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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 水质科学与技术 > 正文


 2020-06-07 21:30:12  

摘 要



关键词:介孔炭 过氧化氢 活性炭纤维 阴极还原

Study on hydrogen peroxide production by cathodic

reduction of mesoporous carbon


In this paper, the mesoporous carbon modified activated carbon fiber electrode was used as the cathode, titanium ruthenium iridium mesh electrode as anodes, and sodium sulfate solution was as electrolyte. The influence factors of hydrogen peroxide produced by cathodic reduction in an electrolytic bath were investigated. The concentration of hydrogen peroxide in situ was determined by UV Vis SpectropHotometry. The experiments were carried out to compare the performance of the modified carbon fiber electrode with the addition of grapHite powder and without addition grapHite powder. The effect of the initial pH value, current density, electrolyte concentration and effect of oxygen aeration flow on hydrogen peroxide concentration and, on current efficiency and energy consumption of these conditions were calculated and analyzed. Combined with hydrogen peroxide concentration, current efficiency and energy consumption, the optimum process conditions for producing H2O2 were determined.

It is found that there is a concentration of mesoporous carbon modified activated carbon fiber electrode graphite powder in situ generation of hydrogen peroxide is greatly increased, about 5 times as much as the mesoporous carbon modified activated carbon fiber electrode with graphite powder, which is due to adding graphite powder greatly increases the conductivity of cathode materials, thereby accelerating the electron transfer speed, leading to higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide generated. Under different experimental conditions, with the increase of electrolysis time, concentration of hydrogen peroxide generated are in a stable trend after the first rise; in the electrolysis time is same, different factors have different influence on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. By comparison, the optimum process conditions are as follows: initial pH value is 3, current density is 5mA/cm2, electrolyte concentration is 0.05mol/L, and oxygen aeration rate is 400ml/min. Under optimal conditions, the mesoporous carbon modified activated carbon fiber electrode without graphite reduction of H2O2 produced the highest concentration of 27.89mg/L, while activated carbon fiber with graphite powder modified carbon fiber electrode has the highest hydrogen peroxide concentration of 153.49mg/L.

Keywords: mesoporous carbon; hydrogen peroxide; activated carbon fiber; cathode reducti

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2电化学阴极还原产生过氧化氢的原理 1

1.3电化学法产生过氧化氢常用阴极材料及现状 2

1.3.1炭电极 2

1.3.2石墨电极 2

1.3.3活性炭纤维电极 2

1.3.4气体扩散电极 3

1.3.5化学修饰电极 3

1.4电化学阴极产生过氧化氢的主要影响因素 4

1.4.1初始pH值 4

1.4.2电流密度 4

1.4.3溶解氧浓度 4

1.4.4电极材料 5

1.4.5极板间距 5

1.4.6支持电解质 5

1.4.7搅拌强度 6

1.4.8电解时间 6

1.5过氧化氢含量的测定方法 6

1.5.1分光光度法 6

1.5.2高效液相色谱法 6

1.6研究意义与研究内容 7

1.6.1研究意义 7

1.6.2研究内容 7

第二章 实验部分 8

2.1实验试剂和仪器 8

2.1.1主要试剂 8

2.1.2主要仪器 8

2.1.3实验装置 9

2.2实验步骤 9

2.2.1阴极制备 9

2.2.2阴极材料对比实验 9

2.2.3单因素实验 10

2.3分析方法 11

2.3.1 H2O2的测定方法 11

2.3.2能耗分析 12

2.3.3电流效率分析 12

第三章 实验结果与讨论 14

3.1实验现象 14

3.2实验结果分析 14

3.2.1阴极材料对比实验 14

3.2.2初始pH值的影响 15

3.2.3电流密度的影响 16

3.2.4电解质浓度的影响 18

3.2.5氧气曝气流量的影响 19

3.3电流效率分析 20

3.3.1未加石墨粉的介孔炭修饰活性炭纤维做阴极时的电流效率 20

3.3.2加有石墨粉的介孔炭修饰活性炭纤维做阴极时的电流效率 22

3.4能耗分析 23

3.4.1未加石墨粉的介孔炭修饰活性炭纤维做阴极时的能耗分析 24

3.4.2加有石墨粉的介孔炭修饰活性炭纤维做阴极时的能耗分析 26

3.5最佳条件下两种电极的电流效率与能耗比较 28

第四章 总结与展望 30

4.1总结 30

4.2展望 31

参考文献 32

致谢 34

第一章 绪论


在污水处理中,过氧化氢是一种有效而又环保的氧化剂,利用过氧化氢降解污染物产生污泥量少且去除效率较高,不会产生二次污染,但是由于过氧化氢具有不稳定易分解的特点,很难进行安全贮存和运输,因此能够原位产生过氧化氢的电-Fenton技术应运而生,电-Fenton技术属于高级氧化技术, 目前,高级氧化技术主要包括Fenton法和类Fenton法、光催化氧化法、臭氧氧化法、湿式氧化法、电化学氧化法和超临界水氧化法等。其中,Fenton法由于其可以有效降解醚类、氯酚类、硝基苯酚类、芳香族胺类、多环芳香族等多种有机污染物而受到人们关注,尤其是电-Fenton法可以现场产生过氧化氢(H2O2)而更加受到人们重视。电-Fenton技术是指利用电解原位产生的过氧化氢与二价铁离子反应生成羟基自由基,进而降解污染物的过程。本文主要研究阴极还原产生过氧化氢的影响因素,以介孔炭修饰的活性炭纤维材料作为阴极,寻找最佳工艺条件,以便能更好的与芬顿法结合,从而高效去除废水中的污染物。


电化学法制备过氧化氢,即在阴阳两极通电的状况下,从空气溶入电解质中的溶解氧与阴极电极表面接触,得到电子而被还原为超氧化离子O2-•,O2-•再与电解质溶液中的氢离子结合产生过氧化氢,过氧化氢不稳定,在生成的同时又分解为H2O和O2;此外,它也会在阳极氧化为HO2,HO2属于中间产物,会同时分解为H 和O2,用化学方程式表达如下:

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