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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文

武汉1 8城市圈公路第十三标段施工图设计毕业论文

 2021-04-13 20:26:50  

摘 要

第一章 平面设计 1

1.1 可行性研究 1

1.2 沿线自然地理特征 1

1.2.1 气候特点 1

1.2.2 地形与地貌 1

1.2.3 地质与土质 1

1.2.4 水文地质 2

1.2.5 沿线筑路材料的情况 2

1.3 公路等级的确定 3

1.4 设计行车速度的确定 3

1.5选线设计 3

1.5.1选线的基本原则 3

1.5.2 选线的步骤和方法 4

1.6平曲线设计 4

1.6.1平曲线设计原则 4

1.6.2 平曲线要素值的确定 4

第二章 纵断面设计 10

2.1 纵断面设计的原则和要求 10

2.2 纵坡设计的步骤 10

2.3 竖曲线设计 10

2.3.1 确定《标准》中对竖曲线线要素值的规定 10

2.3.3 几何元素的计算 12

2.4 方案比选 13

第三章 横断面设计 15

3.1 横断面各部分尺寸的确定 15

3.2 路拱的确定 15

3.3 平曲线加宽及其过渡 15

3.4 确定最大超高率及超高过渡方式 15

3.4.1 确定最大超高率 15

3.4.2 确定超高过渡方式 15

3.4.3 超高值的计算 16

3.5排水设计 16

3.5.1排水设计的原则 17

3.5.2 排水设计的具体步骤 17

3.5.3排水设施 17

第四章 路基设计 18

4.1设计基本规定 18

4.1.1护脚、护肩、护坡的襟边宽度 18

4.1.2路基干湿类型 18

4.1.3路基最小填土高度 18

4.1.4土石方计算 18

4.2 路基横断面设计 19

4.2.1 填方路基 19

4.2.2 挖方路基 19

4.2.3 半填半挖路基 19

第五章 路面设计 20

5.1路面设计的原则 20

5.2 路面设计步骤 20

5.3 路面设计 20

第六章 路基加固(支挡)及防护工程设计 26

6.1一般规定 26

6.2坡面防护 26

6.2.1植物防护 26

6.2.2工程防护 26

6.3挡土墙设计 26

6.3.1 基础 26

6.3.2 挡土墙排水设计 26

6.3.3 沉降缝与伸缩缝 27

6.3.4 本次挡土墙设计 27

第七章 桥涵设计 34

7.1涵洞设计原则 34

7.2 涵位选择 34

7.2.1择位原则 34

7.2.2涵洞类型选择 34

7.2.3涵洞进出口的防护和加固 34

参考文献 35

结语 36

致谢 37

摘 要

本次设计路段是武汉1 8城市圈公路四十三标段,这一路段将为武汉市以及长江中游城市的发展注入强大的动力,是湖北经济发展的核心,也是中部地区崛起的重要支点。




This design is 1 8 in Wuhan city circle highway sections of 43 blocks, this section will inject strong impetus into the development of Wuhan and the middle reaches of the Yangtze river. This is not only the core of the economic development of Hubei province area but also the important strategic fulcrum of rise of central China.

The grade of the designed road is Grade 1 with bi-directional four lanes. The length of the designed road whose designed speed is 80 km per hour is 5561.963m. The design of the road includes the design of the graphic, the vertical section design, the selection of road line project, the roadbed, the cross section design, the pavement structural design, the embankment and drainage design and the retaining wall design etc. From the perspective of linear standard and economical point of view, I finally choose the project one which the line the total length is shorter, the intersection point of linear comparison and coordination, to avoid more demolition place, near the village, the deployment conditions fill dig a less solution. Roadbed design, according to local conditions, I choose reasonable subgrade section form, the subgrade section form includes the filling of roadbed, excavation roadbed and half-filled subgrade. As for pavement design, I use semi-rigid base asphalt pavement with the total thickness of 93.8 cm. It meets the specification requirements, at the same time, due to the use of local road materials - lime, lime cement fly-ash gravel soil stabilized macadam, thus saving on the economy. The drainage design is based on the different sizes of the gutter and drainage ditch, and some sections of the section are equipped with intercepting gutters. In order to strengthen the roadbed, the slope protection is combined with the slurry. The retaining wall uses the shoulder wall to shrink the slope and the gravity retaining wall to prevent the slope from losing stability. Reinforced concrete slab culvert and reinforced concrete circular pipe culvert are arranged along the line. The whole route is designed to protect the environment, safe and convenient, the route is beautiful and the economy is reasonable, on the basis of ensuring the linear requirement.

Key words: Highway of Grade 1;Road Line;Roadbed;Pavement ; Construction drawing design

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