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 2020-04-26 12:56:39  

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2. 参考文献

1. Chen, W. and R. Xu, Clean coal technology development in China. Energy Policy, 2010. 38(5): p. 2123-2130. 2. Huang, Y., et al., Abatement technology investment and emissions trading system: a case of coal-fired power industry of Shenzhen, China. Clean Technologies Environmental Policy, 2015. 17(3): p. 811-817. 3. Hui, Z., L. Cao, and Z. Bing, Emissions trading and technology adoption: An adaptive agent-based analysis of thermal power plants in China. Resources Conservation Recycling, 2016. 121: p. S0921344916301021. 4. Ke, W., et al., Emissions trading and abatement cost savings: An estimation of China's thermal power industry. Renewable Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016. 65: p. 1005-1017. 5. Moreno-Bromberg, S. and L. Taschini, Pollution Permits, Strategic Trading and Dynamic Technology Adoption. 2011. 6. Moreno-Bromberg, S. and L. Taschini, Tradable permits schemes and new technology adoption. 2013. 7. Teng, L. and W. Ning, Analysis of Carbon Emission Reduction Potential by Clean Coal Technology in China. Applied Mechanics Materials, 2015. 737: p. 935-940. 8. Wang, L. Carbon emission trading and technology innovation for low-carbon emission. in International Conference on Electrical Control Engineering. 2011. 9. Wang, L., W.Y. Li, and Y. Song, The Application and Development of IGCC Power Generation Technology in China. Applied Mechanics Materials, 2015. 713-715: p. 1325-1330. 10. Zhou, et al., Scenario analysis of energy-based low-carbon development in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2014. 26(8): p. 1631-1640.

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