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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2022-03-28 20:47:07  


摘 要


本论文采用原位掺杂的方法,以制备的有机聚合物P1为碳源和氮源,通过碳化得到氮掺杂多孔碳材料,其不仅具有较大的比表面积,并且大大扩展了P1的孔道结构。通过表征,我们发现加入KOH为活化剂和不同的碳化温度对样品的结构与性质影响巨大。实验测定了在273 K和298 K时,CO2,CH4和N2在吸附剂上的吸附等温线。

结果表明,所有吸附剂都有较高的CO2吸附量,在273 K,1 bar下,K-P1-600的CO2吸附量可以达到168.3 cm3.g1(7.5 mmol.g1)。在298 K,1 bar下,K-P1-600的CO2/N2吸附选择性可以达到26.9,且CO2/CH4吸附选择性为5.5,展现出较好的CO2吸附选择性。且在常温下抽真空,吸附剂即可完全再生。

关键词:吸附 氮掺杂多孔碳 选择性 气体分离 二氧化碳

Preparation of N-doped Porous Carbon Materials and Their Adsorption Properties


Porous carbon materials exhibit superiorities such as large surface area and pore volumn, fine electrical conductivity, high physical and chemical stability, which render their wide range of applications in carbon capture and energy storage. To enhance the gas separation and storage abilities of porous carbon materials, studies of N-doped porous carbon materials are receiving increasing attention, devoted to more reasonable pore structure and more appropriate active groups.

Here we obtained a N-doped porous carbon material by using in-situ doping method, as a result of the carbonization of prepared organic polymer P1 as carbon and nitrogen source, the N-doped porous carbon material not only showed large specific surface area, but also greatly expanded the P1 channel. Through a series of characterizations, we found that the use KOH as activator and carbonization temperature might affect the structure and properties of the samples. CO2, CH4 and N2 adsorption isotherm on the adsorbents were measured at 273 K and 298 K.

The results showed that the N-doped porous carbon’s CO2 adsorption quantities were much higher than P1, and under 273 K, 1 bar, the CO2 adsorption capacity of K-P1-600 can reach 168.3 cm3.g1(7.5 mmol.g1). And at 298 K, 1 bar, the CO2/N2 selectivity of K-P1-600 was 26.9, and the CO2/CH4 selectivity was 5.5, which showed good CO2 selectivity. Under vacuum at room temperature, adsorbent can be completely regenerated.

KEYWORDS:adsorption; N-doped porous carbon; selectivity; gas separation; CO2


摘 要 I


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 CO2的分离与捕获 2

1.2.1 低温精馏法 2

1.2.2 吸收分离法 2

1.2.3 膜法 3

1.2.4 固体吸附法 3

1.3 CO2吸附材料 4

1.3.1 多孔碳材料 4

1.3.2 沸石分子筛 5

1.3.3 金属有机骨架材料 5

1.4 本文的研究意义和内容 6

第二章 实验部分 7

2.1 实验原料与试剂 7

2.2 吸附剂的制备 7

2.3 吸附剂的表征 8

2.3.1 傅里叶变换红外光谱 8

2.3.2 X-射线衍射 8

2.3.3 比表面积和孔结构 8

2.3.4 元素分析 9

2.4 吸附剂的性能测试 9

2.4.1 纯组分气体静态吸附等温线的测定 9

第三章 氮掺杂多孔碳材料的制备及其CO2吸附性能研究 10

3.1 吸附剂的结构表征 11

3.2 静态吸附性能 14

3.2.1 静态吸附平衡等温线 14

3.2.2 吸附平衡模型关联 17

3.2.3 吸附热分析 22

3.2.4 吸附剂再生性能 24

3.3 化学活化剂KOH的作用 24

第四章 结论与展望 26

4.1 结论 26

4.2 展望 27

参考文献 28

致 谢 32

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景




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