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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2020-05-19 21:22:39  

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2. 参考文献

[1] 周家贤, C02#8212;#8212;21世纪的新碳源, 化工进展, 2001, 1: 1~4. [2] 家藤顺(日)等, 碳一化学工业生产技术, 北京: 化学工业出版社, 1990. [3] 张阿玲, 温室气体C02的控制和回收利用, 北京: 中国环境出版社, 1996. [4] FonrariR, AlessiP, Kikic1, High Pressurefluid Phaseequilibria:ExPerimental methodsand system sinvestigated (1978一1987), FluidPhase Equilibria , 1990,57: l~33 [5] Muth O, Hirth Th, Vogel H. Investigation of sorption and diffusion of supercritical carbon dioxide into poly(vinyl chloride)[J]. J.Supercrit.Fluids , 2001,19 (3): 299-306. [6] Tang M, Du T B, Chen Y P. Sorption and diffusion of supercritical carbon dioxide in polycarbonate[J]. J. Supercrit. Fluids , 2004, 28 (2-3): 207-218. [7] BurnnerG, DohrnR, High-Pressure Fluid-Phase Equilibria: ExPerimental Methodsand Systems Investigated (1988一1993), FluidPhaseEquilibria , 1995, 106: 213一282. [8] Rozzi N L, Singh R K. Supercritical fluids and the food industry[J]. Compr. Rev Food Sci F ., 2002,1 (1): 33-44. [9] Martin A, Rodriguez-Rojo S, de Pablo L, Cocero M J. Solubility of bisphenol A in supercritical carbon dioxide[J]. J. Chem. Eng. Data , 2011, 56 (10): 3910-3913 [10] Reddy S N, Madras G. Solubilities of resorcinol and pyrocatechol and their mixture in supercritical carbon dioxide[J]. Thermochim. Acta , 2011, 521 (1-2): 41-48 [11] Martinez-Correa H A, Gomes D C A, Kanehisa S L, Cabral F A. Measurements and thermodynamic modeling of the solubility of squalene in supercritical carbon dioxide[J]. J. Food Eng , 2010, 96 (1): 43-50. [12] Sun Y Y, Quan C, Li S F, Hou C X, Sun Y G. Solubility of alpha-benzene hexachloride in supercritical carbon dioxide[J]. J Taiwan Inst Chem E , 2009, 40 (4): 471-474. [13] Dooley K. M., Cain A. W, Knopf F. C..Supercritical fluid extraction of acetic acid,alcohols and other amphiphiles from acid-water mixtures[J]. J. Supercrit. Fluids , 1997,11:81一89 [14] Sovava H., Stateva R. P, Galushko A. A. High-pressure equilibrium of menthol CO2[J].J. Supercrit. Fluids , 2007, 41:1-9. [15]

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

2016-03-01~2016-03-20 系统地检索和阅读相关中外文文献,了解该课题的国内外研究现状。


2016-03-21~2016-05-13 进一步学习和掌握实验装置的使用,选定了co2与几种物理溶剂组成的二元体系为研究对象,通过恒定容积法测定了不同温度、压力条件下,co2在各种物理溶剂中的气液平衡数据。

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