

致 谢 85






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