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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-03-11 22:58:06  

摘 要



关键词:高速公路;平曲线;竖曲线;排水;路基;路面 ;桥涵


This design is designed for the new collection of expressway in Inner Mongolia. The main content is to analyze the existing raw data, combine the natural conditions such as geology and geomorphology, hydrological climate and so on, according to the requirements of relevant norms, Line vertical and horizontal design, roadbed engineering design, drainage engineering design and bridge design and other design content.

First of all, according to the design of the traffic volume statistics and related norms and comprehensive consideration of various factors to determine the road level and the main technical standards of the road to demonstrate. Secondly, in the given topographic map of the line selection, the development of two routes and the selected line of the plane line design and longitudinal design, and the program comparison and determination; after the subgrade design, including And then the design of the drainage design, mainly the design of the roadbed drainage and pavement drainage design; after the road design is the main design content is the road type and structural design of the roadbed slope, , And gives two options, preferred one; the final bridge, culvert design, and the preparation of the entire design and related drawings and tables..

Keywords: highway; flat curve; vertical curve; drainage; subgrade; road surface


1 绪论 2

1.1选题的背景及意义 2

1.2沿线地理环境对设计的影响 2

1.2.1地质 2

1.2.2地貌 2

1.2.3气候 2

1.2.4水文 3

1.2.5土壤 3

1.2.6 沿线建筑 3

2 道路等级确定及道路技术标准确定 3

2.1.道路等级确定 3

2.2道路技术标准论证 4

2.2.1设计速度的确定 4

2.2.2 平面线形标准论证 5

2.3 竖曲线要素标准论证 6

2.3.4 视距长度 8

2.4 横断面技术标准论证 8

2.5净空高度论证 8

2.6车辆荷载论证(构造物设计) 9

3 选线 9

3.1概述 9

3.3本次设计中选线 9

4.平纵横设计及方案比选 11

4.1平面线形设计 11

4.2.纵断面设计 13

4.2.1一般要求 13

4.2.2组合设计原则 13

4.2.3竖曲线各项设计参数确定 14

4.2.3竖曲线设计 15

4.3横断面设计 16

4.3.1横断面设计原则 16

4.3.2路基宽度 17

4.3.3 路基弯道超高,加宽 17

4.3.4 土石方量计算 19

4.3.5土石方调配 20

4.4方案比选 20

5 路基工程设计 21

5.1 路基设计的一般要求 21

5.2路基边坡坡度 21

5.3路基土压实要求 21

5.4特殊路基处理 22

5.5护坡道宽度 22

5.6边沟、排水沟 22

5.7路基支挡结构设计 22

5.6路基边坡防护工程设计 25

5.6.1 边坡防护 25

5.6.2 边坡防护设计 25

6 路面工程设计 26

6.1.设计资料 26

6.2.轴载分析 27

6.3. 路面结构方案 28

6.4.方案比较: 31

7 桥涵 32

7.1 桥梁 32

7.2 涵洞 32

8.排水工程 32

8.1 路面排水 32

8.1.1路肩排水 32

8.2.2 中央分隔带排水 32

8.2 坡面排水 33

8.3路面内部排水 33

总结 33

参考文献 34




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