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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文

二连浩特至河口公路山西段(K40 000~K45 000)施工图设计毕业论文

 2021-03-27 16:48:29  

摘 要




This design is designed for Erlianhaote to Hekou Highway in Shanxi section of a section of the road design, a total length of five thousand three hundred meters, including: route design, roadbed and drainage design, retaining wall design and slope protection. First, according to the current traffic and growth rate to determine the road level for a design speed of 80km / h. Access to the relevant norms to determine the various standards of highway design, according to the road design. First in the topographic map began to line selection work, design sections to go through two large gullies, and can not be avoided, how the road across the gully has become the focus of the election line. After the two schemes were identified, the design of the scheme was carried out, followed by the selection of the scheme, the consideration of the number of agricultural land occupied by the road, the difficulty of construction, the project cost and the length of the line. Determine the recommended program, the road to the specific design, design and calculation of a section of the gravity retaining wall at the end of the retaining wall, although not used to calculate, but to explain the corresponding section of the retaining wall type. Recommended program need to design two types of pavement, one is the asphalt pavement, the other is a cement concrete pavement, say the advantages and disadvantages of the two programs, the two programs than the election, select a more suitable pavement structure. After the slope protection and road drainage design, slope protection to point out that no different sections of the road protection form, specify the starting point of the station. Road drainage is divided into roadbed drainage and road drainage, the final design of the culvert on the bridge, finishing drawings, the completion of the preparation of the design manual.

Keywords: freeway; traffic volume; line selection; profile; subgrade; pavement; drainage


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 中国公路发展概况 1

1.2 选题的意义 1

1.3 项目概况 1

1.3.1 地形地质 1

1.3.2 气候水文 2

1.3.3 沿线筑路材料供应 2

1.4 交通量分析公路等级的确定 2

第二章 路线设计 5

2.1 线型设计标准 5

2.1.1 平面线型设计标准 5

2.1.2 纵面线型设计标准 6

2.2 路线平面设计 7

2.2.1 选线 7

2.2.2 计算举例 7

2.3 纵断面设计 14

2.3.1 纵坡设计 14

2.3.2 竖曲线设计 15

2.3.3 计算举例 15

2.4 平纵组合设计 16

2.5 方案比选 17

第三章 路基、路面及排水设计 19

3.1 设计标准 19

3.1.1 路基设计标准 19

3.1.2 路面设计标准 20

3.1.3 排水设计标准 20

3.2 路基 21

3.2.1 横断面设计 21

3.2.2 重力式挡土墙设计 24

3.3 路面 28

3.3.1 设计资料 28

3.3.2 沥青路面设计 28

3.3.3 水泥路面设计 31

3.3.4 路面方案比选 32

3.4 排水 32

3.4.1 排水设计应遵循的原则 33

3.4.2 路面排水 33

3.4.3 路基排水 33

第四章 桥梁、涵洞布置 34

4.1 桥梁 34

4.2 涵洞 34

4.2.1 涵洞的形式 34

4.2.2 涵洞设计 34

结束语 36

参考文献 37

致 谢 38

第一章 绪论

1.1 中国公路发展概况

自从改革开放之后,中国公路建设取得了极大的成就,1985年,中国公路总里程第一次达到百万公里,1988年,第一条高速公路建成通车,1995年,我国高速公路总里程突破至2141公里,到2009 年底,全国公路累计已有386.08万公里。回顾我国公路发展历程并将其与世界公路发展趋势对照,从中能够看出,我国公路交通正处于一个快速发展的时期,扩大公路交通规模、提高公路质量是现阶段的主要任务。然而由于我国公路基础的薄弱,公路建设发展虽快,但在总体上仍不能适应国民经济与社会发展的需要,与发达国家的公路发展水平相比还有较大差距。在发达国家,道路建设已趋近完善,取得了很大成就,为各自国家的经济发展乃至全球范围内的经济交流做出了巨大贡献。在公路的数量方面,我国高速公路的数量与美国上世纪60年代的水平相近,高速公路占公路网的比重很多发达国家都要低,相比于我国经济、人口、资源的客观需求,高速公路总量仍存在很大差距,国民经济向前发展,高速公路却已滞后。总体上看,我国高速公路的建设正处于关键时期。


1.2 选题的意义


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