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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 环境科学与工程类 > 环境工程 > 正文


 2021-03-21 00:54:23  

摘 要

随着当今社会火电厂烟气脱硫产业的迅速发展, 电厂脱硫石膏的产量增长很快, 关于脱硫石膏的综合利用一定程度上影响着火电厂的经济以及环境效益。并且脱硫石膏作为火电厂排放量比较大的固体废弃物,所以利用和处理好脱硫石膏, 相对于项目所在地的环境保护来说有着深远的意义。





With the rapid development of today's society of coal-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization industry, power plant desulfurization gypsum production is growing rapidly, the comprehensive utilization of desulfurization gypsum affects the economic benefits of thermal power plants and environmental benefits. And desulfurization gypsum as a coal-fired power plant emissions of solid waste, how to use and disposal of good desulfurization gypsum for the protection of the ecological environment has had a profound significance.

This paper discusses the characteristics of the desulfurization gypsum from coal-fired power plants at home and abroad as well as the utilization of desulfurization gypsum in the region in the relevant construction, building materials industry, agriculture and other areas of application are analyzed, and the construction of the project from two aspects to evaluation. Status evaluation and investigation on the present situation of the social environment, natural environment primarily, through the atmosphere, water, noise and solid waste from four aspects of monitoring, according to the monitoring data analysis and evaluation of the present status of the environmental quality, and put forward the main pollution factor of prevention or mitigation measures, make construction at the same time protect the environment; On the other hand is to analyse and evaluate the feasibility of the project, make project impact prediction, forecasting project of the main environmental problems, put forward the concrete solution measure to solve the problem. Moreover, the Suggestions and measures for the use of desulphurized gypsum are put forward, which can also produce a favorable environment, economic benefit and the prospect of society.

The results show that the project meets the requirements of national industrial policy and the overall planning of local cities. In strict accordance with the provisions of, the full implementation of the environmental protection measures are put forward, under the condition of project on the surrounding environment influence conforms to the requirement of function, will not produce significant impact on the environment. The project is feasible from environmental protection. This article features a comprehensive analysis of the project, using data to illustrate the impact of the project on the environment.

Key words: Environmental impact assessment;flue gas desulfurization gypsum;status quo survey

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第1章 绪论 1

1.1项目背景 1

1.2建设内容 1

1.3建设项目评价方法 2

1.4国内外研究现状 2

1.4.1国内研究现状 2

1.4.2 国外研究现状 3

1.5评价依据 3

1.6评价因子和评价等级 4

1.6.1评价因子 4

1.6.2评价等级 4

1.7项目研究意义和目标 5

第2章 建设项目概况及工程分析 6

2.1建设项目概况 6

2.2工程分析 6

2.2.1施工期主要污染工序 6

2.2.2营运期主要污染工序 7

2.3项目主要污染物排放情况 9

第3章 项目所在区域环境概况 13

3.1自然环境概况 13

3.1.1地理位置 13

3.1.2水文水系 13

3.1.3气候气象 13

3.1.4地形地貌 14

3.1.5矿产资源 14

3.1.6生物多样性 14

3.2社会环境概况 14

3.2.1人口状况 14

3.2.2社会经济 14

3.2.3土地利用 14

3.2.4历史古迹与革命文物 15

3.2.5基础建设 15

第4章 环境质量现状调查与评价 16

4.1区域环境功能规划 16

4.1.1水环境 16

4.1.2空气环境 16

4.1.3声环境 16

4.2环境质量现状调查与评价 16

4.2.1环境空气质量现状 16

4.2.2地表水环境质量现状 17

4.2.3噪声环境质量现状 19

第5章 环境影响预测与评价 20

5.1施工期环境影响预测与评价 20

5.1.1施工期环境影响简要分析 20

5.1.2施工期粉(扬)尘环境影响分析 21

5.1.3施工期废水环境影响分析 22

5.1.4施工期固体废物影响分析 22

5.2营运期环境影响预测与评价 22

5.2.1环境空气影响分析 22

5.2.2地表水环境影响分析 24

5.2.3噪声影响分析 25

5.2.4固体废物影响分析 26

5.3 社会环境影响分析 26

5.3.1清洁生产 26

5.3.2产业政策符合性 27

5.3.3建设地点规划相符性 27

5.3.4总量控制 27

5.3.5环保投资 27

第6章 污染防治措施与项目可行性分析 28

6.1施工期污染防治措施 28

6.2运营期污染防治措施 28

6.2.1废气污染防治措施 28

6.2.2废水污染防治措施 29

6.2.3噪声污染防治措施 29

6.2.4固体废物污染防治措施 30

6.3项目可行性分析 30

6.3.1产业政策符合性 30

6.3.2建设地点规划相符性 30

6.3.3环境质量现状 30

6.3.4总量控制 30

6.4项目建设的社会和经济以及环境效益分析 31

第7章 结论与建议 32

7.1环境质量现状评价结论 32

7.2综合结论 32

7.3建议 32

参考文献 33

致谢 34

第1章 绪论







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