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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文

二连浩特至河口公路山西段(K15 000~K20 000)施工图设计毕业论文

 2021-03-13 22:29:42  

摘 要

本设计二连浩特至河口公路山西段新建高速公路。根据设计公路的交通量及其使用任务和性质,确定为高速公路。拟建公路设计段总长度5273m,双向四车道,路面宽度为2×(2×3.75m 3.75m) 3.5m=26m,设计时速100km/h。


本段公路涉及到路线、路面、路基等方面的设计。主要设计内容有:线形选择及路线方案比选,;平面线形设计,包括平曲线设计,并选取某个交点进行桩号和里程计算等;纵断面设计,包括竖曲线设计、纵坡设计、平纵组合设计等;横断面设计,选取有代表性的1-2公里路段进行横断面类型设计、超高设计、土石方数量计算等;路基路面设计,包括路基结构形式的选择,边坡稳定性验算,边坡防护,以及对路面结构进行两种设计,一种沥青混凝土路面,一种水泥混凝土路面,并通过比选其路面的性能,长远效益,经济效益等得到优选方案等; 排水设计;桥涵设计等。

本段高速公路的设计完成之后,设计成果将由计算说明书,相关图纸和表格的形式呈现 。

关键字: 交通量 自然条件 高速公路 路基 路面 平曲线 竖曲线 排水 涵洞


The subject of the design is a new highway of Erlianhaote to Hekou in the Shanxi section. According to the given traffic volume and the use of the task, the highway is defined as a highway. The total length of the proposed highway design section is 5273m, four-lane two-way, the pavement width is 2×(2×3.75m 3.75m) 3.5m=26m,and the design speed is 100km / h.

The Shanxi section of Erlianhaote to Hekou Highway, whose construction is significance for the improvement of the national trunk lane and China's expressway network, and it can also promote the economic development along the counties and cities as well as promote cross-provincial economic exchanges.

This highway involves the route, pavement, road subgrade and other aspects of the design. The main design elements include: graphic design, including alignment alignment, line scheme comparison, horizontal curve design, the mileage calculation Stake and coordinates; longitudinal design, including the longitudinal design, vertical curve design, level design, vertical combination; cross-section design, select one to two kilometers of the representative cross section, and accomplish forms design, high design, earthwork quantity calculation; Road subgrade and pavement design, including the selection of foundation form, checking the stability of slope, slope protection, and two types of pavement design,one is asphalt concrete pavement, another is cement concrete pavement,by comparing its pavement performance,long-term benefits and economic benefits,getting the best design ; drainage design; bridge design and so on.

After the completion of the design of the highway, the design results will be presented by the instructions, drawings and forms.

Keywords: Traffic volume, natural conditions, highway, subgrade, pavement, plan curves, vertical curves, drainage, culture


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 中国公路发展概况 1

1.2 选题的意义 1

1.3 项目概况 1

1.3.1地形地貌 1

1.3.2地质 1

1.3.3地震 2

1.3.4气候 2

1.3.5水文 2

1.3.6沿线筑路材料的情况 2

第2章 路线设计 3

2.1公路等级及主要技术标准的论证 3

2.1.1交通量分析以及等级确定 3

2.1.2 平面线型设计标准 9

2.1.3纵面线型设计标准 10

2.2平面设计 11

2.2.1选线 11

2.2.2 计算举例 12

2.3纵断面设计 19

2.3.1设计步骤及方法 19

2.3.2 计算举例 19

2.4平纵组合设计 20

2.4.1平纵组合方式 20

2.4.2本设计中需要注意的问题 21

2.5方案比选 21

第3章 路基路面 23

3.1横断面设计 23

3.1.1 道路横断面组成及长度 23

3.1.2 曲线超高 24

3.1.3 边坡 25

3.1.4 路基土石方数量计算及调配 26

3.2 挡土墙设计 28

3.2.1 挡土墙的布置 28

3.2.2重力式挡土墙设计 30

3.3路面 33

3.3.1基本资料 33

3.3.2沥青路面设计 34

3.3.3水泥混凝土路面设计 39

3.3.4方案比选 40

3.4排水 40

3.4.1排水设计应遵循的设计原则 41

3.4.2路基排水设计 41

3.4.3路面排水设计 42

第4章 桥涵布置 43

4.1桥梁 43

4.2涵洞及通道 43

4.2.1涵洞的形式 43

4.2.2涵洞及通道设计 43

结束语 45

参考文献 46

致谢 47







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