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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-05-25 23:28:05  

摘 要








In recent years, the rapid development of domestic economy, more and more roads and bridges have been built, suspension bridge as a bridge of long span bridges using bridge type A, also more and more be adopted, suspension bridge theory more and more perfect.  the hypothesis is undoubtedly one of the key and difficult points in the suspension bridge main cable technology,Main cable erection often crossed the river and trench cliffs, often high-altitude operations, risk factor,and difficulty coefficient is extremely high, now the cat construction process of birth and development, effectively solves the problem of aerial work platform .Through the erection of cat Road, the main cable erection provides a reliable and safe construction platform, greatly improving the efficiency and safety of the construction, this paper through the theoretical basis of the cat road construction process to conduct on-site assessment.The Chongqing Hospital of Yangtze River bridge as an example, the research contents are as follows :

(1)the basic components of the traditional process of catwalk erection catwalk: catwalk bearing cable and a handrail cable, surface layer of a cat, cat anchorage system top turn saddle and variable system, cat pavement layer operation platform, cat lateral wind channel, cat door frame bearing cable and the catwalk door frame and basic part. 

(2)Catway construction process validation: catwalk bearing cable and a handrail cable traction erection scheme, Catway surface paving process, cat door frame bearing cable erection and portal frame is installed. The cat load-bearing cable and handrail cable installations include catwalk sag adjustment, catwalk basic after the completion of erection also have catwalk overall sag adjustment .

(3)Summary and evaluation of the cat way process:According to the basic composition and the relative relationship of the cat track, the first working procedure is the traction of the catway bearing rope, the first of which is the important point of the river crossing scheme.After according to the catwalk space alignment requirements of bearing cable vertical adjustment of the first, then north and South Main Tower turn cable saddle and a displacement system installation. And then catwalk bearing cable installation is complete, taking the opportunity of bearing capacity of foundation and installation of other part of the catwalk. Finally, catwalk overall vertical transfer to the whole so as to meet the requirements of the construction of a space. In accordance with the theory of the construction process of the Catway construction in an orderly manner, can be efficient and safe completion of the erection of the Catway.

In this article, through the practice of the Catway construction process for testing and evaluation of the existing procedures for the standardization of the cat, the summary of the theory, so as to prove the existing processes of scientific, correct .At the same time, after the catwalk actual construction sequence on the catwalk erection process interface and process with explicit optimization, the catwalk erection of safe and efficient, behind the main cable of the suspension bridge catwalk laying provides a reliable reference.

Key words: The composition of the cat road ; the erection of the bearing cable ; the top of the tower to the cable saddle and the position system ; the vertical adjustment.


第1章 绪论 3

1.1猫道架设施工工序的研究背景及意义 3

第2章 理论基础 3

2.1 编制依据 4

2.2工程概况 4

2.2.1 工程简介 4

2.2.2猫道概况 5

第3章 猫道设计方案 6

3.1猫道总体设计 6

猫道总体布置图3.1.1 6

3.2猫道结构简介 6

3.2.1猫道承重索及扶手索 6

3.2.2猫道面层 7

3.2.3猫道锚固体系 7

3.2.4塔顶转索鞍及变位系统 7

3.2.5猫道面层操作平台 8

3.2.6横向通道 8

3.2.7猫道门架承重索及猫道门架 8

3.3.1水文条件 9

3.3.2气象条件 10

3.3.3航道情况 10

第4章 施工准备 11

4 施工准备 11

4.4.1人员组成 12

4.4.2施工人员培训 12

4.5主要施工设备及布置 13

4.5.1机具准备 13

4.5.2猫道架设机具布置 13

4.6现场条件确认 13

4.7 施工保障措施落实 14

4.7.1 配件及安全劳保用品的落实 14

4.7.2 了解航道运输情况 14

第5章 施工工序 15

5.1承重索架设过程 15

5.2面网铺设过程 15

第6章 施工方案验证与评估 17

6.1猫道承重索架设 17

6.2猫道承重索垂度调整 21

6.3猫道面层铺设和横向通道安装 23

6.4门架承重索架设与垂度调整 24

6.5猫道门架、猫道扶手安装 24

6.6照明警示等附属结构安装 25

6.7猫道的垂度调整步骤 25

第7章 质量控制与方案评估 27

7.1机具设备、原材质量控制 27

7.2猫道绳索质量控制 27

7.3预埋件质量控制 28

7.4其它质量控制 29

7.5施工质量控制 30

7.5.1猫道架设施工质量控制 30

7.5.2预埋件施工质量控制 31

7.6 重庆驸马长江大桥猫道架设施工过程中存在的不足 31

第8章 结论 32

8.1综合评价及总结 32

致谢 34

参考文献 34

第1章 绪论



1.2 国内外悬索桥采用猫道施工架设主缆的现状

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