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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-04-06 21:59:04  

摘 要



关键词:一级公路 路线设计 路基设计 路面设计 挡土墙设计


This design is the construction drawing design of the 13th section of gucheng - zhuxi highway. This project starts from xiangfan to shiyan section of fuyin expressway in gucheng and ends at the boundary of hubei and shaanxi provinces. According to the traffic volume in the thirteenth section, the road grade is designed to be a first-class highway with the design speed of 80km/h.It contains two-way four-lane road and the roadbed width is 24.5m.

This construction drawing design mainly carries on the highway alignment design, the subgrade design, the pavement design, the drainage design and the route cross design five parts. The first part includes line selection, scheme comparison, plane design and longitudinal section design. The second part of subgrade design includes cross section design, subgrade protection engineering design. The third part of pavement design includes pavement structure layer and thickness design. pavement structure comparison and calculation are contained in this part. The fourth part of drainage design includes the overall layout of subgrade drainage and the structural design of side ditch drainage facilities. The fifth part includes the design of bridge and culvert and the design of culvert structure. Among them, two schemes of plane linear design and road surface design are worked out, and the recommended scheme is obtained through comparison.

Keywords: first class highway; plane linear design; subgrade design; pavement design; retaining wall design


第1章 绪论 1

1.1公路设计的目的与意义 1

1.2工程沿线概况 1

1.2.1地形地貌 1

1.2.2地质 1

1.2.3气候 1

1.2.4水文 1

1.2.5沿线筑路材料 2

1.2.6工程用水用电 2

1.2.7运输条件 2

1.2.8沿线环境保护要求 2

第2章 路线设计 4

2.1公路等级的确定 4

2.1.1交通量组成 4

2.1.2道路类型及等级的确定 5

2.1.3设计行车速度的确定 5

2.2路线平面设计 5

2.2.1平面设计要求 5

2.2.2平面设计结果 6

2.2.3平曲线的计算 7

2.3纵断面设计 10

2.3.1纵断面设计要求 11

2.3.2竖曲线设计及计算 12

2.4线形组合设计 14

2.5平面方案比选 15

第3章 路基设计 16

3.1路基横断面设计 16

3.2超高设计与计算 16

3.3土石方计算 17

3.4路基坡面防护设计 17

3.4.1挡土墙计算公式 18

3.4.2挡土墙计算 19

第4章 路面设计 22

4.1路面类型选择 22

4.2组合式基层沥青路面设计 24

4.2.1交通轴载分析 24

4.2.2路面结构设计 24

4.2.3无机结合料稳定层疲劳开裂验算 24

4.2.4沥青面层低温开裂指数验算 25

4.2.5沥青混合料层永久变形量验算 25

4.3半刚性基层沥青路面设计 25

4.3.1交通轴载分析 25

4.3.2 路面结构设计 26

4.3.4 第5层无机结合料稳定层疲劳开裂验算 26

4.3.5 沥青面层低温开裂指数验算 26

4.3.6沥青混合料层永久变形量验算 27

4.4路面方案比选 27

第5章 排水设计 28

5.1 排水总体布置 28

5.2 排水构造物设计 28

5.2.1 边沟 28

5.2.2 排水沟 28

5.2.3急流槽 29

第6章 桥涵交叉设计 30

6.1桥梁设计 30

6.2 涵洞设计 30

第7章 结语 32

参考文献 33

致谢 34

第1章 绪论









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