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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2020-07-04 19:49:29  

摘 要


关键词:熊果苷 重结晶 反溶剂法 微通道反应器 连续化


Crystals morphology can be changed by crystallization. Crystallization is also an effective means for preparing functional materials. The common kettle crystals have problems such as wide particle size distribution, intermittent discontinuous processes, and difficult to control crystal size. Hydrothermal reaction crystallization has problems such as high reaction temperature and difficulty in controlling crystal size. Recent studies have shown that the crystallization process in a temperature-limited microchannel reactor can be accurately controlled regardless of the nucleation rate or the growth rate of the crystal, so that the crystal size and morphology can be controlled. For this reason, the crystallization of arbutin in the microchannel reactor was studied in this paper to obtain arbutin crystals with smaller size and regular appearance. During the continuous crystallization experiment of arbutin, ethanol was used as a solvent, n-hexane, cyclohexane, petroleum ether, and methylene chloride as anti-solvents. Anti-solvent crystallization was used to control the morphology and size of the crystals. Different anti-solvents were used. Using different surfactants, changing the temperature conditions of the reaction, using ultrasound as an aid, adjusting the ratio of the flow rate of the solution and the anti-solvent, can effectively regulate and improve the morphology of the obtained arbutin crystals. In a scale-up experiment, DMF was used as a solvent and dichloromethane was used as an anti-solvent to increase the solubility, and the influence of the arbutin particle size obtained by anti-solvent crystallization was examined. When n-hexane, cyclohexane, petroleum ether, methylene chloride, and the like were used as anti-solvent, a single factor analysis method was used to compare the experimental results. When a normal solvent was used as the anti-solvent and ethanol was used as the solvent, the bear was recrystallized. The arbutin crystals have a smaller particle size and a more regular morphology. When DMF as a solvent, that the size and morphology of the arbutin particles were affected according to the comparison of the data.

KEYWORDS: Arbutin; Recrystallization; Anti-solvent method; Microchannel reactor;Serialization

目 录

摘 要 I


目 录 V

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 关于反溶剂重结晶法 1

1.2.1 重结晶原理 2

1.2.2 反溶剂重结晶的影响因素 2

1.3 熊果苷研究进展 3

1.3.1 熊果苷的物性及应用 3

1.3.2 熊果素衍生物 3

1.3.3 熊果苷的制备方法 4

1.3.4 熊果苷的有机合成 4

1.3.5 熊果苷反溶剂结晶的研究进展 4

1.4 微通道反应器的特点及其应用 4

1.4.1 微反应设备的发展 5

1.4.2 微通道反应器的优点及分类 5

1.4.3 微通道反应器在结晶化学中的应用 5

1.5 本文研究的内容和目的 6

第二章 实验部分 7

2.1 实验原料及设备 7

2.2 连续制备熊果苷 7

2.3 样品的表征 8

第三章 结果与讨论 11

3.1 引言 11

3.2 流量比的影响 12

3.3 反溶剂的影响 13

3.4 反溶剂温度的影响 15

3.5 熊果苷含量的影响 17

3.6 表面活性剂的影响 19

3.7 超声的影响 22

3.8 高产量体系的影响 23

第四章 结论 25

参考文献 27

致 谢 31

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言


熊果苷是一种天然活性物质,主要分离于熊果属植物。它外表呈白色针状结晶或粉末[1,2],同时具有抗菌、消炎等医用价值[3-5]。科研领域的飞速发展使得科学家们又发现熊果苷能与其他活性物质配伍使用,这样可以进一步增加美白效果。例如,熊果苷磷脂衍生物或磷脂酰熊果苷, 熊果苷的烷基酯,以及抗坏血酸熊果苷磷酸酯,通过抑制酪氨酸酶,来抑制黑色素的形成,可广泛用各种日化品。




1.2 关于反溶剂重结晶法



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