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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-06-07 22:31:40  

摘 要






Number of road is still less than normal, northwest inland performance even worse. Adhere to the new highway, improve the road network, improve road grade and increase road density will remain an important task for future highway construction.

The graduation project information is taken from the actual engineering design project. Project is the regional transportation second Five-Year Plan "57712" project "five vertical and seven horizontal" high-speed, high-grade highway network, "the first vertical" an important component sections, namely Altay - part Ruoqiang - Urumqi – Korla.The project is located in the heart of the Silk Road, the construction of the project in response to the requirements of the Silk Road economic belt and the people's livelihood, and contribute to the development of the Silk Road economic belt along the socio-economic improvement of people's livelihood and the project area; help to promote tourism and mineral resources development, implementation of the western development strategy to meet the growing traffic demand, promote the construction of this project is very necessary.

This design contains the selected line route, cross-sectional design, profile design, road design, road design, retaining wall design, culvert design and subgrade pavement drainage design. This design mainly used in computer-aided design and mapping, in which the line designed with Wei, the pavement design uses HPDS, retaining wall using Lizheng software. At the same time in the design process is completed, the focus on environmental protection, conservation of resources.

Keyword: highway ; roadbed; alignment design ; design of section ; Retaining wal


摘要 I

Abstract II

1.绪论 1

1.1项目概述 1

1.2设计原始资料 1

1.2.1地形地貌 1

1.2.2地质 1

1.2.3气候与水文 2

1.2.4野生动物、牧民迁徙概述 3

1.2.5材料来源 3

1.2.6交通量 3

1.3设计主要内容 4

2.路线设计 5

2.1道路交通量技术等级确定 5

2.2选线 6

2.2.1选线原则 6

2.2.2平面设计技术指标 6

2.3路线方案的拟定与比选 7

2.4路线平面设计 9

2.4.1本路段主要道路技术指标 9

2.4.2平曲线要素计算 9

2.4.3逐桩坐标计算 12

2.5纵断面设计 13

2.5.1纵断面设计一般要求 14

2.5.2竖曲线设计 14

3.路基、路面及排水设计 16

3.1路基设计 16

3.1.1路基横断面布置 16

3.1.2路拱横坡 16

3.1.3超高与加宽 16

3.1.4边坡 16

3.1.5路基压实标准 16

3.1.6路基填料要求 17

3.1.7地基表层防护 17

3.1.8路基防护 17

3.1.9软弱地基处理方法 18

3.1.10土石方 19

3.2挡土墙设计 20

3.2.1挡土墙作用 20

3.2.2挡土墙位置的选定 20

3.2.3挡土墙的基础埋置深度 20

3.2.4排水设施 21

3.2.5沉降缝与伸缩缝 21

3.2.6挡土墙设计步骤 21

3.2.7挡土墙计算 21

3.3路面设计 22

3.3.1轴载 22

3.3.2结构组合设计 23

3.3.3土基回弹模量EO的确定 24

3.3.4设计弯沉值的计算 24

3.3.5各层材料的容许层底拉应力 24

3.3.6根据设计弯沉和层底拉应力计算待求层厚度 25

3.3.7方案比选 26

3.4排水设计 26

3.4.1路基路面排水设计的一般原则 26

3.4.2排水结构物设计 26

4.桥梁、涵洞设计 27

4.1桥涵设计基本要求 27

4.2涵洞设计 27

4.2.1涵洞 27

4.2.2涵洞选用原则 27

参考文献 28

结束语 29




路线起于富蕴县马依喀腊附近(接KHSJ-1合同包路段终点),路线沿老G216线布线至项目终点,桩号为K380 102。路线走向服从《新疆高速公路网规划》关于阿尔泰—乌鲁木齐—库尔勒—若羌路线的总体走向,路线总体呈南北走向。





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