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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-03-01 13:47:28  

摘 要






At present, the grim situation of the greenhouse effect makes frequent heavy rains flood events, which makes the country's loss that cannot be ignored for,sponge city construction is of great urgency. For the construction of ecotype permeable pavement structure and to solve the problem of urban waterlogging cause threat to people's lives and property, this article through to the sponge porous pavement’s studied, which is one of the facilities, determine the several suitable permeability of pavement structure for different traffic volume; And through to the simulation analysis of several kinds of sponge facilities was carried out before and after,we can saw that it was determined that the installation of the sponge facilities had a certain effect on reducing the water flooding in the city. This article is divided into two parts:

The first part is the study of urban construction of the permeable pavement sponge; To carry out the study of urban road ecological asphalt pavement needs to solve the pavement strength and road durability (life) of the contradiction, put forward a new structure and composition, as well as the material test parameters, through reading of literature as well as to the specification of serious study preliminarily established A, B, C three different permeable pavement structure form, and according to the specification determined the design modulus of pavement structure layer of each structure. Due to the structure of each structural layer of layer thickness and modulus parameters as variables, so control variable method is adopted, the first apparent modulus of each layer is constant and the thickness of each layer for variables, by means of orthogonal experimental level design method of the orthogonal test of four factors, five levels, and from run out of BISAR software can be found in the results of A tensile stress of each layer upon layer bottom structure, at the top of the soil base compressive strain, such as surface shear stress indicators meet the requirement of specification, and determines the structure of A is mechanical response under various traffic to index structure design; And then selecting the thickness of the structure of A combination as A constant, again to orthogonal experiment design,just is proved as the firft time, using BISAR software to determine the optimal modulus under different traffic flow structure of A portfolio. Structures B and C in accordance with the structure of the A research method is also determined under different traffic capacity under the optimal structure of the combination.

The other one is get through the research of the traditional road drainage facilities, draw lessons from previous sponge facilities layout ideas, set up reasonable sponge facilities to reduce surface runoff, the SWMM software is adopted to decorate the road after sponge facilities coMPared with traditional road surface runoff, identify and verify the rationality of facility layout sponge. Accordance with the requirements of specification, our regional data of field simulation, hinge point data, the pipeline data, such as data collection and processing, and established the different areas to facilitate the site before the development, the traditional road development and sponge urban road development after three conditions were simulated. Initial simulation will only change the traditional way to permeable pavement, but only to add the permeable pavement of city road road does not delay the peak, only cut the peak discharge and runoff volume, though the storm runoff flow ahead of time, but relatively undeveloped mode not much burden; And by changing the percentage of the permeable pavement paved roads and increase infiltration ditch, plant CaoGou sponge facilities are simulated, found that only a comprehensive use of various sponge facilities can achieve the result that prevent urban waterlogging occurs.

Key Words:Sponge city;BISAR;SWMM

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3课题研究内容与意义 2

第二章 适用于城市道路的海绵设施研究 4

2.1研究部分设施分类 4

2.1.1渗透设施 4

2.1.2 蓄水设施 5

2.1.3 滞留设施 5

2.1.4 净化设施 5

2.1.5 过水设施 6

2.2本章小结 6

第三章 荷载作用下透水沥青路面的力学响应 8

3.1 透水沥青路面各种结构层的介绍 8

3.1.1 透水沥青面层 8

3.1.2 沥青稳定碎石 8

3.1.3 水泥稳定碎石 8

3.1.4 多孔水泥稳定碎石 8

3.1.5 垫层 8

3.1.6 压实土基 9

3.2 透水沥青路面结构功能层的设置介绍 9

3.3 结构分析方法概述 10

3.3.1弹性层状体系理论 10

3.3.2结构力学分析方法 11

3.4 参数的确定 11

3.4.1交通量参数 11

3.4.2 路面材料设计参数 12

3.4.3车辆荷载参数选择 15

3.5 透水沥青路面结构设计标准 16

3.6 透水沥青路面结构荷载应力分析 19

3.6.1 荷载应力正交试验设计 19

3.6.2 透水路面结构A路面结构层厚度的确定 20

3.6.3 透水路面结构B路面结构层厚度的确定 33

3.6.4 透水路面结构C路面结构层厚度的确定 43

3.6.5 结构A荷载应力分析的最佳模量组合的确定 48

3.6.6 结构B荷载应力分析的最佳模量组合的确定 56

3.6.7 结构C荷载应力分析的最佳模量组合的确定 60

第四章 城市道路雨水系统水文过程模拟 66

4. 1模型介绍 66

4. 2 数据收集 66

4.2. 1降雨数据收集 66

4.2. 2土地利用数据 68

4.2. 3 水利数据 68

4. 3 场地模拟 69

4.3.1 开发前场地模拟 69

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