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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 生物技术 > 正文


 2021-11-22 22:00:16  


摘 要








As the most widely used herbicide in my country, glyphosate is essential in modern agricultural production activities. Glyphosate is usually produced domestically using the glycine method, which produces pesticide wastewater with high concentrations of triethylamine. However, triethylamine wastewater is biotoxic and direct discharge not only causes harm to aquatic animals, but also pollutes the water environment, which has a great impact on human production and life. Therefore, the technology for meeting the standard discharge of pesticide wastewater containing high triethylamine is of great importance in terms of environmental protection and economic value.

On the basis of understanding the treatment method of triethylamine wastewater, this study uses distilled water extraction combined with biodegradation to achieve the standard discharge of high triethylamine wastewater, and explores the best process indicators of this method.

A 2-meter high rectification tower can reduce the total nitrogen concentration in the wastewater to 179 mg/L, so raising the tower to continue to reduce the total nitrogen level is too economically expensive. Biochemical treatment of wastewater with the fungicides BP100, BP110, BP201, BP300, BP500, BP600 can reduce the total nitrogen concentration of wastewater from 179mg/L to less than 20mg/L and meet the sewage discharge standard. Therefore, a total nitrogen content of 1860 mg/L of high-triethylamine wastewater can be successfully treated and discharged to standard by distillation steam extraction combined with biodegradation.

Biological nitrogen reduction is influenced by many factors and experiments were designed to explore the optimal parameters for biochemical process-related influencing factors.BP201, BP300, BP500, BP600 strains can only survive in wastewater with total nitrogen content below 179 mg/L. The activation of the strain allows for better nitrogen reduction. The sludge contains complex microorganisms that assist nitrogen-reducing bacteria to better reduce nitrogen. Nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria are very sensitive to pH. At a pH of 7.5, both nitrogen-reducing bacteria can exert their best effects. Long oxygenation times provide sufficient dissolved oxygen for nitrification reactions, and nitrogen reduction is best when aerobic:anaerobic is 1:3.

Based on the significance of high triethylamine pesticide wastewater treatment technology, this paper explores the best process indicators of high triethylamine wastewater treatment technology by using distilled water extraction combined with biochemical treatment.

Key Words:triethylamine; glyphosate; wastewater treatment; biological bacteria; denitrification

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

第1.1 草甘膦简介 1

第1.2 农药生产中的三乙胺 2

第1.3 三乙胺废水常用处理办法 3

第1.4 生化脱氮原理及意义 4

第1.5 研究内容 5

第2章 实验准备及研究过程 7

第2.1 实验试剂及仪器 7

第2.2 废水水质及测定方法 9

第2.3 农业废水排放标准 9

第2.4 水样分析方法 9

第2.4.1 总氮分析方法 9

第2.4.2 氨氮分析方法 10

第2.4.3 硝基氮分析方法 10

第2.5 实验方法 10

第2.5.1生物菌种的耐受性 10

第2.5.2菌种活化 12

第2.5.3活性污泥 13

第2.5.4 pH 13

第2.5.5通氧时间 13

第3章 结果与讨论 15

第3.1有关生物菌种的耐受性 15

第3.2菌种活化对降氮的影响 17

第3.3污泥对降氮的影响 18

第3.4 pH对降氮的影响 18

第3.5通氧时间对降氮的影响 19

第4章 结论 22

第3.1 实验结论 22

第3.2 不足与展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第1章 绪论


1.1 草甘膦简介

草甘膦(Glyphosate) 是世界范围内广泛使用的除草剂。不可燃,常温下十分稳定,具有低毒害、高效率、范围广、低残留等优点[1],且具有灭根性。喷洒到植物茎叶后,迅速传输到整个植物体。草甘膦不仅对茎叶部分有效,还可以作用于植物的地下部分,从而对一些根系繁茂,难以去除的植物有很好的根除作用[2]



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