2021-02-26 11:26:47
摘 要
The bridge construction stage of maximum double cantilever is the typical bridge construction stage. As a flexible structure, the long-span cable-stayed bridge is easy to produce vibration under wind load. In the construction stage of maximum double cantilever, wind resistance compared to the whole bridge would be lower, so when the bridge is in the open and windy area, it is accompanied with large vibration caused by heavy wind load.
In the construction background about the Xigu Yellow River Bridge, this paper carries out the analysis and research about the long-span cable-stayed bridge buffeting response under the wind load. Based on the mechanical model of dynamic bridge, considering the correlation of bridge wind field space, with the numerical simulation of the stochastic wind field based on the harmonic synthesis method, 1 group of fluctuating wind time history buffeting force sample has been generated. Then the bridge aerodynamic coefficients were determined based on wind tunnel tests, using bridge wind resistance theory calculate bridge wind loads. Finally, through the analysis of buffeting displacement with cantilever length variation, it has been found that the bridge longitudinal length is the decisive factor of wind load displacement response.
Key Words: Cable-Stayed Bridge, buffeting force, cantilever, displacement.
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 斜拉桥发展过程与前景展望 1
1.1.1 斜拉桥特点及适用性 1
1.1.2 斜拉桥发展史 1
1.1.3 现代斜拉桥的发展趋势 2
1.1.4 斜拉桥在风荷载影响下最大双悬臂施工阶段需要改进的问题 2
1.1.5 总结 3
1.2 桥梁抗风的研究 3
1.3 本文内容概述 4
1.4 本章小结 4
第2章 风荷载与抖振力 5
2.1风荷载 5
2.1.1 风环境 5
2.1.2 风荷载的三分力 5
2.2 抖振力 6
2.2.1 准定常抖振力模型 6
2.2.2 气动导纳修正后的抖振力模型 8
2.2.3 自激力修正后的抖振力模型 9
2.3 本章小结 10
第3章 ANSYS模型的建立 11
3.1 工程概述 11
3.1.1 工程背景 11
3.1.2 桥梁参数 11
3.2 斜拉索初始弹性模量换算 12
3.3 ANSYS模型建立流程 14
3.4 模型分析检验 17
3.4.1 静力分析检验 17
3.4.2 模态分析验证 18
3.5 本章小结 20
第4章 风荷载计算与抖振响应分析 21
4.1 风荷载计算与时程风荷载的施加 21
4.1.1 抖振力计算 21
4.1.2 时程风荷载在ANSYS模型中的添加 26
4.2 关键节点动力参数提取 27
4.3 风致抖振响应分析 28
4.3.1 节点竖向和横桥向位移 28
4.3.2 结构抖振响应的规律分析 37
4.4 本章小结 40
第5章 结论与展望 41
5.1 结论 41
5.2 展望 41
主要参考文献 43
附录:西固黄河大桥关键点坐标文件 44
致谢 48
第1章 绪论
1.1 斜拉桥发展过程与前景展望
1.1.1 斜拉桥特点及适用性
1.1.2 斜拉桥发展史