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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2021-03-28 23:11:26  

摘 要




Nanocrystalline Cellulose is a kind of biomass, which can significantly enhance the mechanical properties of the composite nano filler in polymer matrix. In order to further explore the mechanics of cellulose nanocrystals modified natural rubber composites reinforced mechanism, this paper mainy studies surface functionalization of cellulose nanocrystals with silane, introducing reactive thiol groups to induce subsequent reaction of composite construction, constructing reactive compatibilization composite system and improving the thermodynamic properties of natural rubber composites. The specific experiment includes: using the method of acid hydrolysis, extraction of cellulose nanocrystals from cotton linter cellulose; nanocrystalline surface chemical modification with silane coupling agent Si-69; the modified fiber Cellulose nanocrystals and natural rubber composite, in the condition of UV radiation, inducing the reaction between filler and matrix composite; characterizing and analyzing the mechanical and thermal properties of composite materials, and exploring the strengthening mechanism of composite system. The results show during the cellulose nanocrystals surface silylation process that using ethanol / water as solvent, silicon content of modified cellulose nanocrystalline is the highest, 80 C overnight is the best drying temperature; elongation at break of 789.63% with increasing the content of Si-CNC increased to 1168.92%, The increasing of the content of modified cellulose strengthened the shaping of nanocrystalline composites reinforced by modified cellulose nanocrystals. When the content is more than 0.5%, the tensile strength of nano composite films decreased with the increase of the content, but the tensile strength is still higher than that of pure natural rubber, surface silylation modification of cellulose nanocrystals is the strengthen agent. The innovative points of this subject is that cellulose nanocrystals was modified by surface silylation, the modified cellulose nanocrystals and natural rubber composite, enhanced mechanical properties of the nanocomposite.

Keywords: cellulose nanocrystals; surface silylation; reinforced rubber; nanocomposites; structure and properties


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章绪论 1

1.1 纤维素及纤维素纳米晶 1

1.1.1纤维素的结构与性质 1

1.1.2纤维素纳米晶的制备与力学强度 2

1.2天然橡胶(NR) 4

1.2.1天然橡胶的结构和性质 4

1.2.2纤维素纳米晶改性天然橡胶的性能 5

1.3课题意义及设计思路 7

第2章实验部分 9

2.1引言 9

2.2实验原料及仪器设备 9

2.2.1实验原料 9

2.2.2实验仪器及设备 10

2.3纤维素纳米晶表面硅烷化修饰反应性增强橡胶复合材料的制备 10

2.3.1纤维素纳米晶的提取 10

2.3.2 纤维素纳米晶的表面硅烷化修饰 11

2.3.3修饰纤维素纳米晶/天然橡胶复合材料的制备 11

2.3.4结构分析和性能测试 12

2.4实验结果分析 13

2.4.1红外表征 13

2.4.2表面硅烷化修饰后的纤维素纳米晶的原子吸收光谱分析 14

2.4.3表面硅烷化修饰后的纤维素纳米晶的X射线光电子能谱分析 15

2.4.4力学性能 17

第3章实验结论与展望 19

参考文献 20

致谢 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 纤维素及纤维素纳米晶


纤维素(cellulose)是大分子多糖,由葡萄糖构成的。它不溶于水、一般的有机溶剂。 纤维素作为主要成分构成植物细胞壁。纤维素是含量最多、分布最广的多糖,占植物界50%以上的碳含量。D-吡喃葡萄糖环以β-1,4糖苷键连接而成纤维素环状结构,纤维素分子量通常较大,分子量约为5×104~2.5×107,分子式为(C6H10O5n,n为聚合度,其化学结构如图1所示,晶化程度也相应较高,主要有结晶区和非结晶区两部分组成。纤维素以不同得堆砌方式排列构成多种晶型。纤维素晶型不同对应不同的链构象、堆砌方式和物理化学性质。根据分子链极性的不同纤维素多晶可被分为平行晶型(纤维素Ⅰα、Ⅱβ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ)和反平行链晶型(纤维素Ⅱ、Ⅳ)。纤维素含有许多醇羟基,容易构成分子间和分子内的氢键,该作用力会妨碍一部分羟基对水的亲和作用,让纤维素不溶于水、难溶于一般的有机溶剂。纤维素的不同使其羟基的分布存在差异,六元吡喃环单元结构中有一个伯羟基分布在C2、两个仲羟基分布在C3和C6上。不同的羟基反应活性可能导致具有相同取代值的同种纤维素衍生物的性质不同。

图 1.1 纤维素大分子的化学结构式

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