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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 环境科学 > 正文


 2021-12-25 15:28:03  


摘 要

随着大气中二氧化碳含量逐年升高,温室效应、极端天气等全球环境问题日益突出。温室气体主要来源于煤、石油等化石燃料的消耗所产生的二氧化碳,而电力行业作为我国二氧化碳主要的排放源,承受着巨大的碳减排责任和压力,因此火电行业是二氧化碳减排的重点行业。我国已经实施了一系列针对火电厂碳减排的政策措施。火电企业面对国家碳减排的要求,如何选择合适的碳减排技术或改变发电策略关系到自身的发展。本文采用成本效益的经济学方法,构建电力企业的成本函数,分析不同碳减排技术产生的成本和环境影响,并用水晶球进行蒙特卡洛模拟,预测数据的不确定性和各因素敏感性。进而采用层次分析法,结合不同技术的成本和环境影响,分析电厂可选的最优碳减排方式,为火电行业选择合适的技术提供参考。结果发现IGCC CCS技术的环境经济效益最好,其次是电除尘高频电源技术和辅机综合改造技术。

关键词:电力行业 碳减排 层次分析法

Research on CO2 emission reduction strategy in power industry


As the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere increases year by year, global environmental problems such as the greenhouse effect and extreme weather are becoming increasingly prominent. Greenhouse gases are mainly derived from the carbon dioxide produced by the consumption of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. The power industry, as the main source of carbon dioxide emissions in China, is under tremendous carbon emission reduction responsibility and pressure. Therefore, the thermal power industry is a key industry for carbon dioxide emission reduction . my country has implemented a series of policies and measures aimed at reducing carbon emissions from thermal power plants. Faced with the national requirements for carbon emission reduction, thermal power enterprises have to do with how to choose appropriate carbon emission reduction technologies or change their power generation strategies. This paper uses cost-effective economics methods to construct a cost function for power companies, analyze the cost and environmental impact of different carbon emission reduction technologies, and use a crystal ball to perform Monte Carlo simulation to predict the uncertainty of data and the sensitivity of various factors. Furthermore, it uses the analytic hierarchy process, combined with the cost and environmental impact of different technologies, to analyze the optimal carbon emission reduction methods available for power plants, so as to provide references for the thermal power industry to choose the appropriate technology. The results found that the IGCC CCS technology has the best environmental and economic benefits, followed by the high-frequency power supply technology for electric dust removal and the comprehensive transformation technology for auxiliary machines.

Key Words:Power industry;Carbon emission reduction;AHP


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1. 研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1. 研究背景 1

1.1.2. 研究意义 2

1.2. 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1. 碳减排模型研究 2

1.2.2. 碳减排成本效益研究 3

1.3. 研究内容与技术路线 4

1.3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2技术路线 4

第二章 电力行业二氧化碳减排措施 6

2.1改变能源结构 6

2.2过程控制 6

2.3末端治理 8

2.4管理层面 9

2.5本章小结 9

第三章 电力行业碳减排成本效益研究 11

3.1碳减排成本与碳排量放核算 11

3.1.1成本核算模型 11

3.1.2数据获取 12

3.1.3核算结果 14

3.2碳减排策略选择 20

3.2.1层次分析法 20

3.2.2层次分析过程与结果 22

3.3其他协同效应 27

3.3.1 CO2与其他大气污染物协同效应 27

3.3.2人群健康效应 27

3.4本章小结 28

第四章 结论与展望 29

4.1结论 29

4.2展望 29

参考文献 31

致谢 35







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