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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2020-06-11 20:56:08  

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2. 参考文献

[1] Paraknowitsch J P, Zhang J, Su D, Thomas A, Antonietti M. Ionic Liquids as Precursors for Nitrogen-Doped Graphitic Carbon [J]. Adv Mater. 2010, (22): 87~92. [2] Ni J, Li Y. Carbon Nanomaterials in Different Dimensions for Electrochemical Energy Storage [J]. Adv Energy Mater. 2016, (6): 1600278. [3] Seredycha M, Hulicova-Jurcakovab D, Lub G Q, Bandosz T J. Surface Functional Groups of Carbons and the Effects of Their Chemical Character, Density and Accessibility to Ions on Electrochemical Performance [J]. Carbon. 2008, (46): 1475~1488. [4] B#233;guin F, Presser V, Balducci A, Frackowiak E. Carbons and Electrolytes for Advanced Supercapacitors [J]. Adv Mater. 2014, (26): 2219~2251. [5] Hao L, Li X, Zhi L. Carbonaceous Electrode Materials for Supercapacitors. Adv Mater. 2013, (25): 3899~3904. [6] Yan J, Wang Q, Wei T, Fan Z. Recent Advances in Design and Fabrication of Electrochemical Supercapacitors with High Energy Densities [J]. Adv Energy Mater. 2014, (4): 1300816. [7] Zhang C, Lv W, Tao Y, Yang Q-H. Towards Superior Volumetric Performance:Design and Preparation of Novel Carbon Materials for Energy Storage [J]. Energy Environ Sci. 2015, (8): 1390~1403. [8] Sevilla M, Mokaya R. Energy Storage Applications of Activated Carbons:Supercapacitors and Hydrogen Storage [J]. Energy Environ Sci. 2014, (7): 1250~1280. [9] Wei J, Zhou D, Sun Z, Deng Y, Xia Y, Zhao D. A Controllable Synthesis of Rich Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbon for CO2 Capture and Supercapacitors [J]. Adv Funct Mater. 2013, (23): 2322~2328. [10] Li Z, Xu Z, Wang H, Ding J, Zahiri B, Holt C M B, Tan X, Mitlin D. Colossal Pseudocapacitance in a High Functionality#8211;High Surface Area Carbon Anode Doubles the Energy of an Asymmetric Supercapacitor [J]. Energy Environ Sci. 2014, (7): 1708~1718. [11] Wohlgemuth S A, White R J, Willinger M G, Titirici M M, Antonietti M. A One-Pot Hydrothermal Synthesis of Sulfur and Nitrogen Doped Carbon Aerogels with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity in the Oxygen Reduction Reaction [J]. Green Chem. 2012, (14): 1515~1523. [12] Niu W, Li L, Liu X, Wang N, Liu J, Zhou W, Tang Z, Chen S. Mesoporous N-Doped Carbons Prepared with Thermally Removable Nanoparticle Templates: An Efficient Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction [J]. J Am Chem Soc. 2015, (137): 5555~5562.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

2017, 2, 20 #8210; 2017, 3, 10:查阅翻译文献,熟悉研究多孔氮掺杂碳纳米材料的意义、合成方法、表征测试手段、物理性质、性能以及应用前景。


2017, 3, 11 #8210; 2017, 5, 31:熟悉并掌握实验仪器设备的使用与操作,了解相关化学试剂的物理化学参数、化学反应性能、与溶液配制方法,管式炉的操作步骤,进行合成实验与产物的分析测试,优化实验条件,选用不同条件(温度,添加剂等)合成比表面积比较大,孔径分布比较均匀的多孔氮掺杂碳纳米材料,并进行初步的电容性能测试。

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