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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2022-05-02 22:23:12  


摘 要

本论文针对苯烷基化制异丙苯的反应体系中新鲜苯与丙烯进料摩尔比高、能耗大的缺点,提出了加压反应-常压精馏集成新工艺。这种新型集成方式使反应和精馏在相对独立的空间进行,催化剂固定在反应器内,不在精馏塔内,彻底解决了反应精馏过程的催化剂固定问题。另外,反应与精馏的空间相对独立,使得精馏塔与反应器的操作工况(如温度、压力) 在各自最佳操作条件下进行,既可以一致,也可以不同,极大地拓宽了反应精馏集成技术的适用范围,克服传统反应精馏技术的缺陷。本文以化工流程模拟软件Aspen Plus为研究工具,对苯与丙烯烷基化生产异丙苯的加压反应-常压精馏集成工艺进行模拟研究。在新鲜苯与丙烯进料摩尔比为1,固定丙烯转化率99%,异丙苯选择性98%的反应目标下,考察了加压反应-常压精馏集成工艺中侧反应器台数、相邻反应器间隔塔板数、提馏段塔板数、再沸比、丙烯分配比等参数对反应精馏集成工艺的影响规律,实现反应能力与分离能力最优匹配。结果表明,在加压反应-常压精馏集成新工艺中反应精馏塔侧反应器3台、相邻侧反应器间隔塔板数2块、提馏段塔板数5块、再沸比为8、丙烯分配为0.84:0.14:0.02时,反应精馏过程的性能达到最优。



This paper in view of the benzene in the reaction system of isopropyl benzene alkylation system fresh high benzene with propylene feed molar ratio, the shortcomings of large energy consumption, puts forward the pressor response - new technology of atmospheric distillation integration.Make the new integrated form of reaction and distillation in the relatively independent space, fixed catalyst in the reactor, not in rectification column, completely solve the problem of catalyst fixed distillation process in the reaction.In addition, reaction and distillation of relatively independent space, make rectification column and the reactor operating conditions (such as temperature, pressure) in their respective best operating conditions, can be consistent, can also be different, greatly widened the scope of the reaction distillation integration technology, to overcome the defects of traditional reaction rectification technology.In this paper, the chemical process simulation software Aspen Plus as a research tool, of benzene with propylene production of isopropyl benzene alkylation reaction pressure - atmospheric distillation simulation studies the integration process.In benzene with propylene feed fresh mole ratio is 1, fixed propylene conversion rate 99%, 98% of isopropyl benzene selective reaction, examines the pressor response at the side of atmospheric distillation integration process reactor sets, adjacent reactor interval plate number, stripping plate number, and reboiler, and ratio of propylene distribution parameters on the influence law of reaction distillation integration process, realize the optimal matching reaction and separation ability.Results show that the pressure - in the new technology of atmospheric distillation integration reaction rectifying column reactor 3, side side reactor interval adjacent plate number 2, stripping section of the plate number 5 blocks, 8, propylene distribution ratio of reboiler is 0.84:0.14:0.02, the performance of the reaction distillation process to achieve the optimal.

Keywords:reactiondistillation; integration process; Different working conditions; Isopropyl benzene


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章文献综述 1

1.1异丙苯 1

1.1.1异丙苯的性质 1

1.2.1异丙苯的应用 1

1.2异丙苯的合成工艺 1

1.2.1传统生产工艺 1

1.2.2Dow/Kellog生产工艺 2

1.2.3Q- Max 工艺 2

1.2.4Mobil / badger 工艺 2

1.2.5EniChem工艺 3

1.2.6CD Tech 工艺 3

1.3反应精馏技术发展概况 4

1.3.1反应精馏技术工艺及其特点 4

1.3.2反应精馏技术的应用领域 5

1.3.3带侧反应器的反应精馏集成技术 6

第二章反应精馏集成过程 8

2.1反应动力学 8

2.2 工艺过程模型和模拟方法 8

2.3 工艺流程 9

第三章结果与讨论 11

3.1侧反应器台数(NR)的影响 11

3.2侧反应器间隔塔板数(NRS)的影响 12

3.3提馏段塔板数(NS)的影响 12

3.4再沸比的影响 14

3.5模拟结果 14

结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 20

第一章 文献综述










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