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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2020-05-17 21:42:58  

摘 要

随着沼气工程的发展,农村中体积为8 m3的户用型沼气已经不能够处理如此庞大的秸秆量。因此单罐超过2000 m3的大型和超大型沼气工程已经有足够的条件来建设。




3. 建设沼气工程的最适宜温度带是热带,四季平均气温较高的温带也可以建设。由于寒带气温较低,如若建设沼气工程,其一年四季都要进行加热,成本肯定会很高,故不适宜建设。

关键词:大中型沼气工程 罐外加热 热损 工艺设计 热力学

Large biogas tank of heating technology design


With the development of biogas projects in rural areas in a volume of 8 m3 of household-type biogas is not able to handle such a large amount of straw. Therefore, a single tank more than 2000 m3 of large and very large biogas projects have enough conditions to build.

However, large biogas households did not like the kind of small workshop-style production of biogas, so the industrial production is one of the requirements of large biogas. However, due to seasonal and climatic fluctuations in methane fermentation efficiency and important means of maintaining outer fermentation tank is heated. Tank of heating makes biogas from dependence on temperature, gas output can be sustained in the winter and extreme weather. This paper established a biogas fermenter cooling model, it can be calculated by the underlying data changes daily amount of heat and the temperature of the fermentation tank, through the heat and the amount of available tank of heating heat demand and some conclusions about the biogas project costs. The content and conclusions are as follows:

1. The issue relates to a computer outside of the tank heating large biogas, using the method of experimental measurements and theoretical calculations, and get some basic data. In the fermentation tank heat loss through basic data modeling, and then to calculate the prediction and optimization of large biogas tank in the heat and the country in various temperature zones and each season under external heating problems. So as to achieve the optimal use of energy provides a reference.

2. From the trend data, ceteris paribus, the larger the radius of the fermenter, while the larger size, the greater the amount of heat per day, but fewer daily temperatures drop. That is: Under certain conditions, the greater the fermentation tank, the less the daily temperatures drop, the lower their heating costs, the better to reduce the overall operating costs of biogas projects. Therefore, the construction of large-scale biogas project will help reduce costs.

3. The optimum temperature with the construction of biogas projects in the tropics, the higher the average temperature of the temperate seasons also can build. Due to the low frigid temperatures, should the construction of biogas project, which should be carried out throughout the year heating costs will certainly be very high, it is not appropriate construction.

Key Words: Large and medium-sized biogas projects; Outside the cylinder heating; Heat loss; Process design; Thermodynamics

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 前言 1

1.2 我国沼气工程的现状 1

1.2.1 沼气工程的定义 1

1.2.2 沼气工程规模划分 1

1.2.3 我国沼气工程分布现状 2

1.3 我国沼气工程存在的问题 3

1.3.1 原料的获得和沼气工程的成本 3

1.3.2 沼气工程的技术和管理 4

1.3.3 反应器的增温保温 5

1.3.4 政策补贴的不可持续性 5

1.4 课题的主要内容、要求和意义 6

1.4.1 课题的主要内容和要求 6

1.4.2 课题的意义 6

1.5 本文研究思路 6

第二章 沼气反应器及加热需求模型 8

2.1 引言 8

2.2 沼气反应器简介 8

2.2.1 固定半球沼气池简介 9

2.2.1 浮鼓沼气池简介 10

2.3 加热需求模型 10

2.3.1 简介 10

2.3.1 简单的加热需求模型[16] 11

加热原料的热量消耗 11

2.4 本章小结 12

第三章 计算数据及设计结果 13

3.1 计算的基础数据 13

3.2 沼气工程模型计算 13

3.3 本章小结 19

第四章 结论与展望 20

4.1 结论 20

4.2 展望 20

参考文献 22

致 谢 24

第一章 绪论

1.1 前言



1.2 我国沼气工程的现状

1.2.1 沼气工程的定义

根据中华人民共和国农业部发布的中华人民共和国农业行业标准NY/T 667-2011,沼气工程的定义为:采用厌氧消化技术处理各类有机废弃物(水)制取沼气的系统工程。


1.2.2 沼气工程规模划分



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