2022-01-19 20:58:39
摘 要
关键词:金属负载材料 限阈空间 催化氧化 分散
Preparation of metal-loaded mesoporous molecular sieves by using a threshold-limited spatially dispersed active component
The preparation of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles has at- tracted great attention in recent years. These nanoentities are thermo- dynamically unstable due to their high surface energies and large sur- faces and prone to agglomerate for their stabilization.
For the formation of metal-loaded materials,mesoporous silica SBA-15,a material with high surface area and pore volume, plentiful hydroxyl groups, and tunable pore size, is an ideal choice of support, The SBA-15 material stands out for its hole wall thickness and improved thermal and hydrothermal stability. The conventional preparation process is that metal salt precursors always locate in calcined SBA-15 (denoted as CS). However, severe aggregation of active components in channel occurs easily, and subsequent leads to the decrease of activity. Actually, there are confined spaces between silica walls and templates as well as abundant hydroxyl groups in as-prepared SBA-15 (denoted as AS), which are beneficial to the dispersion of active components.
Some investigations have attested that the introduction of metal atoms in SBA-15 skeleton such as aluminium not only influence the physicochemical properties of supports, but also increase the interaction of active components with supports to further promote the dispersion of active components. The standard aims at the deficiencies of traditional preparation process, bimetallic Co/Al bimetallic catalyst was prepared from raw powder al-sba-15 (named as Al-AS).
Keywords: Metal-loaded materials; Confined spaces; Catalytic oxidation; Dispersion
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 载体SBA-15的功能化 2
1.1.1 负载金属 2
1.1.2 负载固体酸 3
1.1.3 嫁接有机基团 4
1.2 金属负载材料的制备 5
1.2.1 浸渍法 5
1.2.2 离子交换法 5
1.2.3 固相研磨法 6
1.3 金属负载材料的应用 7
1.3.1 吸附脱硫 7
1.3.2 吸附分离烯烃/烷烃 7
1.3.3 分离提纯一氧化碳 8
1.3.4 催化氧化一氧化碳 8
1.4 本文研究目的和研究内容 8
第二章 实验方法 10
2.1 试剂和气体 10
2.2 材料的制备 10
2.2.1 载体SBA-15 10
2.2.2 载体Al-SBA-15 11
2.2.3 催化剂Co/Al-SBA-15 11
2.3 材料的表征 12
2.3.1 X射线衍射 12
2.3.2 比表面积与孔结构 12
2.3.3 热重分析 12
2.3.4 红外光谱 12
2.3.5 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱 13
2.3.6 透射电镜 13
2.4 材料的性能测试 13
2.4.1 电催化析氧(OER) 13
第三章 利用SBA-15的限阈空间制备Co/Al双金属催化剂 14
3.1 Co/Al-SBA-15的结构和表面性能 14
3.2 Co/Al-SBA-15的分散机理 15
3.3 Co/Al-SBA-15的电催化性能 22
3.4 本章小结 24
第四章 结论与展望 25
6.1 结论 25
6.2 展望 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 30
- 绪论
介孔分子筛作为一种无机多孔材料,具有长程有序排列和孔径(2~50 nm)或层间间距。它还具备比表面积高、孔径可调、孔径均匀和氧化硅孔壁厚等优点,可以作为金属氧化物载体、催化剂载体和吸附剂载体等,因此它在吸附[1,2]、催化[3,4]和生物[5,6]等领域发挥着重要的作用。
1992年,Kresge等人[7]首次报道了在季铵盐表面活性剂存在下,在铝硅酸盐凝胶水热反应产物的电子显微照片中观察到了M41S,从此介孔分子筛的研究进入了告诉发展时期。1998年,Zhao等人[8]在酸性条件下利用非离子型嵌段聚合物通过煅烧等方法成功地合成了介孔分子筛SBA-15。该种分子筛具有规则的孔径分布,六方的孔结构,热稳定性(900 ℃)和水热稳定性好,比表面积和孔体积较大,表面有大量的硅羟基,孔径(4~30 nm)和孔壁(3~9 nm)可调,可通过烘烤或萃取去除模板。2018年,Wang等人[9]报道了分别以P123和TEOS为模板剂和硅源,紫外光引入·OH自由基,在无酸环境中成功合成了SBA-15。与MCM-41相比,SBA-15具有更厚的壁厚,使其具有更高的水热稳定性,引起了研究者的广泛关注。
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