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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-04-14 22:10:38  

摘 要



本文基于OpenSees平台,分别建立考虑剪切效应和不考虑剪切效应的钢筋混凝土桥墩模型,来分析考虑剪切效应与否对于钢筋混凝土墩柱的抗震性能影响。在考虑剪切效应的模型建立中,本文采用纤维梁柱单元来模拟弯曲和轴力变形,采用零长度剪切弹簧模拟剪切变形,二者采用串联的方式联接。在本模型中混凝土材料采用Concrete01 Material混凝土本构模型,钢筋材料采用Steel02 Material钢筋本构模型,零长度剪切弹簧采用Hysteretic本构模型。

模型建完之后,我们输入El Centro地震波进行时程分析,分别得到了考虑剪切效应和不考虑剪切效应的墩柱墩顶横桥向位移以及墩底横桥向剪力的时程曲线。进一步,本文研究了高度为50m的桥墩在考虑剪切效应时,不同钢筋锈蚀率和混凝土强度对其抗震性能的影响,以期对钢筋混凝土桥墩抗震性能有更深刻的认识。通过对所得数据结果的比较我们可以得到以下结论:







The earthquake is one of the most hazardous natural diseasters in the world. Referfing from the earthquakes happened previously, each one caused severe casualties and huge property losses without exception. However, the collapse of reinforced concrete structures is one of the major reasons of casualties and property losses. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the seismic performance of reinforced concrete structures.

Reinforced concrete bridge pier is a kind of reinforced concrete structure. With the action of earthquake, three typical failure modes including bending damage, shear damage and bending shear damage occur in reinforced concrete bridge piers. Bending damage is a kind of ductile damage,whose research methods and simulation methods have already been formed. When the shear failure structure is destroyed, the material is not fully used, and the structure will suddenly break, which is a kind of brittle failure. In contrast, the finite element simulation method of shear damage is not mature.

Based on the OpenSees platform, this paper establishes an array of reinforced concrete bridge pier models considering shearing effect or without shearing effect. We use the models to analyze the effect of shear about the seismic behavior. We use the fiber beam-column element to simulate the bending and axial force deformation, and the zero-length shear spring was used to simulate the shear deformation. These two were connected in series. The Concrete01 Material was used for concrete materials, the Steel02 Material model was used for steel reinforcement materials, and Hysteretic model was used for zero-length shear springs.

After the model was built,wo input the El Centro seismic wave to make the time travel analysis. And for the both specimens with or without shearing effect, we obtained the time travel curves about the displacement of the top of the pier and the reaction of the bottom of the pier. Fuetherly, to expect a further compression of seismic effect of RC structures, we study the piers under different rebar corrosion rate and different layers of concrete strength. Compared these statics we have had, we concluded that:

(1)The reaction of the bottom of the piesr which were taking shearing effect into consideration was greatly reduced compared with those without shearing effect. At the same time,there was almost no difference about the displacement of the top between those.

(2)We totally overestimate the seismic effect of the reinforced concrete pier models without sharing effect. However, the models considering the shearing effect could reflect the actual situation about seismic behavior.

(3)The corrosion rate of reinforcing steel has certain influence on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge piers. The data shows that as the corrosion rate increases, the stress and strain time history curves of the steel bars have a larger range of changement, indicating that the material tends to be destroyed.

(4)The concrete strength has certain influence on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge piers. The data shows that the greater the concrete strength is, the better the seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge piers has.

. Key Words: reinforced concrete pier, OpenSees, shearing effect, time-procedure analysis buffeting,seismic behavior.


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文研究内容 3

第二章 钢筋混凝土桥墩破坏形态 4

2.1 弯曲破坏 4

2.2 剪切破坏 4

2.3 弯剪破坏 5

2.4 三种破坏模式比较 6

第三章 OpenSees模型的建立 8

3.1 OpenSees程序简述 8

3.2 有限元模型的建立 8

3.2.1 材料对象 9

3.2.2 截面对象 11

3.2.3 单元对象 14

3.2.4 分析命令 16

3.2.5 结果输出 17

3.3 本章小结 17

第四章 采用OpenSees进行时程分析 19

4.1 时程分析简介 19

4.2 地震波选取及相关参数确定 19

4.3 E1地震作用下结构分析 20

4.3.1 E1地震作用下墩顶节点位移响应分析 20

4.3.2 E1地震作用下墩底节点剪力响应分析 21

4.4 E2地震作用下结构分析 23

4.4.1 E2地震作用下墩顶节点位移响应分析 23

4.4.2 E2地震作用下墩底剪力响应分析 25

4.5 本章小结 26

第五章 考虑不同因素对桥墩抗震性能的影响 27

5.1 不同强度等级混凝土与桥墩抗震性能的关系 27

5.1.1 简述混凝土强度等级 27

5.1.2 不同等级混凝土对桥墩抗震性能影响 27

5.2 不同钢筋锈蚀率和桥墩抗震性能的关系 28

5.2.1 钢筋锈蚀的原因 28

5.2.2钢筋修饰率对桥墩抗震性能的影响 29

第六章 结论与展望 30

5.1结论 30

5.2 不足与展望 31

参考文献 32

致谢 35




我国是个饱受地震灾害困扰的国家,四川省、青海省、新疆省等都是地震频发地带。1976年的唐山大地震,震级达到 7.8级,顷刻间整个唐山市化为一片废墟,共计死伤达到40余万人。1999年9月21日我国台湾集集地区发生7.3级地震,死亡人数达到 1万3千多人,建筑倒塌数目达到5万1千多栋。2008年5月12日,四川省汶川县发生8.0级大地震,据国务院抗震救灾总指挥部发布:四川汶川地震确认69197人遇难,374176人受伤,失踪18222人。从汶川地震事后调查来看[1-3],沿线公路上桥梁与隧道结构均遭到严重损坏。而由此导致了灾区交通几乎瘫痪,给抗震救灾和灾后重建带来极大的困难。为了减少这些人民生命及财产损失,如何保证建筑物在地震作用下的稳定性就成为了结构工程师们亟待解决的问题


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