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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-09-28 20:00:04  

摘 要

连续梁桥桥型最常见,桥梁工程在桥梁率最高的国家之一。不仅是桥有可靠类型的刚度,强度和抗裂性的特点,也使上述车辆的平稳驾驶舒适性,而且还具有易于保护与建设的经验和成熟的美丽的桥的特点。总设计设计的三座桥梁,方案一是多跨混凝土连续梁截面,截面采用单箱五室结构,外矩形,内八角形形式的矩形截面,铁路从其下方穿过。第二个是五跨连续刚构桥,跨径布置与连续梁桥保持一致,但它是一个变截面,梁高与梁桥为不一致,他的截面形式T形截面梁。第三方案是一种三跨预应力混凝土拱桥,中承式,横断面为连接在一起的5 个T形梁。经过仔细斟酌后,决定的选用五跨预应力混凝土连续箱梁桥结构设计。根据通过的间隙要求铁路桥,取60米的主跨。据国内边跨以前的经验选择的0.5〜0.8倍,主跨,而采用交叉45米和37.2米的。根据设计方案双线,单箱上盖五腔结构,桥宽9.6米甲板布置。桥桥属于使用实心桥墩,桥台重力式桥台。


关键词:桥梁; 迈达斯;悬臂法 ;预应力


Continuous beam Bridge is the most common type of bridge; bridge engineering is one of the highest rates in bridge. The bridge not only has reliable type of stiffness, strength and crack resistance characteristics, but also makes the above smooth vehicle driving comfort, but also has easy conservation and construction experience and mature beautiful bridge features. The total design designed three bridges, the first multi-span concrete continuous beam cross-section, the section uses single box five-chamber structure, a rectangular cross-section in the form of outer, inner octagon, following through from the main railway cross. The second is a five-span rigid frame bridge span arrangement is consistent with the continuous beam bridge, but it is a cross-section variable section beam and high beam bridge inconsistent, and his form T-shaped cross-section beam. The third program is a three-span priestess’s concrete bridge, the deck; the cross section is 5 T-beams bolted together. The carefully designed after the discretion of the use of the program is a five-span continuous priestess’s concrete box girder bridge structure design. According to the railway bridge through clearance requirements, taken as a main span of 60m. According to domestic side span prior experience selected main span of 0.5 to 0.8 times, while the use of cross-45m and 37.2m. Deck arrangement according to the design plan two-lane, single-box superstructure five-chamber structure, and wide bridge 9.6m. Bridges belong bridge, using solid piers, pier with inner reinforcement; abutment gravity abutment.

Even the present 18 sets of bridge designed as a five-span continuous priestess’s concrete box-section girder bridge, cross-section in the form of five-room single box, constant longitudinal cross section; cantilever construction method construction method. The first design a bridge program selection, best suited to the terrain and Soil Bridge, pay attention to consider here from the bridge across the railway, the construction method of choice must be careful. Then concrete deck reinforcement for bridges, to build bridges and then with Midas software model,, load combinations were checking on this basis, draw internal force diagram, and then draw the moment and shear envelope; secondly, according to the short-term effects portfolio allocation priestesses reinforced and priestesses loss is calculated; followed by a description of the construction method; and finally, the continuous beam bridge checking, whether to meet the design requirements

Key Words: design; Midas; full framing; priestess


第一章 绪论 1

1.1本课题研究的目的及意义 1

1.2 本课题国内外研究现状 1

第二章 方案比选 3

2.1 设计的基本内容 3

2.2 设计的目的 3

2.3 拟采用的技术方案及措施 3

2.4 方案比选 6

第三章 方案设计 8

3.1跨径布置 8

3.1.1标准跨径 8

3.1.2计算跨径 8

3.2纵向布置 8

3.2.1纵坡设计 8

3.2.2 梁高设计 9

3.3横桥向的尺寸拟定 9

3.4桥面铺装 9

第四章 技术标准及设计参数 10

4.1设计荷载 10

4.2主要设计参数 10

第五章 桥面板的计算 12

5.1 恒载内力 12

5.2 活载内力 12

5.3 桥面板配筋 13

第六章 建立计算模型 16

第七章 恒载、活载内力计算 18

7.1 恒载内力的计算 18

7.2 活载内力计算 22

7.2.1车辆荷载的计算 22

7.2.2人群荷载作用内力图 27

第八章 支座 28

第九章 内力组合 29

9.1承载能力极限状态的内力组合 29

9.2正常使用极限状态的内力组合 29

9.3内力组合包络图 29

第十章 预应力钢束数量的确定及布置 32

10.1预应力钢束数量的确定 32

10.2预应力钢束的的布置原则 33

10.3钢束的布置 34

第十一章 温度及支座沉降次内力计算 35

11.1 温度引起的内力计算 35

11.2支座位移引起的内力计算 38

第十二章 预应力损失计算 43

第十三章 悬臂法施工 44

13.1悬臂施工的顺序 44

13.2施工的机具设备 44

13.2.1锚具 44

13.2.2施工挂篮 45

13.3施工流程 45

13.4桥墩横断面图 47

第十四章 结论 48

致 谢 49

参考文献 50

第一章 绪论




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