2021-03-14 21:34:35
摘 要
由于工业的发展,大量工业废水被排放到环境中,使水资源短缺问题加重。印染废水是污染比较严重的一种废水,印染废水中含有的染料具有色度高、稳定性强的特点,对废水处理工艺的要求很高,水污染也越来越严重。因此,找到高效降解印染废水中污染物的工艺是目前的重要研究课题之一。本文选择亚甲基蓝(MB)这一典型染料作为目标污染物,以钨粉作为催化剂,考察零价钨/ H2O2高级氧化体系催化降解亚甲基蓝的性能。
钨作为催化剂可以催化过氧化氢产生羟基自由基,这是高级氧化技术的基础。本文改变pH(3~9)、钨粉量(0.5g~2.5g)、温度(30℃~60℃)三个因素进行实验,使用紫外可见分光光度计同时监测过氧化氢和亚甲基蓝的浓度,过氧化氢的浓度使用Ghormley triiodide法测定。通过对数据的处理分析得到下列结论:亚甲基蓝的催化降解过程符合一级反应动力学特征。在实验范围内,提高pH、增加钨粉的量、提高温度均对降解过程有促进作用。亚甲基蓝的降解反应的二级反应速率常数为3.4647E-4±2.5667E-5g-1s-1、反应活化能为-40.62±11.9KJ/mol。使用ASA2020型比表面积分析仪在-196℃下对钨粉进行了比表面积测试,测得钨粉的比表面积为0.9914m2/g。根据实验结果发现,随着过氧化氢的消耗减慢,亚甲基蓝的消耗也减慢,并以此推导出了反应机理。
As a result of industrial development, a large number of industrial waste water is discharged into the environment,which aggravates the shortage of water resources. Printing and dyeing wastewater is one of the serious pollution of wastewater.Printing and dyeing wastewater containing dye has the characteristics of high chroma and strong stability,so it has a high requirement on the wasterwater treatment process and make the water pollution become more and more serious.Therefore,it is one of the important research projects to find the process of efficiently degrading pollutants in printing and dyeing wastewater.In this paper,methylene blue (MB),a typical dye,was selected as the target pollutant,and the tungsten powder was used as catalyst to investigate the catalytic degradation of methylene blue at the zero-valent tungsten/H2O2 advanced oxidation system.
Tungsten as a catalyst can catalyze the generation of hydroxyl radicals by H2O2, which is the basis of advanced oxidation thechnology. In this paper, the effects of pH (3~9),the amount of tungsten powder(0.5g~2.5g) and temperature (30℃~60℃) were studied.The concentrations of H2O2 and methylene blue were monitored by UV spectrophotometer.The concentration of H2O2 was determined by the Ghormley triiodide method.Through the analysis of the data,the following conclusions are obtained that the catalytic degradation process of methylene blue conforms to the first order reaction kinetics.In the experimental range,increasing the pH,increasing the amount of tungsten powder,raising the temperature all can promote the degradation process.The secondary reaction rate constants of methylene blue degradation reaction were 3.4647E-4±2.5667E-5g-1s-1,and reaction activation energy was -40.62±11.9KJ/mol.The specific surface area of tungsten powder was tested at -196℃ using ASA2020 specific surface area analyzer,and the specific surface area of tungsten powder was 0.9914m2/g. According to the experimental results,as the consumption rate of H2O2 slowed down, the consumption rate of methylene blue also slowed down,and the reaction mechanism was deduced.
Key words:Advanced Oxidation Technology; Zero-valent tungsten;Hydrogen Peroxide;Methylene Blue;Kinetic Analysis
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2水质污染现状、来源与印染废水特点 1
1.2.1水质污染现状 1
1.2.2水质污染来源 1
1.2.3印染废水特点 2
1.3印染废水处理方法 2
1.3.1生物法 2
1.3.2化学法 3
1.3.3物理法 3
1.4高级氧化技术 3
1.5高级氧化技术的种类 4
1.5.1光催化氧化法 4
1.5.2电化学氧化技术 5
1.5.3湿式空气氧化法 5
1.5.4 H2O2/臭氧(O3)氧化法 6
1.5.5Fenton试剂氧化法 6
1.6Haber-Weiss方程 7
1.7选题背景和研究内容 7
1.7.1选题背景 7
1.7.2主要研究内容 7
第二章 实验部分 9
2.1实验试剂与设备仪器 9
2.1.1实验试剂 9
2.1.2设备仪器 9
2.2试剂简介 10
2.2.1双氧水简介 10
2.2.2亚甲基蓝简介 10
2.3吸光光度法 10
2.3.1吸光光度法原理 10
2.3.2吸光光度法用途 11
2.4实验准备部分 11
2.4.1亚甲基蓝工作曲线的测定 11
2.4.2标准曲线的测定 11
2.4.3试验参数的选取 12
2.5实验内容 12
2.5.1pH因素水平实验 12
2.5.2温度因素水平实验 13
2.5.3钨粉量因素水平实验 13
2.6钨粉B.E.T表面积测定 13
第三章 结果与讨论 14
3.1标准曲线测定结果 14
3.1.1亚甲基蓝标准曲线测定结果 14
3.1.2过氧化氢标准曲线测定结果 14
3.2影响W/ H2O2体系的主要因素研究 15
3.2.1 pH的影响 15
3.2.2钨粉量的影响 15
3.2.3温度对反应的影响 17
3.3钨粉B.E.T表面积测定结果 17
3.4 W/H2O2高级氧化体系降解亚甲基蓝的动力学研究 18
3.4.1pH对亚甲基蓝降解速率的影响 18
3.4.2钨粉量对亚甲基蓝降解速率的影响 18
3.4.3反应温度对亚甲基蓝降解速率的影响 19
3.4.4二级反应速率常数 20
3.4.5反应活化能 21
3.5反应机理分析 21
第四章 结论与展望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 26
第一章 绪论
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