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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2022-01-04 20:54:29  


摘 要

Abstract II

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 背景 1

1.2 渗透汽化技术简介 1

1.2.1 概述 1

1.2.2 渗透汽化分离机理 2

1.3 两性离子简介 4

1.3.1 概述 4

1.3.2 两性离子材料的分类 5

1.3.3 两性离子聚合物合成方法 5

1.4 氧化石墨烯材料 7

1.4.1 概述 7

1.4.2 氧化石墨烯结构与性质 7

1.4.3 氧化石墨烯的应用 8

1.5 本课题研究意义及内容 9

1.5.1 研究意义 9

1.5.2 研究内容 9

第二章 聚两性离子的合成 11

2.1 引言 11

2.2 实验部分 11

2.2.1实验试剂和仪器设备 11

2.2.2聚两性离子氧化石墨烯的合成 12

2.2.3聚两性离子氧化石墨烯的表征 12

2.3 本章小结 14

第三章 聚两性离子渗透汽化膜的制备与表征 15

3.1 引言 15

3.2 实验部分 15

3.2.1实验试剂和仪器设备 15

3.2.2聚两性离子渗透汽化膜的制备 16

3.2.3 聚两性离子渗透汽化膜的表征 17

3.3 实验结果 17

3.3.1聚两性离子渗透汽化膜性能 17

3.3.2不同乙二胺掺杂量对复合膜膜渗透汽化性能的影响 18

3.4 本章小节 19

第四章 结论与展望 20

4.1 结论 20

4.2 展望 20

参考文献 21

致谢 24

摘 要





首先,成功制备出附着在氧化石墨烯表面的聚两性离子材料,并对其进行TEM、接触角、FT-IR、XPS等表征。然后,选择乙二胺进一步交联反应,考察不同乙二胺掺杂量对聚两性离子渗透汽化膜分离乙醇/水的性能,并最终通过实验发现:在70ºC条件下,EDA(n): GO/PSBMA (m)= 4:1时所得的聚两性离子渗透汽化膜的性能最佳,通量达3.2kg/(m2∙h),分离因子达1278。

关键词:聚两性离子 氧化石墨烯 水选择性渗透


For the past few years, the standard of cost-effectiveness have forced most industries to focus on reducing the cost of each step of process design within the globe. It is focusing on reducing the cost of the following steps especially in the chemical industry: the yield and product purity of chemical production, the recovery of catalysts and solvents, and the purity of recovered or recycled materials. Separation of Chemical has become the focus of attention in all Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries, in addition, membrane separation technology has the advantages of environmental friendliness, low energy consumption, small footprint and easy operation when it compared with traditional methods such as distillation, rectification and adsorption.

The core of membrane separation is membrane material. And the ideal water selective permeable membrane material should have good stability and high hydrophilicity. Currently, Zwitterionic materials are a kind of super-hydrophilic materials with great potential, and they have both positively charged and negatively charged groups, but the whole is electrically neutral. It can form a hydrated layer through electrostatic action to increase the affinity and motility of water molecules, thereby achieving preferential and rapid penetration of water molecules. However, due to the harsh conditions of separate preparation of membranes with polyzwitterions, so in the current situation, it is mainly used for membrane surface coating or chemical graft modification. Therefore, the development of zwitterionic membrane materials still faces huge challenges.

Graphene oxide material is one of the most potential two-dimensional membrane materials at present, and it only has the thickness of monoatomic layer and rich oxygen-containing functional groups, at the same time ,it is also an ideal zwitterionic membrane material carrier. Graphene oxide membrane material has lower resistance to mass transfer process due to its thickness of monoatomic layer, and it can provide a wealth of chemical grafting sites at the same time, so that the zwitterionic material is successfully loaded, to achieve the development of highly hydrophilic membrane materials.


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