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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:05:06  

摘 要







As a product of deacetylation of chitin, chitosan is a natural amino polysaccharide, which has been highly favored by many people in the industry with its special structure system, outstanding advantages and reliable performance, and has been vigorously promoted and actively applied in many industries. However, because it can not be directly dissolved in water, its application scope is limited. As for water-soluble chitosan, scholars from all over the world have carried out in-depth and detailed discussion and analysis, thus put forward a lot of different preparation methods, such as quaternization and etherification of chitosan. After a comprehensive and detailed comparative analysis of various methods, the design decided to realize water-soluble modification through the economic and feasible method of chitosan succinylation.

In this project, absolute N-succinyl chitosan (NCS) was synthesized by reacting flake chitosan (CS) with succinic anhydride using anhydrous ethanol as the solvent. The feed ratio of succinic anhydride to chitosan was 2 : 1, the reaction temperature is controlled at 60 ℃, NCS is prepared by reacting for 15h.

The process has no by-products and meets the standards of green chemistry, but the product has a low degree of substitution and a low solubility, which limits its application. After the researchers improved the reaction conditions, it achieved good results and produced N-amber for industrial production Acyl chitosan provides experimental basis.

This design determines the production process of NCS with succinic anhydride and chitosan as raw materials, and draws a clear, standardized, rigorous and reasonable process flow chart with control points, and then uses reasonable methods to carry out material balance and heat balance. Based on the results, the production equipment is scientifically and reasonably designed, and the reactor and other related equipment are preliminarily defined Process size of. In addition, based on the actual situation on the basis of strictly following the principle of workshop layout, the design has carried out a scientific and reasonable layout of plant and equipment, and made a clear, intuitive, standardized and reasonable workshop layout. The purpose of this design is to provide reference for industrial production of NCS.

Key Words:N-succinyl chitosan; Material balance; equipment selection

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1壳聚糖 1

1.1.1壳聚糖的来源 1

1.1.2壳聚糖结构和性质 1

1.2壳聚糖化学改性 2

1.3琥珀酰壳聚糖国内外研究现状 3

1.4本课题的设计内容 5

第二章 生产工艺及流程 6

2.1合成方法研究 6

2.2生产工艺 7

2.3工艺流程图 7

第三章 物料衡算 8

3.1物料衡算的任务 8

3.2衡算的依据 8

3.3物料衡算过程 9

3.3.1反应工序 9

3.3.2中和工序 10

3.3.3洗涤工序 11

3.3.4离心工序 11

3.3.5烘干包装工序 12

第四章 热量衡算 13

4.1衡算任务 13

4.2衡算依据 13

4.3衡算过程 13

4.3.1升温过程 13

4.3.2反应过程 14

4.3.3冷却过程 14

4.3.4蒸汽和冷却水用量 14

第五章 主要设备的选型和计算 15

5.1设备的选型原则 15

5.1.1反应釜的选型原则 15

5.1.2搅拌器的选型原则 15

5.1.3辅助设备选型原则 15

5.2反应釜的选型和计算 15

5.2.1釜体及传热装置 15

5.2.2搅拌装置 22

5.2.3釜的传动装置 24

5.3中和釜的选型和计算 26

5.3.1釜体 26

5.3.2搅拌装置 29

5.3.3釜的传动装置 30

5.4洗涤釜的选型和计算 32

5.4.1釜体 32

5.4.2搅拌装置 35

5.4.3釜的传动装置 36

5.5原料计量槽 38

5.5.1丁二酸酐计量槽 38

5.5.2壳聚糖计量槽 39

5.5.3碳酸氢钠计量槽 39

5.5.4乙醇计量槽 39

5.6离心机 39

第六章 其他设备的选型 40

6.1反应釜的附属设备 40

6.1.1筒体法兰 40

6.1.2人孔 40

6.1.3设备接口 40

6.1.4视镜 41

6.2辅助设备 41

6.2.1物料输送泵 41

第七章 车间布置 42

7.1 布置原则 42

7.2设备布置 42

7.2.1反应车间 42

第八章 三废处理 43

8.1编制标准 43

8.2治理措施 43

8.2.1废气排放控制 44

8.2.2废水治理 44

8.2.3噪音防治措施 44

结论 46

参考文献 47

附录 49

(1)设备一览表 49

(2)反应釜装配图 49

(3)带控制点的工艺流程图 49

(4)车间布置图 49

致谢 50

第一章 绪论



壳聚糖也被很多人称作为壳多糖,经浓碱处理后除去糖基上N -乙酰基的壳多糖,是甲壳素最重要的衍生物。甲壳素和壳聚糖之间最大的不同表现为N-脱乙酰化的程度。一般来说,低于50%的N -脱乙酰化度称为甲壳素,高于50%的N -脱乙酰化度称为壳聚糖[1]



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