2021-03-26 22:22:23
摘 要
This article is the road design of the freight line of shanxi (huaiyan county section). The road transportation is the main task of the contact in the nearby town of coal and communication huairen, 45 km and leads to the main datong coal base, at the same time, for industrial and agricultural production services along the road.
Route through the region of loess area, is a natural regionalization YanBei Zhang Xuan district deputy district (Ⅲ 1 a). The area of the area is more steep, the soil erosion is serious and the development of the gutter, the terrain is the chongqiu area of loess mountain ridge. The hydrothermal condition are as follows: damp coefficient is 0.5 ~ 0.7, the annual precipitation is 400 ~ 600 mm, summer and fall rain, for many years the average maximum frozen deeply 100 ~ 140 cm, the highest monthly average temperature is 25 ~ 30 ℃, groundwater buried depth is more than 3 m.
The paper mainly studies the route of the section, the roadbed pavement, the bridge culvert and other design
Of this article features: the paper introduces the design for the road and the detailed process of the composite foundation design, combined with the textbook content, standard content and weft road design software applications, such as through two sets of scheme choice, finally determine the section optimization design.
Keywords: road design, composite foundation design, protective engineering, box culvert
第1章 绪论 1
1. 1 选题 1
1.1 .1 选题缘由 1
1.1.2 选题任务及要求 1
1 .2 学术成果回顾 1
1.3 文本的总体构思 2
1.4资源来由和研究方法 3
1.4.1 选题任务及要求 3
1.4.2 研究方法 4
第2章 路线设计 5
2.1 公路等级及其主要技术标准的论证与确定 5
2. 2 路线方案的比选(两个方案) 7
2.2.1地形图 7
2.2.2 方案一——平面设计 8
2.2.3 方案二——平面设计 8
2.3 路线纵断面设计 9
2.3 .1 方案——纵断面设计 9
2.2.3 方案二——纵断面设计 9
第3章 路基、路面设计 10
3. 1 路基横断面设计(1km) 10
3.2 路基超高、加宽设计 13
3.3 确定沿线路基弃土、取土位置 13
3.4 计算土石方数量及调配 13
3.5 确定防护工程的位置、结构类型及尺寸 18
3.6 路面结构及材料组成设计 18
3.6.1 路面结构 18
3.6.2 路面材料 20
3.6.3 路面混合料配比设计 20
3.7 确定路基路面排水系统 21
3.7.1路基排水 21
3.7.2路面排水 21
第4章 桥梁、涵洞设计 23
4.1确定小桥、涵洞等的类型、位置、孔数、跨径及各部尺寸,绘制布置图 23
4.2一处箱涵结构详细设计 24
4.2.1设计要点 24
第5章 软土地基处理 29
5.1 工程地质简论 29
5.2软基处理设计原则 29
5.2.1砂垫层预压 29
5.2.2塑料排水板 30
5.3 反开槽施工 31
5.4 施工观测 31
5.5 不稳定状态的判断标准 32
5.6 路面铺筑时间的确定 32
致 谢 33
参考文献 34
第1章 绪论
1 选题
.1 选题缘由
1.1.2 选题任务及要求