2020-03-25 08:22:44
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
炼厂作为连接上游源点以及下游市场的关键枢纽,承载着油品的供应任务 [1-2] 。
炼厂调度的任务即是利用有限的生产设备,解决生产过程中对各油品需求在时间及数量上的矛盾 [3] 。
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
1.1 确定性调度确定性炼厂生产调度优化模型是研究炼厂生产调度的基础,而时间表达是影响其模型结构的关键因素,因此,可基于时间表达法对确定性模型进行分类。
炼厂生产调度过程是一个连续过程,为了方便建模求解,一般将连续的调度过程分割成一些时间间隔,再对其按照批处理过程的调度方法建立模型进行求解 [8-9] 。
3. 研究计划与安排
2018.01.08-2018.01.31 确定选题,完成论文提纲;
2018.03.01-2018.03.26 查阅文献资料,按照毕业论文任务书拟写开题报告;
2018.04.01-2018.04.20 完成毕业论文初稿;
2018.04.20-2018.04.30 对毕业论文初稿进行修改;
2018.05.10-2018.05.25 毕业论文定稿,提交毕业论文;
2018.05.26-2018.05.31 准备论文答辩。
2018.03.01-2018.03.26 查阅文献资料,按照毕业论文任务书拟写开题报告;
2018.04.01-2018.04.20 完成毕业论文初稿;
2018.04.20-2018.04.30 对毕业论文初稿进行修改;
2018.05.10-2018.05.25 毕业论文定稿,提交毕业论文;
2018.05.26-2018.05.31 准备论文答辩。
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
1] 白丽平,伍乃骐. 炼油厂原油处理过程短期生产计划及其复杂
性[J]. 工业工程,2011,14(1):67-71.BAI L P,WU N Q. Short-term scheduling of crude oil operations
and its complexity[J]. Industrial Engineering Journal,2011,14(1):67-71.
[2] 王继东. 炼油厂生产计划与调度系统研究[D]. 杭州:浙江工业大学,2004:1-5.
WANG J D. Research of production planning and scheduling forrefinery[D]. Hangzhou:Zhejiang University of Technology,2004:1-5.
[3] 潘明,钱宇,李秀喜. 原油供应波动状况下炼油厂生产柔性调度
的建模[J]. 中国科学 B 辑:化学,2008,38(9):829-843.
PAN M,QIAN Y,LI X X. Model of refinery flexible scheduling
under the condition of fluctuating oil supply[J]. Science in China
(Series B:chemistry),2008,38(9):829-843.
[4] 赵小强. 炼厂生产调度问题研究[D]. 杭州:浙江大学,2005:2-3.
ZHAO X Q. Research on refinery production scheduling
problems[D]. Hangzhou:Zhejiang University,2005:2-3.
[5] 刘丽杰. 基于多智能体的炼厂生产调度优化系统开发[D]. 青岛:
LIU L J. Agent based production scheduling optimization system
for a refi nery plant[D]. Qingdao:China University of Petroleum
[6] 李树荣,苏东卫. 基于动态规划的炼厂多阶段生产调度模型的
建立及求解[J]. 化工自动化及仪表,2009,36(6):25-29.
LI S R,SU D W. A dynamic programming model for multistage
production planning of a refinery plant[J]. Control and
Instruments in Chemical Industry,2009,36(6):25-29.
[7] 李明. 炼油过程生产调度建模方法研究[D]. 济南:山东大学,
LI M. Modeling method research on refi nery process production
scheduling[D]. Jinan:Shandong University,2011:54-58.
[8] FLOUDAS C A,LIN X X. Continuous-time versus discrete-time
approaches for scheduling of chemical processes:A review[J].
Computers amp; Chemical Engineering,2004,28(11):2109-2129.
[9] ZHANG H R,LIANG Y T,XIAO Q,et al. Supply-based
optimal scheduling of oil product pipelines[J]. Petroleum Science,
[10] 张浩然,梁永图,王宁,等. 多源单汇多批次顺序输送管道调度
优化[J]. 石油学报,2015,36(9):1148-1155.
ZHANG H R,LIANG Y T,WANG N,et al. Optimal
scheduling of multi-source single distribution pipeline with
multi-batch sequential transportation[J]. Acta Petrolei
[11] LI W K,HUI C W,HUA B,et al. Scheduling crude oil
unloading,storage,and processing[J]. Industrial amp; Engineering
Chemistry Research,2002,41(26):6723-6734.
[12] REJOWSKI R,PINTO J M. Effi cient MILP formulations and
valid cuts for multiproduct pipeline scheduling[J]. Computers amp;
Chemical Engineering,2004,28(8):1511-1528.
[13] 李亚平,刘伟,张刘军,等. 炼油生产中的原油多周期调度优
化[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,21(2):503-509.
LI Y P,LIU W,ZHANG L J,et al. Multi-period scheduling
optimization for crude oil in oil refinery production[J].
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2015,21(2):
[14] 梁永图,张浩然,周江宏,等. 大庆油田轻烃管网调度优化[J].
LIANG Y T,ZHANG H R,ZHOU J H,et al. Optimal
scheduling of light hydrocarbon pipe network in Daqing
Oilfield[J]. Oil amp; Gas Storage and Transportation,2015,
[15] ZHANG H,LIANG Y,LIAO Q,et al. A hybrid computational
approach for detailed scheduling of products in a pipeline with
multiple pump stations[J]. Energy,2016,119:612-628.
[16] CHEN X,GROSSMANN I,ZHENG L. A comparative study of
continuous-time models for scheduling of crude oil operations in
inland refi neries[J]. Computers amp; Chemical Engineering,2012,
[17] LI J,RUTH M,FLOUDAS C A. Continuous-time modeling
and global optimization approach for scheduling of crude oil
operations[J]. AIChE Journal,2011,58(1):205-226.
