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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2021-10-06 12:31:14  

摘 要





Vitamin C, also known as L- ascorbic acid, it’s a water soluble vitamin and an important health care drugs; mainly used for prevention and treatment of scurvy, anemia, growth retardation, colds, etc.and enhance the body resistance. Worldwide demand is increasing year by year. Vitamin C was first extracted from plants and animals out, and later developed chemical manufacturing method, fermentation and chemical shared manufacturing method. Now Vitamin C industrial manufacturing method there are two, one is the Reichstein step fermentation production method of the invention, the other is a two-step fermentation method that invented by Yinguang Lin. The design is based on the classical two-step fermentation process for the production of vitamin C.

Discussing with 5000 tons of vitamin C plant design,calculating the size of the reactor according to the annual output,selecting the type of reactor and other supporting equipment, So designed a specific process. And layout the production of equipment for the layout and facade of the workshop layout. Completing a major equipment assembly drawings, process flow diagrams, workshop floor plan and equipment elevations.

Key words:Vitamin C;Two-step fermentation; Fermenter design;Process design;

Workshop layout

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1维生素C简介 1

1.2市场需求分析 1

1.3国内外维生素C的发展现状 1

1.4目的及意义 2

1.5工艺流程选择与论证 2

1.5.1莱氏法生产维生素C 2

1.5.2二步发酵法生产维生素C 3

1.5.3维生素C的生产 3

第二章 物料衡算 5

2.1物料衡算 5

2.1.1培养基的配料 5

2.1.2计算过程 5

2.1.3计算结果 7

2.2能量衡算 7

2.2.1升温阶段的热量衡算 7

2.2.2冷却过程阶段的热量衡算 8

2.2.3 蒸汽和冷却水用量的计算 8

第三章 发酵罐的设计 9

3.1设计依据 9

3.2发酵罐个数的确定 9

3.3发酵罐尺寸的确定 9

3.3.1确定罐体的内径和筒体高度 9

3.3.2发酵罐壁厚的计算 10

3.4夹套尺寸的确定 11

3.4.1夹套公称直径的计算 11

3.4.2夹套壁厚的计算 11

3.4.3夹套筒体高度的计算 11

3.5水压试验校核 11

3.5.1筒体水压试验应力校核 12

3.5.2夹套水压试验应力校核 12

3.6釜有关数据 12

3.7发酵罐搅拌器的设计 13

3.7.1设计任务 13

3.7.2 设计依据 13

3.7.3搅拌器设计 13

3.7.4搅拌器转速 14

3.7.5发酵罐的搅拌器计算 14

3.7.6搅拌器轴径的计算 15

3.7.7轴封的选取 15

3.7.8联轴器的选择 16

3.8其他辅助设备的选择 16

3.9视镜 17

3.10人孔的选择 18

3.11无菌空气通风管设计 18

3.12接管与接管法兰 19

第四章 工厂车间布置 21

4.1设计的基本依据 21

4.2 设计内容 21

4.3车间布局设计 21

4.3.1 车间的整体布置 21

4.3.2 设备布置形式 22

4.4 车间辅助工程设计 22

4.5水电布置 22

第五章 结论与展望 23

5.1结论 23

5.2展望 23

参考文献 24

附 录 25

附录A 生产工艺流程图 25

附录B 发酵罐装配图 25

附录C 工厂布置图 25

附录D 车间设备平面图 25

附录E 参考依据 25

附录F 25

致 谢 27

第一章 绪论


维生素C(Vitamin C,Ascorbic Acid)分子式:C6H8O6;分子量:176.13,常温下为白色结晶或粉末,味酸无臭味。结构式:


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