2022-03-06 20:18:24
摘 要
随着能源消耗的日益加剧,工业耗能与能源短缺成为了不可缓和的矛盾,而工业流程中换热器的使用不仅能极大减少多余的能量消耗,而且能提高企业长期经济效益。面对市售多种换热器类型,选择何种换热器又成为一大难题。本文旨在完成600 kt/a丙烯装置丙烯乙烯复迭制冷流程中波纹板换热器的设计。论文综述了丙烯装置中丙烯乙烯复迭制冷这一工艺,对波纹板换热器的历史及优点进行了阐述。查阅文献对该工段进行Aspen Plus简捷计算,在此基础上进行严格计算及核算以及EDR板式换热器设计。比较了管壳式设计方案与板式设计方案,管壳式设计方案除E0307外均在400W/(m2.K)以下,而板式换热器设计则平均在700W/(m2.K)以上甚至达到了1300 W/(m2.K),远高于管壳式换热器。
关键词:波纹板换热器 复迭制冷 Aspen Plus模拟
Process Design of Corrugated Plate Heat Exchanger in Ethylene-Propylene combined refrigeration of 600 kt/a Propylene Unit
With the increasing energy consumption, industrial energy consumption and energy shortages had become irreconcilable contradictions, and the use of industrial processes in the heat exchanger could not only greatly reduce the excess energy consumption, but also improve the long-term economic benefits.The face of a variety of commercially available heat exchanger type, choose what kind of heat exchanger has become a major problem.The purpose of this paper was to complete the design of corrugated plate heat exchanger in ethylene-propylene combined refrigeration process of 600 kt /a propylene plant. In this paper, the process of ethylene-propylene combined refrigeration in propylene plant was reviewed, and the history and advantages of corrugated plate heat exchanger were expounded. Read the article on the section of Aspen Plus simple calculation, on the basis of strict calculation and accounting and EDR plate heat exchanger design. Compared with the shell design and the plate design, the shell-and-tube design scheme was below 400W / (m2.K) except for E0307, while the plate heat exchanger design was even above 700W / (m2.K) 1300 W / (m2.K),was much higher than the shell and tube heat exchanger.
Key Words: Corrugated plate heat exchanger Complex cooling Aspen Plus simulation
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1概述 1
1.1.1课题提出背景 1
1.1.2丙烯市场及发展现状 1
(1)丙烯的市场需求 1
(2)丙烯的发展现状 2
1.1.3丙烯及乙烯性质 2
1.2丙烷脱氢生产工艺 2
1.2.1丙烷脱氢反应 2
1.2.2丙烷脱氢工艺技术方案 3
1.2.3美国UOP公司Oleflex工艺 4
1.3丙烯乙烯复迭制冷简述 6
1.3.1工作原理 6
1.3.2乙烯丙烯复迭压缩制冷系统 6
1.4换热器简述 7
1.4.1管壳式换热器 8
1.4.2波纹板式换热器 8
1.5工具软件简述 9
1.5.1Aspen Plus 9
1.5.2Aspen EDR 9
1.6课题研究内容与意义 9
第二章 换热工艺设计及计算 11
2.1手工简易计算法 11
2.2手工详细计算法 11
2.3计算机算法 15
第三章 管壳式换热器设计 16
3.1管壳式换热器设计过程 16
3.1.1简捷计算 16
3.1.2严格计算及核算 17
3.2管壳式换热器设计结果汇总 18
第四章 波纹板式换热器设计及比较 21
4.1波纹板式换热器设计过程 21
4.1.1简捷计算 21
4.1.2设计计算及核算 21
4.2波纹板式换热器设计结果汇总 23
4.3换热器比较 24
第五章 结论 26
第六章 参考文献 27
第七章 致谢 29
附录 30
第一章 文献综述
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