[18] ZHAO Y,WU N Q,LI Z. A novel solution approach to
priority-slot-based continuous-time MINLP formulation for
crude-oil scheduling problem[J]. Industrial amp; Engineering
Chemistry Research,2016,55(41):10955-10967.
[19] XU J,ZHANG S,ZHANG J, et al. Simultaneous scheduling of
front-end crude transfer and refi nery processing[J]. Computers
amp; Chemical Engineering,2016,94(4):212-236.
A. A novel monolithic MILP framework for lot-sizing and
scheduling of multiproduct treelike pipeline networks[J].
Industrial amp; Engineering Chemistry Research,2015,54(37):
性[J]. 工业工程,2011,14(1):67-71.BAI L P,WU N Q. Short-term scheduling of crude oil operations
and its complexity[J]. Industrial Engineering Journal,2011,14(1):67-71.
[2] 王继东. 炼油厂生产计划与调度系统研究[D]. 杭州:浙江工业大学,2004:1-5.
WANG J D. Research of production planning and scheduling forrefinery[D]. Hangzhou:Zhejiang University of Technology,2004:1-5.
[3] 潘明,钱宇,李秀喜. 原油供应波动状况下炼油厂生产柔性调度
的建模[J]. 中国科学 B 辑:化学,2008,38(9):829-843.
PAN M,QIAN Y,LI X X. Model of refinery flexible scheduling
under the condition of fluctuating oil supply[J]. Science in China
(Series B:chemistry),2008,38(9):829-843.
[4] 赵小强. 炼厂生产调度问题研究[D]. 杭州:浙江大学,2005:2-3.
ZHAO X Q. Research on refinery production scheduling
problems[D]. Hangzhou:Zhejiang University,2005:2-3.
[5] 刘丽杰. 基于多智能体的炼厂生产调度优化系统开发[D]. 青岛:
LIU L J. Agent based production scheduling optimization system
for a refi nery plant[D]. Qingdao:China University of Petroleum
[6] 李树荣,苏东卫. 基于动态规划的炼厂多阶段生产调度模型的
建立及求解[J]. 化工自动化及仪表,2009,36(6):25-29.
LI S R,SU D W. A dynamic programming model for multistage
production planning of a refinery plant[J]. Control and
Instruments in Chemical Industry,2009,36(6):25-29.
[7] 李明. 炼油过程生产调度建模方法研究[D]. 济南:山东大学,
LI M. Modeling method research on refi nery process production
scheduling[D]. Jinan:Shandong University,2011:54-58.
[8] FLOUDAS C A,LIN X X. Continuous-time versus discrete-time
approaches for scheduling of chemical processes:A review[J].
Computers amp; Chemical Engineering,2004,28(11):2109-2129.
[9] ZHANG H R,LIANG Y T,XIAO Q,et al. Supply-based
optimal scheduling of oil product pipelines[J]. Petroleum Science,
[10] 张浩然,梁永图,王宁,等. 多源单汇多批次顺序输送管道调度
优化[J]. 石油学报,2015,36(9):1148-1155.
ZHANG H R,LIANG Y T,WANG N,et al. Optimal
scheduling of multi-source single distribution pipeline with
multi-batch sequential transportation[J]. Acta Petrolei
[11] LI W K,HUI C W,HUA B,et al. Scheduling crude oil
unloading,storage,and processing[J]. Industrial amp; Engineering
Chemistry Research,2002,41(26):6723-6734.
[12] REJOWSKI R,PINTO J M. Effi cient MILP formulations and
valid cuts for multiproduct pipeline scheduling[J]. Computers amp;
Chemical Engineering,2004,28(8):1511-1528.
[13] 李亚平,刘伟,张刘军,等. 炼油生产中的原油多周期调度优
化[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,2015,21(2):503-509.
LI Y P,LIU W,ZHANG L J,et al. Multi-period scheduling
optimization for crude oil in oil refinery production[J].
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2015,21(2):
[14] 梁永图,张浩然,周江宏,等. 大庆油田轻烃管网调度优化[J].
LIANG Y T,ZHANG H R,ZHOU J H,et al. Optimal
scheduling of light hydrocarbon pipe network in Daqing
Oilfield[J]. Oil amp; Gas Storage and Transportation,2015,
[15] ZHANG H,LIANG Y,LIAO Q,et al. A hybrid computational
approach for detailed scheduling of products in a pipeline with
multiple pump stations[J]. Energy,2016,119:612-628.
[16] CHEN X,GROSSMANN I,ZHENG L. A comparative study of
continuous-time models for scheduling of crude oil operations in
inland refi neries[J]. Computers amp; Chemical Engineering,2012,
[17] LI J,RUTH M,FLOUDAS C A. Continuous-time modeling
and global optimization approach for scheduling of crude oil
operations[J]. AIChE Journal,2011,58(1):205-226.
[18] ZHAO Y,WU N Q,LI Z. A novel solution approach to
priority-slot-based continuous-time MINLP formulation for
crude-oil scheduling problem[J]. Industrial amp; Engineering
Chemistry Research,2016,55(41):10955-10967.
[19] XU J,ZHANG S,ZHANG J, et al. Simultaneous scheduling of
front-end crude transfer and refi nery processing[J]. Computers
amp; Chemical Engineering,2016,94(4):212-236.
A. A novel monolithic MILP framework for lot-sizing and
scheduling of multiproduct treelike pipeline networks[J].
Industrial amp; Engineering Chemistry Research,2015,54(37):
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