2020-04-23 20:06:24
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
1.毕业论文内容 (1)根据自己的课题查阅文献,写出文献综述,对实验进行小试,并设计合理的实验方案。
2. 参考文献
[1] Qin B Q, Gao G, Zhu G W, et al. Lake eutrophication and its ecosystem response[J]. Science Bulletin, 2013, 58(9):961-970. [2] Qin B Q, Xu P Z, Wu Q L, et al. Environmental issues of Lake Taihu,China[J]. Hydrobiologia, 2007, 581 : 3-14. [3] Aspila K I, Agemian H, Chau A S Y. A semi-automated method for the determination of inorganic, organic and total phosphate in sediments [J]. Analyst, 1976,101(1200):187. [4] Xu H, Paerl H W, Qin B Q, et al. Nitrogen and phosphorus inputs control phytoplankton growth in eutrophic Lake Taihu, China [J].Limnology and Oceanography, 2010, 55 (1): 420-432. [5] Berman T,Bronk DA. Dissolved organic nitrogen: A dynamic participant in aquatic ecosystems. Aquatic Microbial Ecology,2003,31: 279-305. [6] Zehr JP,Paulsen SG,Axler RP et al. Dynamics of dissolved organic nitrogen in subalpine Castle Lake,California. Hydrobiologia,1988,157(1): 33-45. [7] Teri L Martin, N K Kaushik, J T Trevors, et al. Review: Denitrification in temperate climate riparian zones [J]. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 1999, 111(1): 171-186. [8] Xiaofeng Chen,Liuyan Yang,Lin Xiao,Aijun Miao,Beidou Xi. Nitrogen removal by denitrification during cyanobacterial bloom in Lake Taihu[J]. Journal of Freshwater Ecology,2012,27(2). [9] James J. Elser,Matthew E.S. Bracken,Elsa E. Cleland,Daniel S. Gruner,W. Stanley Harpole,Helmut Hillebrand,Jacqueline T. Ngai,Eric W. Seabloom,Jonathan B. Shurin,Jennifer E. Smith. Global analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of primary producers in freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems[J]. Ecology Letters,2007,10(12). [10] Arango C, Tank JL, Schaller JL, Royer T, Bernot MJ, David MB. 2007. Benthic organic carbon influences denitrification in streams with high nitrate concentration. Freshwater Biology. 52:1210#8211;1222. [11] Aslan S, Turkman A. 2006. Nitrate and pesticides removal from contaminated water using biodenitrification reactor. Process Biochemistry. 41:882#8211;886. [12] Burgin AJ, Hamilton SK. 2007. Have we overemphasized denitrification in aquatic ecosystems: a review of nitrate removal pathways. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 5:89#8211;96. [13] Cedergreen N, Madsen TV. 2002. Nitrogen uptake by the floating macrophyte Lemna minor.New Phytologist. 155:285#8211;292. [14] Howarth, R. Marino, R. (2006). Nitrogen as the limiting nutrient for eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems: evolving views over three decades. Limnol. Oceanogr., 51, 364#8211;376. [15] McMillan SK, Piehler MF, Thompson SP, Paerl HW. 2010. Denitrification of Nitrogen Released from Senescing Algal Biomass in Coastal Agricultural Headwater Streams.Journal of Environmental Quality. 39:274#8211;281.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2018.12.23-2019.02.01 查阅相关文献,完善课题方案 2019.02.02-2019.02.28 完成外文翻译和开题报告 2019.03.01-2019.04.08 完成太湖水体在悬浮颗粒作用下硝化和反硝化速率及其分布特征的研究实验 2019.04.09-2019.04.30 完成用分子生物学技术研究微生物在湖泊中的多样性、分布及演替规律研究实验 2019.05.01-2019.05.20 完成毕业论文的撰写 2019.05.21-2019.06.02 完成毕业论文的修改和完善
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