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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-04-06 21:57:58  

摘 要


关键词:缓和曲线 挡土墙设计 路面设计 沥青混凝土


The road section is designed for the construction drawing of the 14th section of the Gucheng to Zhuxi Highway. The total length of the route is 5038 meters. According to the traffic volume given by the design data, the other vehicles are converted into minibuses. According to the requirements of the code, It is determined that the designed highway is a four-lane first-class highway. In the graphic design, two routes in line with the linear index are determined, and a better alignment route is selected by comparing the engineering cost and the first-class topography and geomorphology of the degree of influence on the local ecology. When setting the transition curve, the ratio of the transition curve, the circle curve and the length of the transition curve should be controlled between 1:1:1 and 1: 2:1. In the longitudinal section design, combined with the terrain, on the premise of ensuring that it conforms to the design code, the filling and excavation phase balance is achieved as much as possible, and the operator is reduced. There are six variable slope points in the recommended route design. It also meets the design requirements of "flat package and vertical". In the cross section design, because it is the first class highway, it does not need to consider widening. At the bend, the super high value is calculated, and its value is in accordance with the design specification. In the non-design of retaining structure, the gravity retaining wall is designed, and the design of retaining wall meets the design requirements through checking calculation. Semi-rigid base asphalt concrete pavement is used in pavement structure.

Key words: transition curve retaining wall design pavement design asphalt concrete


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1公路发展历史 1

1.1.2我国公路发展现状 1

1.2设计概况 2

1.2.1公路线现状分析 2

1.2.2项目预期目标 2

1.2.3目的及意义 2

1.2.4基本设计资料 2

第2章 平面设计 4

2.1公路等级的确定 4

2.2行车速度的确定 6

2.3选线设计 6

2.3.1选线的基本原则 6

2.3.2选线的步骤和方法 6

2.4平曲线要素值的确定 7

2.4.1平面设计原则 7

2.4.2平曲线要素值的确定 7

2.4.3各点桩号的确定 11

第3章 纵断面的设计 12

3.1纵断面设计的原则 12

3.2纵坡设计的步骤 12

3.3竖曲线的设计 12

3.4方案比选 15

第4章 横断面设计 16

4.1横断面设计的原则 16

4.1.1行车道宽度的确定 16

4.1.2平曲线加宽及其过渡 16

4.2超高的确定 16

4.2.1超高的计算 16

4.2.2超高的过渡 17

4.3超高值的计算 18

4.4路基设计的内容 18

4.5横断面的绘制 18

4.6挡土墙的设置 19

4.6.1挡土墙的纵向布置原则 19

4.6.2挡土墙设计资料 20

4.6.3计算结果及验算 20

4.7路基边坡防护 27

第5章 排水设计 28

5.1排水设计的原则 28

5.2路面排水设计 28

5.3排水系统分析 28

第6章 路面设计 29

6.1路面设计的原则 29

6.1.1路面结构类型和结构设计方案 29

6.1.2路面结构设计 29

6.2路面设计步骤 29

6.3路面设计 29

6.3.1沥青路面结构设计标准 29

6.3.2累计当量轴次计算 30

6.3.3各层材料计算参数的确定 33

第7章 桥涵及交叉设计 40

7.1桥梁设计 40

7.2涵洞设计 40

参考文献 41

结语 42

致谢 43

第1章 绪论








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