2021-06-08 00:29:10
摘 要
研究实验主要分成以下两个部分:钙盐初步沉淀和残留磷的去除。第一部分钙盐初步沉淀实验主要是研究Ca/P 比、反应pH值、原水稀释比及钙盐加入方式等因素对磷去除效率的影响。实验结果表明:当溶液pH值为9、Ca/P 比为2.5、钙盐以溶液形式加入且搅拌30 min的条件下,废水中的磷酸盐浓度能降至0.1 mg/L以下,总磷去除效率为96.4%。取初步实验中上清液做残留磷形态分析得,残留磷中主要为有机形态磷。第二部分残留磷的去除实验中,以第一部分实验反应后上清液作为实验水样,在pH值为4的条件下,加入适量次氯酸钠溶液氧化后再加适量钙盐溶液沉淀,反应结束后,上清液中残留总磷浓度降至2 mg/L以下。该工业废水经钙盐初步沉淀 次氯酸钠氧化 钙盐再次沉淀等综合处理后,废水中总磷浓度能从2000 mg/L以上降至2 mg/L以下,综合磷去除效率高达99.9%。
The arbitrarily discharge of phosphorus in industrial wastewater and municipal wastewater made the eutrophication phenomenon of lakes, rivers and other natural waters more and more serious in China, which brought a serious impact on people's lives. In an industrial area, the wastewater containing super high concentration of phosphorus could not be treated by the conventional method. This study is mainly to research the treatment of the wastewater by the appropriate methods, to provide technical guidance for the final treatment of the industrial wastewater.
The experiment was divided into two parts: the initial calcium salt precipitation and the removal of residual phosphorus. The first part is mainly study the effect of Ca/P ratio, pH value, raw water dilution ratio and calcium salt adding method on phosphorus removal efficiency. The results showed that when the pH value was 9, the Ca/P ratio was 2.5, the calcium salt was added in solution and stirred 30 min, the phosphate concentration in the wastewater could be reduced to less than 0.1 mg/L, total phosphorus removal efficiency was 96.4%. The residual phosphorus forms were analyzed, and the results showed that it was mainly organic phosphorus. The second part, the reaction supernatant of the first part experiment used as experimental samples, pH values was four, added appropriate amount of sodium hypochlorite to oxide, and than plused calcium salt solution for precipitation, after the reaction, the residual phosphorus concentration in the supernatant was less than 2 mg / L.
The total phosphorus concentration in the industrial wastewater could be reduced from 2000 mg/L to 2 mg/L and the removal efficiency in total could up to 99.9% after calcium salt preliminary sedimentation, sodium hypochlorite oxidation and calcium salt secondary precipitation process.
Key Words:eutrophication;Phosphorus;calcium salt precipitation;Ca/P ratio;pH value
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 磷的资源性及其危害性 1
1.2 磷的形态分类 1
1.3 磷的去除方法 2
1.3.1 化学法 2
1.3.2 生物法 4
1.3.3结晶法 5
1.3.4 离子交换法 6
1.3.5吸附法 7
第2章 材料与方法 8
2.1 实验仪器与试剂 8
2.2 原水中总磷的测定 8
2.2.1 水样预处理 9
2.2.2 磷标准曲线的绘制 9
2.2.3水样测定 9
2.3 钙盐初步除磷实验 9
2.3.1不同钙磷比对照实验 10
2.3.2 不同pH值对照实验 10
2.3.3不同原水稀释比对照实验 10
2.3.4不同钙盐组成和加入方式对照实验 10
2.3.5残留磷形态分析 11
2.4残留磷的去除实验 12
第3章 结果与讨论 14
3.1原水中的总磷 14
3.2钙盐初步除磷实验 14
3.2.1 钙磷比对磷去除的影响 14
3.2.2 pH值对磷去除的影响 15
3.2.3原水稀释比对磷去除的影响 16
3.2.4 钙盐组成和加入方式对磷去除的影响 17
3.2.5 残留磷的形态 17
3.3 残留磷的去除 18
3.3.1 实验水样磷形态分析 18
3.3.2氧化剂使用量及使用条件 19
第4章 结论 21
参考文献 22
致谢 24
第1章 绪论
1.1 磷的资源性及其危害性
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