2022-02-27 21:51:27
摘 要
关键词: Zr-KIT-6-SO3H 加成反应 酸位协同 醋酸叔丁酯
The direct addition of acetic acid and isobutylene is an atom economic reaction, the process is simple and the water doesn’t exist during the whole process. As a result, this process of producing tert-butyl acetate is environmental friendly and economic. To increase the selectivity of tert-butyl acetate, it’s common to add excessive acetic acid or polar solvent like tert-butanol which results in higher investment in anti-corrosion equipment and the subsequent separation. Therefore, developing efficient and green catalyst is feasible to improve the selectivity of target reaction. On the basis of research on the catalytic addition of mesoporous molecular sieves of propane sulfonic acid modified mesoporous zeolite, KIT-6 was used as the carrier, and the mesoporous materials Zr-KIT-6-SO3H, the introduction of new acid sites by metal doping, to improve the selectivity of tert-butyl acetate, and on this basis to explore the relationship between different acid and catalytic activity.
In this paper, doped and sulfonic acid modified Zr-KIT-6-SO3H were prepared by two-step hydrothermal modification method. The pH value of the synthesized acidic environment was 1, 3, 5 and 7 respectively sample. The structural characterization shows that Zr-KIT-6-SO3H has a typical hexagonal mesoporous structure and good regularity. The grafting of sulfonic acid introduces the medium-intensity acid sites and Brönsted acid sites in the samples. The doping of metals increases the weak acid of the amount of acid, while the introduction of the Lewis acid position. The selectivity of t-butyl acetate in the reaction of 5-group Zr-KIT-6-SO3H catalyzed by the addition reaction of acetic acid with isobutylene was related to the content of Brönsted acid and Lewis acid in the catalyst at 40 ℃. The experimental results show that the synergistic effect between B acid and L acid can effectively inhibit the dimerization of isobutylene and promote the addition reaction of acetic acid. Brönsted acid adsorption of isobutylene, the formation of σ-complex tertiary carbon positive ions, and then with acetic acid and isobutene reaction of tert-butyl acetate and diisobutylene. Lewis acid site interacts with isobutene to form a π-complex, which reduces the local concentration of isobutene in contact with the active site Brönsted acid in the microenvironment, thereby reducing the reaction rate of isobutylene polymerization and the addition of the esterification reaction The rate is less affected by Lewis acid sites. The synergistic effect of the Lewis acid sites and the Brönsted acid sites formed on the materials modified by metal doping and sulfonic acid grafting in the acid esterification reaction improves the selectivity of t-butyl acetate in the reaction of acetic acid with isobutylene The Thus, the high Brönsted acid content of the catalyst in the catalytic addition of the esterification of t-butyl acetate in the reaction with a high catalytic activity, the appropriate ratio of Brönsted acid and Lewis acid sites can be obtained by high t-butyl acetate selectivity.
Key Words:Zr-KIT-6-SO3H;Additive reaction;Synergic effect;Tert-Butyl acetate
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 背景介绍 1
1.2 酸烯酯化催化剂 1
1.3 双改性介孔分子筛的探索过展 3
1.3.1 磺酸改性介孔分子筛的合成与应用 3
1.3.2 多种官能团共同改性介孔材料的合成与应用 5
1.4金属杂原子掺杂分子筛过程中的优化 7
1.5 论文选题及研究思路 8
第二章 实验部分 10
2.1 实验原料及试剂 10
2.2 主要实验仪器及设备 10
2.3 催化剂的表征方法 11
2.3.1 傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR) 11
2.3.2 氮气吸附脱附(N2-Adsorption Desorption) 11
2.3.3 X射线荧光光谱 11
2.3.4 紫外-可见漫反射光谱(UV-vis) 12
2.4 催化性能评价及分析方法 12
2.4.1 实验方法 12
2.4.2 分析方法 12
第三章不同pH下Zr-KIT-6-SO3H的合成、表征及催化性能 14
3.1 Zr-KIT-6-SO3H的制备 14
3.2 Zr-KIT-6-SO3H表征结果 15
3.2.1 傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR) 15
3.2.2 氮气吸附脱附(N2-Adsorption-Desorption) 16
3.2.3 X射线荧光光谱 17
3.2.4 紫外-可见漫反射光谱(UV-vis) 18
3.3 Zr-KIT-6-SO3H的催化性能 19
第四章 结论 22
参考文献 24
致谢 27
第一章 文献综述
1.1 背景介绍
由于羧酸酯具有特别的结构和比较强的活性,于是有很多的优秀聚合物通过它衍生而来,这就导致了它成为了十分好用的化工溶剂。醋酸叔丁酯作为环境友好型溶剂可以有效的降低目标产物的光化学反应活性以及在常温之下的挥发性,从而避免了一些有害物质进入大气之中从而造成环境污染[1]。醋酸叔丁酯具有良好的耐碱性和疏水性,它不但可以与水混溶 ,而且可以与其它有机溶剂混溶,使用醋酸叔丁酯替换芳香烃和酮类,可以显著的降低由有毒溶剂的排放而造成的臭氧污染物。因而,醋酸叔丁酯是一种环境友好型的化工溶剂,被广泛运用于有机溶剂、表面活性剂等领域。
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