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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 海事管理 > 正文


 2021-08-02 21:18:05  

摘 要




Our country has put forward the great idea of maritime silk road in the 21st century and the development strategy of the Yangtze river economic belt successively. Besides, The International Maritime Labor Convention ,2006 will be entered into forced On November 12, 2016 in our country. Under the double pressure of that ,the protection of crews’ rights and interests becomes very important and extremely urgent. This paper aims at using the method of Case Study to master the real situation of crews’ rights and interests , find existing problems, and trace the root causes of problems . We do the Case Study .by selecting 100 related news or interviews randomly ,then using excel to count the number of various types of rights and interests and related subjects appearing in all samples .After that, we choose two typical cases according to the principle that the frequency which the types of rights and interests appear in all samples must be highest and related subjects in that case are as many as possible. We use the Tracing Root Causes Method to analysis that two cases and get a conclusion .The conclusion is about some more prominent problems of real situation of crews’ rights and interests . Wages unpaid happens now and then. Illegal intermediaries are in the flood .Crews have no safeguard after being abandoned . It is difficult to guarantee. the right of repatriation Labor disputes occur frequently .There are few channels for crews to get a job. It is hard to identify the authenticity of recruitment information Complaint Handling Procedure is not so clear .All above are the prominent problems of real situation of crews’ rights and interests .In order to protect crews’ rights and interests better ,we make three suggestions .The first one is to improve the existing management system of crew's rights and interests .The second one is to innovative security mechanism of crew's rights and interests. The third one is to strengthen measures of daily supervision and management. To be specific ,for example ,to regroup the functions of relevant government departments , executing linkage mechanism in which it is leaded by Maritime Safety Administration and other relevant departments cooperate .To set up Crew Wages Guarantee Fund and Difficult Seafarers Fund . To increase the cost of illegal acts and put the heavy fines into a specialized foundation of crews and so on.

Key words: crew, crews’ rights and interests, protection of crews’ rights and interests ,Case Study


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的与意义 1

1.3国内外现状研究 1

1.3.1国内研究现状 1

1.3.2国外研究现状 2

第2章船员权益保障相关概念与法规 4

2.1船员权益核心概念界定 4

2.1.1核心概念综述 4

2.1.2船员 4

2.1.3权益 5

2.1.4船员权益 5

2.1.5船员权益保障 6

2.2国际公约和国内法规规定的船员权益内容 6

2.2.1《2006年海事劳工公约》的相关规定 6

2.2.2国内法规关于船员权益保障的相关规定 6

第3章船员权益保障个案研究 9

3.1个案样本选取 9

3.2“大华68”轮船员追薪案例 11

3.2.1案例描述 11

3.2.2船员的权益现状分析 11

3.2.3船员权益的保障措施分析 12

3.2.4船员权益保障的问题和原因分析 12

3.3船员小李遇上黑中介案例 13

3.3.1案例描述 13

3.3.2船员的权益现状分析 14

3.3.3船员权益的保障措施分析 14

3.3.4船员权益保障的问题和原因分析 14

第4章船员权益保障的讨论与建议 17

4.1完善现有的管理制度 17

4.1.1重组相关政府部门的职能 17

4.1.2制定专门的船员法 17

4.2创新船员权益保障机制 18

4.2.1设立经济救助机制 18

4.2.2创新培训考试机制 18

4.2.3调整海员工会的运作机制 19

4.2.4健全船员的投诉机制 19

4.3强化日常监督管理手段 20

第5章结论与展望 21

5.1研究结论 21

5.2研究展望 21

致谢 22

参考文献 23

第1章 绪论









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