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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 环境工程 > 正文


 2022-05-05 20:44:40  


摘 要


本文以甲基异丁基酮为萃取剂,采用溶剂萃取法对新疆某煤化工高浓含酚废水进行脱酚预处理。在脱酚实验中,系统地研究了温度、pH、萃取比、萃取级数对萃取效果的影响,以废水的UV254、UV410、COD、总酚及挥发酚为指标探讨了对废水脱酚的机理。并进一步通过正交试验,以废水总酚为指标来推断优化的工艺参数;通过对原水、最佳条件萃取后出水进行 GC-MS 的检测分析,发现废水中酚类化合物显著减少,去除效果良好。最终结果表明:甲基异丁基酮的脱酚效果良好,最佳实验条件是pH=4.5,温度为45℃,萃取比为1:5.5。反应后废水的COD、UV254 、UV410、总酚、挥发酚的去除率分别为73.4% 、78.3%、 95.2% 、80.3%、92.7%,为后续生化处理奠定了基础。

关键词:含酚废水 萃取 甲基异丁基酮 去除率 脱酚

The experimental study on the chemical extraction of phenol from coal wastewater with high concentration of phenol


The situation of "rich coal, oil-poor, less gas" determines China's energy structure, so coal chemical industry has become an important industry in our country. However, the coal chemical industry generated high concentrations and high toxic organic wastewater. This kind of wastewater had characteristics of high phenol, high oil, high color, high toxicity. If it directly used to do biological treatment, microorganisms could not survive and the treatment effect would be poor. It was necessary to carry out physical and chemical pretreatment of this wastewater to reduce toxicity and improve biodegradability.

In this paper, the extraction agent is methyl isobutyl ketone and the pretreatment of wastewater is solvent extraction that coal chemical industry high concentration of phenol wastewater comes from Xinjiang. During the experiments, studying of temperature, pH, ratio, extraction stages of extraction efficiency systematically, and further by orthogonal test to found the optimal conditions; then GC-MS of Wastewater that before and after reaction was compared and found that the experiment had better removal about phenol. Used removal rate of COD, total phenols, volatile phenol, UV254 and UV410 indirectly characterize the removal effect. Optimum conditions were: pH=4.5, the reaction temperature was about 45℃ , extraction ratio of 1: 5.5. After the reaction, COD removal could reach to 73.4%, UV 254 removal rate was 78.3%, UV 410 removal rate was 95.2%, total phenols rate was 80.3%, volatile phenol removal rate was 92.7%.

Key Words: Phenolic wastewater; Extration; Methyl isobutyl ketone; Removal; Dephenol

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 研究背景 1

1.3 煤化工高浓含酚废水 1

1.3.1 废水来源 1

1.3.2 废水的危害 2

1.4 煤化工含酚废水的处理方法 2

1.4.1 吸附法 2

1.4.2 溶剂萃取法 2

1.4.3蒸汽气提法 3

1.4.4液膜分离技术 3

1.4.5其他技术 3

1.5 溶剂萃取脱酚的研究 3

1.5.1萃取剂的选择 3

1.5.2影响萃取剂效率的主要因素 4

1.6 研究的目的及意义 5

1.7问题的提出和本文的研究内容 5

第二章 实验材料与方法 7

2.1 实验水质 7

2.2 实验仪器及试剂 7

2.3 实验分析方法 8

2.3.1废水的COD测定 8

2.3.2废水的总酚测定 9

2.3.3废水的挥发酚测定 9

2.3.4废水的UV值测定 9

2.3.4废水气相色谱—质谱(GC-MS)的测定 9

第三章 煤化工废水萃取脱酚实验单因素实验 11

3.1 实验内容 11

3.2实验结果与分析 11

3.2.1萃取剂的选择 11

3.2.2 pH对萃取效果的影响 13

3.2.3 温度对萃取效果的影响 14

3.2.4萃取比对萃取效果的影响 14

3.2.5 萃取级数对萃取效果的影响 16

3.3正交试验 17

3.3.1 实验设计 17

3.3.2 正交试验结果分析 18

3.4气相色谱-质谱测定 19

3.4.1脱酚前后物质对比 20

第四章 结论与展望 23

5.1 结论 23

5.2 展望 23

参考文献 24

致谢 26

第一章 文献综述

1.1 引言在21世纪的今天,世界各国的工业产业迅猛发展,能源、资源的消耗也大幅增加。“富煤、贫油、少气”是我国的基本国情,“富煤”决定我国的能源结构以煤为主,然而大量燃煤的使用造成严重的大气污染。以煤制气、煤制油为主的煤转化工艺是煤清洁利用、改善我国能源结构的必然选择,是现今及今后我国工业的重要支柱。但是煤化工水耗高并产生大量高浓污水,水质复杂,含有高浓度的酚、氨、氰化物等难降解、高毒性有机物,处理困难。

1.2 研究背景


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