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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文

二连浩特至河口公路山西段(K5 000~K10 000)施工图设计毕业论文

 2021-03-27 16:47:29  

摘 要


本设计是国道主干线二连浩特至河口公路山西段高速公路的计划,计划部分是全长五千多公里的高速公路。它是全国公路网经营中“五纵七横”之一的非常重要路段。该路也是山西省经营的 “三纵八横”公路网中纵的重要路段,此段公路已加入山西省“十五”公路建设的重点项目。在此次计划中,我首先根据交通量确定道路等级。由相关计算知道本次确定为高速公路,计划车速为100km/h。然后在地形图上画出两条备选路线,分别进行平面、纵断面和横断面的任务。在此次计划中,两个备选方案均设置四个交点,四个竖曲线,并进行超高设计,并且都满足平纵组合设计的原则。在初步确定桥涵位置后,根据对应的要求对选定路线进行方案对比,由此得出较优的方案。选择了推荐方案以后,对其进行具体方案设计。除了完成平纵横的设计工作,还要进行路基、路面和排水的设计。路基设计具体进行了挡土墙和坡面防护的任务。路面进行了路面类型和结构的内容,并给出了两个合格的方案,从这两个中择优选择其一。最后进行了桥梁和涵洞的相关任务,最后在画出各种图还有表格。



Road construction is China's current strong development, rapid expansion and improve the quality of the rapid development of the situation. Road construction is now the basis for the building, with a considerable role in promoting the national economy.

The design is the national trunk road Erlianhaote to the estuary highway Shanxi section of the highway design, design part of the highway length of more than 5,000 kilometers .State Road, Erlianhaote to the estuary highway in Shanxi Province is the national highway network planning "five vertical and seven horizontal" one of the important sections of the road is also planning in Shanxi Province, "three vertical and eight horizontal" road network in the main sections of the vertical, Section of the road has been included in Shanxi Province, "15" highway construction of key projects. In the design, first according to the traffic to determine the road level, from the relevant calculation that the design identified as highways, the design speed of 100km / h. And then in the topographic map to determine the two alternative routes, respectively, for graphic design, profile design, cross-sectional design. In this design, the two options are set four intersections, four vertical curves, and ultra-high design, and have to meet the principle of vertical and horizontal combination design. After the initial determination of the location of the bridge and culvert, according to the design points on the selected route for program selection, which recommended a better program. After the selection of the recommended program, to its specific program design, in addition to perfect the vertical and horizontal design work, but also for roadbed, road and drainage design. The design of the roadbed is designed to carry out the design of the retaining wall and the slope protection. The pavement design carries on the pavement type and the structural design, and gives two schemes, from which the choice is preferred. In the final bridge, culvert design, and the preparation of the entire design-related drawings and forms.

Keywords: highway; traffic volume; road-grade; subgrade; pavement; drainage


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 中国公路发展概况 1

1.2 选题的意义 1

1.3 项目概况 1

1.3.1 地形地质 1

1.3.2 气候水文 2

1.3.3 材料供应 2

1.4 设计主要内容 2

1.5 概述 2

1.6 路线 3

1.6.1 平面设计 3

1.6.2 纵断面设计 3

1.7 路基,路面及排水 4

1.7.1 路基 4

1.7.2 路面 4

1.7.3 排水 5

1.8 桥梁,涵洞,隧道,路线交叉设计 5

1.8.1 桥梁 5

1.8.2 涵洞,通道 5

第2章 路线 7

2.1 平原微丘区地形特点 7

2.2 道路类型,等级的确定 7

2.3 线型设计要求 7

2.3.1 平面线型设计标准 7

2.3.2 纵面线型设计标准 8

2.4 选线 9

2.4.1 计算举例 9

2.5 纵断面设计 16

2.5.1 拉坡 16

2.5.2 竖曲线设计 16

2.5.3 计算举例 16

2.6 平纵组合设计 19

2.7 方案比选 19

第3章 路基、路面及排水 20

3.1 设计标准 20

3.1.1 横断面设计标准 20

3.1.2 路面设计标准 21

3.1.3 排水设计标准 21

3.2 路基 21

3.2.1 初步设计 21

3.2.2 路基防护设计 22

3.3 路基土石方数量计算及调配 23

3.3.1 横断面面积的计算 23

3.3.2 土石方数量计算 23

3.3.3 路基土石方调配 23

3.4 挡土墙设计 25

3.4.1 挡土墙的布置 25

3.4.2 重力式挡土墙设计 26

3.5 路面 30

3.5.1 设计资料 30

3.5.2 标准轴载及轴载换算 30

3.5.3 初拟两种路面结构 31

3.5.4 计算设计弯沉值和结构强度系数 31

3.5.5 方案比选 34

3.6 排水 34

3.6.1 排水设计应遵循的设计原则 35

3.6.2 路肩排水 35

3.6.3 中央分隔带排水 35

第4章 桥梁、涵洞、隧道及路线交叉 36

4.1 桥梁 36

4.2 涵洞及通道 36

4.2.1 涵洞的形式 36

4.2.2 涵洞及通道设计 36

结束语 38

参考文献 39

致 谢 40










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