2022-01-18 21:32:12
摘 要
烃类转化制氢过程使用过量水蒸汽,经多级冷凝后产生大量工艺冷凝液,品位较高且出水量大;但其含有微量有机物影响其回用于锅炉给水或循环水。本文分析了制氢工艺冷凝液组成,筛选用于制氢工艺冷凝液微量有机物脱除的专用吸附剂,并考察其对甲醇的动态吸附性能。结果表明:制氢冷凝液中总有机碳(TOC)含量为约为20mg/L,总碳(TC)含量为23-25mg/L,总氮(TN)含量为4-9mg/L,甲醇含量为34.9 mg/L,还存在少量甲酸(3.1mg/L)和微量乙酸,其COD约为70~76mg/L;甲醇是影响制氢工艺冷凝液COD的主要因素;采用AC-1为吸附剂,其对甲醇适宜的动态吸附条件为吸附温度40℃,进料空速1h-1,AC-1对制氢冷凝液中甲醇饱和吸附量为0.16mg/gads。
关键词:制氢工艺冷凝液 组成分析 COD 甲醇 吸附性能
Study on Condensate Analysis of Hydrogen Production Process and Dynamic Adsorption Performance of Methanol
Excessive steam is used in the process of hydrocarbon conversion to hydrogen production. A large amount of process condensate is produced after multi-stage condensation, which has high grade and large water output. However, it contains trace organics and would affect its return to boiler feed water or circulating water. In this paper, the compositions of the condensate in the hydrogen production process was analyzed. The adsorbent for the removal of trace organics in the condensate of the hydrogen production process was screened and its dynamic adsorption performance for methanol was investigated. Results show that the content of total organic carbon (TOC) in the hydrogen condensate is about 20 mg/L, the content of total cabon (TC ) is 23-25 mg/L, the content of total nitrogen (TN) is 4-9 mg/L, the content of methanol is 34.9 mg/L a small amount of formic acid (3.1mg/L) and trace acetic acid. COD reaches 70-76 mg/L. Methanol is the main factor for the COD of the condensate. The suitable dynamic adsorption conditions of AC-1 are adsorption temperature of 40°C with the feed airspeed of 1h-1. Saturated adsorption capacity of methanol on AC-1 is 0.16 mg/gads.
Key words: Condensate of hydrogen production process; COD; Composition analysis; Methanol; Adsorption performance
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 概述 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.1 制氢工艺冷凝液来源 1
1.1.2 制氢工艺冷凝液回用意义 1
1.2 工艺冷凝液组成分析 2
1.3 冷凝液处理吸附剂研究进展 3
1.3.1 沸石 3
1.3.2 吸附树脂 4
1.3.3 MOFs 4
1.3.4 活性炭 5
1.4 本文研究内容 7
第二章 实 验 8
2.1 主要原料及仪器 8
2.1.1 主要原料及试剂 8
2.1.2 主要仪器 8
2.2 制氢冷凝液组成分析方法 8
2.2.1 COD测定 8
2.2.2总有机碳(TOC)/总氮(TN)含量测定 9
2.2.3 制氢冷凝液中有机物组成及含量分析 9
2.3 制氢工艺冷凝液中甲醇动态吸附实验 9
第三章 结果与讨论 11
3.1 制氢工艺冷凝液组成分析 11
3.1.1 COD含量 11
3.1.2总有机碳、总氮含量 11
3.1.3阴离子含量 11
3.2 制氢工艺冷凝液微量有机物的定性和定量分析 12
3.2.1 气相色谱对甲醇和乙醇定性分析 12
3.2.2甲醇定量分析 12
3.2.3甲醇含量对制氢工艺冷凝液COD的影响 13
3.3 制氢工艺冷凝液吸附净化工艺 14
3.3.1 吸附剂筛选 14
3.3.2 AC-1对甲醇动态吸附性能研究 14
第四章 结论与展望 17
4.1 结论 17
4.2 展望 17
参考文献 18
致 谢 20
第一章 概述
1.1 课题背景
1.1.1 制氢工艺冷凝液来源
烃类蒸气转化制氢装置的主要工艺过程有:原料加氢脱硫、水蒸汽转化、 CO 高温变换和变压吸附。上述过程的核心为原料的水蒸汽转化过程,烃类水蒸汽转化反应是一个复杂的反应过程,主要反应有[1]:
1.1.2 制氢工艺冷凝液回用意义
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