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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文

武汉1 8城市圈公路第十五标段施工图设计毕业论文

 2021-04-13 20:25:54  

摘 要

本次设计路段是武汉1 8城市圈公路第十五标段施工图设计,这一路段对于整个武汉城市圈道路交通系统来说必不可以少,对促进武汉及周边城市经济和社会发展意义重大。





The design road section is the construction drawing design for the 15th bid section of Wuhan 1 8 city circle road, which is indispensable for the entire Wuhan city circle road traffic system, and is of great significance for promoting the economic and social development of Wuhan and surrounding cities.

To carry out this highway design, we first need to determine the grade and design speed of the design road, then carry out the plane design, select the road surface alignment, and then design the vertical section, then design the cross section of the highway, and finally combine the local geology Hydrological conditions and topography are used to design drainage walls, bridges and culverts, and slope retaining walls.

It was finally determined that the designed road grade was a highway with a total length of 5,581.077 meters and a design speed of 100Km/h. When designing, firstly determine the road grade and number of lanes by predicting the traffic volume, and then carry out the road surface design. At the time of graphic design, the two routes are selected for vertical section design, and then through various comparisons, a program is finally selected as a recommendation. The plan is followed by the design, and comparison and selection are mainly made from the aspects of demolition volume, line shape of the route, and number of bridges and culverts. Later, a cross-section design was adopted. The cross-section was designed as a monolithic roadbed with a total width of 44m. The central separation zone was 3m, the left and right carriageway was 16.75m, the left and right hard shoulders were 3m, and the left and right soil shoulders were 0.75m. After the cross-section design is completed, the design of the road surface structure is carried out. The road surface design is first calculated and converted according to the known traffic volume, and the standard cumulative axle load is obtained. Then, two asphalt pavement structure schemes are selected for comparison and selection, and finally the recommendation is obtained. Program. Retaining walls use gravity retaining walls, which are set as embankment retaining walls. Drainage design is based on the longitudinal slope of the road and the terrain hydrological conditions. The design of bridges and culverts uses bridge type reinforced concrete girder bridges and culverts adopt box culverts according to the terrain and hydrological conditions.

Key words: Highway; Route; Subgrade; Pavement; Construction Drawing Design.


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 可行性研究 1

1.2 沿线自然地理特征 1

1.2.1 地形地貌 1

1.2.2 地质 1

1.2.3 地震 2

1.2.4 气候 2

1.2.5 水文 3

1.2.6 沿线筑路材料的情况 3

1.3 平面设计 4

1.4 公路技术等级 4

1.5 公路设计车速 5

1.6 平面选线 5

1.6.1 公路选线 5

1.7 公路平曲线设计 6

1.7.1 平曲线要素值 6

1.7.2 平曲线计算示例 10

第2章 纵断面设计 14

2.1 纵坡设计的要求 14

2.2 竖曲线设计 14

2.2.1 确定竖曲线要素 14

2.2.2 竖曲线要素计算示例 18

2.3 方案比选 19

第3章 横断面设计 21

3.1 横断面各部分尺寸 21

3.2 路拱坡度 21

3.3 平曲线加宽及其过渡 21

3.4 最大超高率及超高过渡方式 22

3.4.1 最大超高率 22

3.4.2 超高过渡方式 22

3.5 超高值的计算示例 24

第4章 路基设计 25

4.1 路基设计基本规定 25

4.1.1 路基设计洪水频率 25

4.1.2 路基干湿类型 25

4.1.3 路基最小填土高度 25

4.2 路基横断面设计 26

4.3 土石方计算示例 26

第5章 排水设计 27

5.1 排水设计内容 27

5.2 排水设施 27

第6章 路面设计 28

6.1 路面设计具体步骤 28

6.2 设计内容 29

第7章 路基加固及防护工程设计 35

7.1 坡面防护 35

7.2 挡土墙设计 36

7.2.1 挡土墙埋置深度 36

7.2.2 挡土墙排水设置 36

7.2.3 沉降缝与伸缩缝 37

7.2.4 挡土墙验算 37

第8章 桥涵设计 43

8.1 桥位涵位选择 43

结语 44

参考文献 45

致谢 46



武汉1 8城市圈以武汉为中心,还包括孝感,仙桃等9个周边的城市。将9个城市联合起来,对于提高城市的综合竞争力效果显著,而且在招生,吸引人口居住等方面也更加方便,城市圈里9个城市进行匹配和适应,相互帮助,共同组成一个大的良好的影响力的城市群。

本项目的设计,对于整个武汉1 8城市圈道路交通系统,对建立快速方便的交通网络,对建立高效的运输体系来说必不可以少。





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