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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2022-03-31 21:00:12  


摘 要




以rGO为基础,制备出分散性良好的rGO溶液,选取陶瓷管和陶瓷中空纤维为支撑体,成功制备出rGO膜。通过死端过滤的方法测试膜的水通量和截留率。根据实验结果发现rGO膜比GO膜更稳定,截留率更高,所制备的管式rGO膜水通量达3.36 L·m-2·h-1·bar-1 ,截留率最佳达到了99.44%;所制备的中空纤维rGO膜水通量达3.16 L·m-2·h-1·bar-1 ,截留率最佳达到了90%。

关键词:氧化石墨烯 染料截留 陶瓷支撑体

Preparation and characterization of GO nanofiltration membrane on the inner side of ceramic substrates


Due to the increasing applications of nanofiltration membranes in drinking water purification, food processing, bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing, environmental protection and other aspects, preparing nanofiltration membranes with high water flux and high retention rate is of great significance. In this thesis, we utilize an emerging 2D nanomaterial - graphene oxide to prepare the graphene oxide nanofiltration separation membrane by pressure filtration through ceramic substrate. Such membrane has a laminar structure as well as high chemical inertness, good mechanical property, narrow pore size distribution and so on.

The primary contents are summarized as follows:

(1)rGO was successfully prepared by base-reflux and was characterized by XRD, Raman and UV-vis spectroscopy to investigate their physicochemical properties. The results showed that the oxygen-containing functionalized groups of graphene oxide were lost, which leaded to the decrease of the d-spacing and the increase of the microdefects.

(2)We prepared rGO solution with good dispersancy based on rGO, then choosed ceramic and ceramic hollow fiber support to prepare rGO membranes. Pure water flux and rejection rate were tested by the method of dead-end filtration. According to the experimental results, rGO membrane is more stable than GO membrane with higher rejection. The highest rejection of tube rGO membrane has reached to 99.44% with the pure water flux of 3.36 L·m-2·h-1·bar-1. Meanwhile, the highest rejection of hollow fiber rGO membrane has reached to 90% with the pure water flux of 3.16 L·m-2·h-1·bar-1.

Key Words: Graphene oxide; Dye rejection; Ceramic hollow fiber support

目 录



第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 背景 1

1.2 氧化石墨烯及其膜的制备 2

1.2.1 氧化石墨烯的制备 2

1.2.2 氧化石墨烯膜的制备 3

1.3 氧化石墨烯膜的分离性能及改性方法 4

1.3.1 氧化石墨烯膜的分离性能 4

1.3.2 氧化石墨烯膜的改性方法 5

1.4 本课题研究意义及内容 8

1.4.1 研究意义 8

1.4.2 研究内容 8

第二章 氧化石墨烯溶液的还原 10

2.1 引言 10

2.2 实验部分 10

2.2.1 实验试剂和仪器设备 10

2.2.2 还原氧化石墨烯的制备 11

2.2.3 氧化石墨烯及还原氧化石墨烯的表征 11

2.3 本章小结 14

第三章 陶瓷支撑的氧化石墨烯膜的制备与表征 15

3.1 引言 15

3.2 实验部分 15

3.2.1 实验试剂和仪器设备 15

3.2.2 氧化石墨烯膜的制备 16

3.2.3 氧化石墨烯膜的表征 16

3.2.4 实验装置流程图 18

3.3 实验结果 18

3.3.1 GO膜和rGO膜的比较 18

3.3.2 不同膜厚 19

3.3.3 不同染料 19

3.3.4 陶瓷中空纤维支撑的GO纳滤膜 20

3.4 本章小结 21

第四章 结论与展望 22

4.1 结论 22

4.2 展望 22

参考文献 23

致谢 27

第一章 文献综述

1.1 背景

石墨烯(Graphene)是由独特的二维碳网络构成,只有单层原子厚,仅为1 nm左右,其中,它的六角型蜂巢晶格状结构由sp2杂化轨道的碳原子组成的。同时它具有化学惰性高、机械性能强、耐高温等优点[1]。自从2004年石墨烯被英国物理学家发现以来[2],无论是在理论方面亦或是实验方面,已受到人们极大的关注。石墨烯是其他同素异形体的基本结构,包括石墨、活性炭、碳纳米管(Carbon nanotube, CNT)以及富勒烯[3]。在理想状态下,单层石墨烯具有的六元芳香环,它的电子密度已经达到足以能够完全阻挡分子或原子穿过其面内的六元环[4]。高质量的石墨烯坚硬但很轻也几近透明,能够作为热和电良好的导体。石墨烯因其二维极限结构的奇特性质而广受关注,其性质比如双极晶体管效应、电子弹道传递、量子霍尔效应等。这些优异性质使得石墨烯在晶体管、太阳能电池、传感器、超级电容器、场发射和催化剂载体等领域有着良好的应用前景。

图1-1 石墨烯分子结构示意图


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