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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-10-24 15:52:20  

摘 要


通过了解近些年来我国桥梁建设的实际情况,钢桁架桥材料具有高强度、高弹性模量的特点,因此构件相对较轻, 运输可以进行拆分运输,对运输条件要求较少,施工时具有比预应力混凝土桥更加轻盈和方便等特点,因此在建立大中跨度桥梁时优先考虑钢桁架桥型。本文模型选取我国近年来公路桥梁建设中较多使用的钢桁架桥。基于来自江西省九江市九江长江大桥(一桥)公路加固改造工程资料,本文进行以下工作。本文以九江长江大桥加固工程为背景,开展了参数化智能设计研究。首先通过ANSYS APDL语言将桥梁的设计资料进行参数化处理,建立钢桁架桥智能设计模型,利用自重荷载去检测模型的正确性。随后进行了桥面板模型的加入,在荷载上加入了车道荷载和人群荷载。然后对输出结果的应力趋势、位移、应力做出分析与判断。紧接着进行了批量提取数据以及写入报告文件的分析。利用钢桁架桥更改部分数据为例进行了智能设计的分析,并且对杆件的刚度、强度、强度、稳定性做出了分析。以钢管拱桥为例2再次分析验证其具有通用性。



Human beings are constantly developing in pursuit of new breakthroughs, and the society is constantly progressing. People put forward higher, better, green and sustainable requirements for their own development. Materials with the advantages of high strength, light weight, green sustainability, reasonable stress, good plasticity and toughness, and easy installation have been gradually valued.By understanding the actual situation of bridge construction in our country in recent years, steel truss bridge material has the characteristics of high strength, high modulus of elasticity, therefore relatively light components, transportation can be split, less to transportation requirement, construction has more light than the prestressed concrete bridge and convenient wait for a characteristic, therefore in large and medium span Bridges to establish priority steel truss bridge. In this paper, the steel truss bridge used in highway bridge construction is selected as the model. Based on the data from the highway reinforcement and reconstruction project of jiujiang Yangtze river bridge (no.1 bridge) in jiujiang city, jiangxi province, the following works are carried out in this paper. Based on the reinforcement project of jiujiang Yangtze river bridge, the parametric intelligent design is studied in this paper. Firstly, the design data of the bridge is parameterized by ANSYS APDL language, and the intelligent design model of the steel truss bridge is established. The correctness of the model is tested by the self-weight load. Then, the bridge panel model was added, adding lane load and crowd load to the load. Then the stress trend, displacement and stress of the output are analyzed and judged. After that, the bulk data extraction and report file writing were analyzed. This paper analyzes the intelligent design of steel truss bridge by changing some data, and analyzes the stiffness, strength, strength and stability of the steel truss bridge. Taking the tubular arch bridge as an example 2, it is analyzed again to verify its universality.

Key Words: Steel truss bridge; Steel pipe arch bridge; ANSYS; Intelligent design; Batch extract.

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 钢桁架桥智能设计背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外桥梁设计软件现状 2

1.2.1 桥梁博士的应用现状 2

1.2.2 BIM技术的应用 2

1.3 目前研究存在的问题 3

1.4 本文所做的工作 3

第2章 钢桥与桁架结构 5

2.1 桁架桥的发展历程 5

2.2 钢桁架桥的构造 6

2.3 桁架结构设计特点及参数化处理重要性 7

第3章 ANSYS APDL语言及参数化过程研究 8

3.1 标量参数 8

3.1.1 赋值 8

3.1.2 列表显示参数 8

3.1.3 删除变量参数 8

3.2数组参数 9

3.2.1 数组参数的定义 9

3.2.2 数组参数的赋值 9

3.3 基于ANSYS APDL语言进行参数化建模过程 10

3.4 本章小结 11

第4章 钢桁架桥智能设计模型建立 12

4.1 工程概况 12

4.2 初始数据的参数化处理 12

4.3 有限元模型的建立 13

4.4 本章小结 17

第5章 桥面板模型的说明及荷载作用结果分析 18

5.1 桥面板模型说明 18

5.2 自重、车道荷载以及人行道荷载作用下桥梁的位移 18

5.3 自重、车道荷载以及人行道荷载作用下桥梁的应力变化趋势云图及分析 21

5.4 自重、车道荷载以及人行道荷载作用下桥梁的应力云图及分析 22

5.5 自重、车道荷载以及人行道荷载作用下桥梁的最大总机械应变云图及分析 24

5.6 本章小结 26

第6章 桥梁智能化设计分析实例 27

6.1 参数化提取需要的结果并自动写入报告文件 27

6.2 桥型举例1钢桁架桥智能设计 29

6.2.1 钢桁架桥参数化智能设计计算 29

6.2.2 桥梁相关数据的自动判断 30

6.2.3 钢桁架桥正常使用状态下的结构稳定性验算 31

6.3 钢管拱桥计算实例 33

6.3.1 钢管拱桥参数化智能设计计算 34

6.3.2 批量提取钢管拱桥计算后需要的结果 35

6.3.3 自动设计结果展示 36

6.4 本章小结 37

第7章 结论与展望 39

7.1 结论 39

7.2 展望 39

参考文献 40

致 谢 42

第1章 绪论

1.1 钢桁架桥智能设计背景及意义



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