2022-04-28 22:19:59
摘 要
甲烷有望代替石油成为制备基础化学品(如芳烃、烯烃、含氧化合物醇醛等)的新来源。作为天然气的主要组成部分,甲烷具有高度对称四面体结构和较高的C-H键能(439 KJ·mol-1),这使得其活化过程比较困难。甲烷直接转化法是一种理想的反应途径,但是存在转化率低、产率低、选择性较差的缺点。目前实现天然气工业化的技术路线是首先将甲烷活化转化生成合成气,合成气再制成液体燃料(GTL)及其他化工产品,但是甲烷蒸汽重整过程反应条件苛刻,能耗和成本都很高。因此,开发新型甲烷活化路线具有重要的现实意义。
关键词:甲烷氧氯化 氧化锆 非晶态 甲烷 氯甲烷 选择性活化
Catalytic performance of modified non-crystalline ZrO2 in methane oxy-chlorination
Methane could substitute for petroleum to be converted to valuable chemicals, e.g., aromatics, olefins, alcohol, aldehyde. However, its activation is difficult because of the symmetry of molecule, with all four C-H bonds being equally very strong(439 KJ·mol-1), which results in overall low reactivity. Many efforts have been devoted to the selective activation of methane in the recent decades. Direct conversions of methane to value-added chemical have attracted considerable attentions in this decade, despite many efforts it remains difficult to achieve because of their low methane conversions and poor product selectivities. The current commercial technology for chemical utilization of methane involves high-temperature steam reforming to produce syngas, and the subsequent conversion of syngas to liquid fuel and other chemical products. Nevertheless, the formation of the synthesis and further transformation is an energy- and cost-intensive process. Therefore, the development of novel catalytic routes for the successful activation of methane is of high significance.
The catalytic oxy-chlorination of methane to methyl chloride is a potential way of methane activation, in which molecular O2 and HCl were employed for activating methane. The methyl chloride is an alternative platform molecule in a variety of chemical processes. Potentially, methyl chloride could also be used as the basis of the synthesis of higher hydrocarbons, whereby the HCl set free in the process can be reused for the oxy-chlorination. Moreover, this oxy-chlorination process is a promising way with low energy intensive. Consequently, it has arousing widely attention by some research institutions and international famous chemical companies in recent years.
Herein, the influence of the metal oxide modified amorphous ZrO2 on the catalytic properties was explored. The influence of the metal oxide modified ZrO2 on the catalytic properties was explored, the presence of Cerium oxide improved HCl adsorption, generating more OCl- active species, improving the activity of methane oxy-chlorination over Ce/ZrO2. In contrast, Droping ferric oxide and cobaltous oxide have a less adsorption of HCl, decreasing the methane conversion over the Fe/ZrO2和Co/ZrO2. From the distribution of the products, Droping the metal oxides inhibite methyl chloride to methylene chloride, but enhance the generation of CO, these have resulting in low methayl chloride selectivity and CO selectivity.
Key words:Methane oxy-chlorination; ZrO2; amorphous state; Methane; Methyl chloride; Selective activation
目 录
摘 要 II
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 甲烷的利用进展 2
1.1.1 甲烷的直接转化 2
1.1.2 甲烷的间接转化 3
1.1.3 甲烷综合利用存在的问题 5
1.2 甲烷氧氯化研究进展 6
1.3 氧化锆气凝胶研究 9
1.4 课题的意义、思路和内容 9
1.4.1 课题的意义 9
1.4.2 研究内容 10
第二章 实验部分 11
2.1 实验试剂和仪器 11
2.1.1 实验气体及试剂 11
2.1.2 实验主要仪器 12
2.2 催化剂的制备 12
2.3 实验装置图 13
2.4 产物分析及数据处理 13
2.4.1 产物分析 13
2.4.2 相对校正因子 14
2.4.3 数据处理 15
2.5 催化剂测试 16
2.6 催化剂表征 17
2.6.1 X射线衍射(XRD)分析 17
2.6.2 N2吸附-脱附分析 17
第三章 改性非晶态氧化锆催化剂对其甲烷氧氯化性能影响 18
3.1 催化剂的制备、表征及活性评价 18
3.1.1 催化剂制备 18
3.1.2 催化剂的表征 18
3.1.3 催化剂的活性评价 18
3.2 改性非晶态氧化锆催化剂的表征结构 19
3.2.1 X-射线衍射(XRD) 19
3.2.2 氮气吸-附脱附曲线(BET) 19
3.3 改性非晶态氧化锆催化剂的催化性能 21
3.4 结论 26
第四章 总结 28
参考文献 29
致谢 33
第一章 文献综述
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